• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

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You ended up in Equestria about two years ago, and in that time, you've become quite close with a number of ponies. Of them, Rarity in particular has left a major impression on you. She seems to enjoy having you around, and you appreciate the company.

That said, there is one major roadblock getting in the way of your relationship. More than anypony you know, Rarity is extremely concerned with keeping up appearances. As a fashion designer and all-around fabulous mare, she frequently wants your opinion on how she looks.

Unfortunately for you, you're a human with no way of telling what makes a pony "beautiful."

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Lovesickness

Following the lovesickness debacle, your relationship with Chrysalis has been strained. Your deal still stands, but... things are different now. And with some troubling rumors going around about your favorite bug, her motivation to leave the house has only gone down.

However, that doesn't mean you've given up on her. You still believe in her ability to do the right thing, and it is that belief that caused you to get into an altercation with some of your closest friends. But when that altercation escalates as a result of Chrysalis's actions, you find yourself taking on a serious injury that could very well be fatal.

It comes as a shock to everyone when Chrysalis scoops you up and makes a break for it. Although her motivations are unknown, it seems that she is dead set on keeping you away from the ponies that could help you.

But with no friends to assist her, where can Chrysalis even run to, and what could she possibly be planning?

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Bed Bug

It was two months ago that you and Chrysalis struck a deal. Now, the two of you live together in your Ponyville home, under the condition that you share your love with the ex-queen while she... doesn't do villain stuff. You've grown quite close in that time, but despite getting her to slowly come out of her shell around you, she still refuses to leave the house.

So when you wake up one day to discover that she has contracted some sort of illness, it comes as a bit of a shock. She has apparently never been sick before, and you don't know enough about changelings to help her yourself. It seems like the only solution is to find somecreature who does.

However, the past is not so easily forgotten. How can you get help when the Changeling Kingdom wants nothing to do with her? When the wounds that she caused run so deep that even children bear their scars? When Chrysalis herself is so stubborn, so prideful, that she is unwilling to admit her fault in any of it?

When is a crime too terrible to forgive?

Chapters (1)

For a human that ended up in an alien world full of talking ponies, you've been living a surprisingly boring life. Sure, you have friends and go on adventures and stuff, but you don't really have a "purpose" per se. At least, you didn't until about a month ago, when a "heinous villain" that had been turned to stone went missing from Canterlot. Now, there's a washed-up queen crashing in your basement and stealing your love.

If only you could get her to admit that she doesn't actually steal it from you.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Worst Night Ever

My name is Twilight Sparkle. A few months ago, I made friends with a creature called a "human." I took on the responsibility of making sure that they adjust safely to their new life in Equestria, but today, I have failed at my job. Right now, they are nowhere to be found, but I intend to find them.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to One Tree Orchard

Twilight just became an alicorn princess. This has made Celestia a little bit nervous. As her significant other, you know that it's up to you to ease her anxieties. It sounds like the ruler of Equestria needs some comfort, and maybe a little bit of snuggling.

Chapters (1)

Nature is a beautiful thing. That is especially true in Equestria, and you love every minute that you spend here.

Well, with the exception of one evening each year.

When good ol' nature says that it's the time of year for mares to be ready to reproduce, most have prepared more than enough methods of dealing with their urges one way or another. For most, it's about a week or two of mild discomfort. For alicorns, it's about six hours of uncontrollable urges and pure instinct.

And seeing as how you are the husband of the now-retired Celestia, you have every reason to fear for your life tonight.

There is no clop in this story, I swear.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to To Be Loved III

The past several months since Hearth's Warming have been fantastic for Fizzlepop and James. Their relationship has only grown stronger, and they see each other nearly daily now. However, the last thing Fizzlepop was expecting when she woke up this morning was to feel sicker than a dog.

Luckily, she has James to provide support the only way he knows how.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's been having weird, unfamiliar urges ever since she became an alicorn. Like an intense desire to grow flowers, or the fact she can't stop chewing on her wings when she's distracted. As it turns out, you can't just suddenly inherit the magic of all three pony tribes without getting the instincts to match, and instincts can be a powerful thing. Doubly so when you're not used to them, and especially when they're telling you that your best friend with the gorgeous wings would make the perfect partner to share a nest with.

Wait, what was that last part?

Originally this was supposed to be a birthday gift for Celysus, but I fell in love with the idea so it's gonna be a full fic now. You can't stop me.

(Rated teen for mildly suggestive flirting)

Chapters (3)

While hanging out with Starlight Glimmer, Eric Reed blurted out that he thought Rarity is a large ham, due to her habit of being overdramatic. As per his luck, Rarity happened to be in earshot and did not like what her human friend called her, albeit for reasons Eric didn't mean.

However, even if Eric tried explaining what he really meant by "large ham", Rarity might not take that answer well either.

This story is one of a still-growing series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. However, it is not necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show the details of how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria even if the story isn't that great by my standards and improved writing abilities now.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested to check any of the other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

Chapters (1)