• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

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This story is a sequel to Better Go Catch It

Well, it's been a year since the last fridge raid. Your hard-fought battle alongside your wife, Celestia, ended in a questionable victory. You had indeed accomplished your goal of stealing the shortcake from Luna's fridge, but the two of you ended up getting sent to the moon in the process.

Now, the time has come for you and your excited wife to be on defense. Luna is sure to have countless tricks up her sleeve as she attempts to raid your fridge, and you have to be prepared for anything.

...This isn't going to go well, is it?

Chapters (1)

Over the past few centuries, one of the only constants in Princess Twilight Sparkle's life is her friendship with Discord. There is absolutely no way their relationship will ever change.

This story was written as a Hearth's Warming gift for Snow Quill.

Thanks to Posh for prereading/feedback and Red for editing.

Cover art by Slushshe.

Now with a sequel!

Chapters (1)

It's been a year since her coronation as queen, and Twilight Sparkle has a lot on her mind. Most importantly, the actions of a certain draconequus and how they helped her along her journey.

Chapters (1)

As an experienced reformed heroine who had dealt with unpredictable Equestrian magic in the human world, Sunset Shimmer has seen some pretty weird things.

Knowing that every human inexplicably has an Equestrian pony counterpart? Sunset yawns at this news. Being trapped in a collapsing mirror world? Not weird, but maybe a little scary. Having to play peacemaker when two Twilight Sparkles argued over who had the better boyfriend? That may have been unexpected, but not odd.

But the fact that Princess Twilight's boyfriend was a book and the teenage Twilight's boyfriend was a smartphone? Now that bit of weirdness wasn't so easy to shake off...

Special thanks to TheHardie-Boy for proofreading this story!

Chapters (1)

Since retiring and starting a family with Anon, everyday life for Celestia has been mostly peaceful. At least, it has been when compared to what a typical day was like as a princess. However, that doesn't mean her new family isn't really good at keeping her on her hooves anyway.

Just what are they doing now?!

Chapters (1)

Now full of guilt for the way she treated ponies in the past, Gilda decides to make amends and come to Ponyville to officially apologize. In particular, she's hoping to apologize to one pony: Fluttershy.

After being told where she can find the pegasus, Gilda prepares to do the hardest thing she's ever done: Say she's sorry. After all, griffons aren't usually big on apologies.

Fluttershy is never one to turn away an offer from someone who wants to make amends. And perhaps, she and Gilda can not only come to an understanding, but can become friends.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has had a very eventful week: Fighting Tirek, getting her home blown up, defeating Tirek, and getting a nifty replacement home would already be pretty exciting on its own. But now she has been summoned to Canterlot by Celestia, who has some big news to tell her.

After long consideration and no small amount of pestering from Luna, Celestia is about to grant Twilight access to the files of the Equestrian Secret Service so that she and her friends can be better prepared for future threats to come.

What will Twilight learn in the depths of the archive? Surely nothing that could shake the very foundation of the friendships she so painstakingly built in her new home ...

Obligatory edit: Woohoo, featured on the front page :pinkiehappy:. Thank you all so much for liking my story :twilightsmile:.

Many thanks to silent_user for proofreading and editing this story.

Written as an entry for BWG's 'New Blood' Contest. I would greatly appreciate some feedback from any of the judges.

If any of you would be interested in an epilogue, where I unveil some of the secrets or thoughts behind them, let me know in the comments.

Chapters (1)

Spike is drunk. Twilight is high. Rainbow is sober. This sort of trio has never happened before.

And it's up to the sober to get the others home.

[Cover by Sea-Mass!]

Chapters (1)

Life has been pretty terrific since you married the retired Celestia. You've done your best to be the kind of husband that she deserves, but one day, she mentions that you don't really get along with Luna all that well. As such, you decide to rectify that, ready to form a close relationship with your new sister-in-law.

Unfortunately, Luna seems intent on making that difficult for you.

Chapters (1)

It's an extremely hot summer day. What better way to spend it than at a water park with your retired alicorn wife, Celestia? You've already gotten all of the thrills from the park's attractions that Celestia could ever want, and now it's time to relax for a while on the lazy river. But when the two of you find yourselves in a strange, almost liminal space, Celestia has more than a few concerns.

You, however, couldn't really care less.

Chapters (1)