• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

Favourites 2775 stories
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Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



  • Featured 23596 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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Twilight and her friends are going on a camping trip. However, on the way, they lose half of their sleeping bags and tents. The six friends will have to share their tents with each other.

This might not be a big deal to everypony, but for Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who share a tent and a sleeping bag together, it changes everything.

Contains - AppleDash

Chapters (1)

It's New Year's Eve and Rainbow Dash has found out that Applejack has been in love with somepony all along! Now this wouldn't be such a big problem after all, but Rainbow Dash wished the pony Applejack was in love with, was her. Now she'll have to do everything in order to find out who the hay Applejack's special somepony really is.

Chapters (4)

It's the autumn of the girls' senior year, two (very eventful) years since the last time Sunset Shimmer had any aspirations at becoming Princess of the Fall Formal (and three years since she actually won). But it seems the title isn't done with her yet, as Trixie, taking a shot at winning the coveted crown, has now sought out her aid -- by asking her to be her date to the dance.

And, in a move that surprised even herself, Sunset said yes.

But as the two prepare to head to the dance, Sunset can't help but wonder if Trixie, whom she'd grown to consider a genuine friend in the months since the Memory Stone crisis, had more on her mind than Sunset's clout in asking for her hand at the dance -- and whether she herself might have any such feelings as well.

Winner of the Sunset Shimmer x EQG Villain "Second Chances" Contest (story folder here)! Pre-read by The Sleepless Beholder.

Featured from 8-10 April 2022!

Takes place senior year, two years after the events of Equestria Girls (sophomore Fall Formal), five months after Forgotten Friendship (late junior year) and in-between Sunset's Backstage Pass and Holidays Unwrapped.

Chapters (3)

Discord and Fluttershy have been dating for a couple of months. Fluttershy soon realized her parents haven't met him yet, so she decides to invite him to dinner with the family. Needless to say, Discord is nervous about how Fluttershy's parents will react to a different species and former villain dating their only daughter.

Takes place before the future shown in The Last Problem.

Cover art is not mine. It belongs to KiranaXavaro.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle has to live with the fact that she is a robot, she has to overcome the challenges ahead no matter how tough they are.

This is my first story, expect bad writing!

Huge shout outs to TheBrokenBrony for editing some of the story and Brony9216 for all of the comments and keeping me in line!
Honestly these two deserve more love then I do, follow them, and leave a good comment.

Chapters (9)

Everypony knows that accidents occasionally happen, even to one of the illustrious and nigh immortal rulers of the Equestria. With determination in her heart and a blemish on her once-pristine wall, Celestia sets out to mend her minor faux pas. Surely - surely applying some plaster can't be too difficult ~ right?

PS: I'm forsaking my Monument of Sin title in lieu of the newly minted and wholly self-appointed moniker of Obelisk of Innocence

Artwork by Skoon (Twitter @CookieSkoon)
Inspired by a discussion with AnonTheAnon (Twitter @RealAnonTheAnon)

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (1)

Twilight is showing Celestia her new invention – an advanced lie detector. Without her knowledge, Luna and James asked her friends to join the presentation. But that shouldn't be a problem. After all, the mane six has nothing to hide! … right?


Cover based on the images from: https://derpibooru.org/images/1517277 and https://www.deviantart.com/estories/art/Background-Twilight-s-Castle-Library-2-781634544
Proofread by Ginger and Grammarly :duck:
Now with YT reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBl1VIyvcS4 (all thanks goes to StraightToThePointStudio for his awesome work:raritywink:)

Another one to get into the feature box. Thank you, dear readers, I hope you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

You first met her in "The Sunbutt Also Rises." Now, find out how poor Daybreak came to be the one to blame for the weirdest day in Equestria's history!

Daybreak Dazzler has the best job in the world: Official Caffeinator of Canterlot Castle, and Personal Caffeine Liaison to Princess Luna.

Her life was not always this glamorous, however, and her journey from unknown barista to the Wizard of Wakeup was long and arduous. Fraught with frustrations and setbacks, this Miraculous Mare of the Most Marvelous Mocha refused to stay down.

Her story starts in the rainy downtown streets of Seaddle, at a little shop called Starbits...

Not enough Daybreak? Read her continuing adventures in "A Princess Needs her Coffee", a lovely story by my wonderful friend Broman.

(Artwork again by the wonderful Omny87)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sometimes It Takes a Double Shot

It may sound like fun and games, but properly ensuring the nighttime staff of Canterlot Castle receives their appropriate caffeinated beverages is serious business. A business Daybreak takes to heart.

Not only is she personally responsible for ensuring Princess Luna is ready and fully awakened for the raising of the moon, she also must maintain the baseline alertness of the Lunar Guards, the legion of batponies who accompany the Princess on her rounds about the castle and protect the lives of the Canterlot staff during the night... including Celestia herself.

So, yeah. Serious business.

Daybreak wouldn't change a thing about her life, though, and rises an hour before sunset each day with a smile on her face and a song in her heart, working until sunrise for the ponies that truly appreciate her unique talent.

Until the Princess of Friendship visits for a day of royal reporting that goes longer than expected, and is forced to stay the night...

No one warned Daybreak she was bringing the Element of Laughter with her.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle listened to the lectures of her senior princesses and has lived the life of Canterlot's high society since the day she ascended as a young filly. Unfortunately, she skipped Cadence's lessons on love.

Specifically, how to confess to the mare of her dreams when she so happened to be her stunningly beautiful mare-in-waiting.

"Help. Please."

Preread by Timaeus and Monochromatic.
Artwork by Rossby Waves.

Chapters (2)