• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

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Starlight Glimmer managed to successfully save the Mane 6, Spike, and the Princesses from Queen Chrysalis while inspiring the changelings to reform.

Except for Chrysalis. She instead chose to flee in disgrace after warning Starlight to sleep with one eye open.

However, as the group watched Chrysalis run away, Spike asked a big question.

EDIT: Featured through 04/19/22-04/21/22!!

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer has been a great and reliable guidance counselor for Princess Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship ever since its inception. She always went the extra mile for her students and prided herself on always being available to them without complaints. She even had to learn it was okay to not be available to them sometimes.

Starlight has also never received a raise, even though the school has been open for well over a year.

Upon learning of Starlight's non-existent raises despite her excelling and working hard as a guidance counselor, Trixie Lulamoon lost it. Despite Starlight desperately pleading with her to calm down, the Great and Furious Trixie stormed to Twilight's office and demanded the bewildered alicorn inside for answers and to pay up. Saying Trixie didn't like Twilight's reason for why she hadn't done it would be the understatement of the century.

Chapters (1)

(Takes place immediately after "Friendship University".)

Flim and Flam's fraudulent university has been exposed and shut down, Twilight's School of Friendship is busier than ever. But all is not well.

Now aware of the practices and statements made by the head of the EEA, Princess Celestia realizes she has no choice but to call in Chancellor Neighsay for an important discussion.

The Chancellor is most surprised to be granted an audience with the princess, but he'll be even more surprised by what she has to say to him. Has the chancellor gone too far this time?

Chapters (1)

Cover art: Izzy Moonbow
By artist: Fensu-San

While Sunny and Izzy were preparing lunch that day, Izzy discovers that she can do more than levitation. This leads to some unfortunate problems around Maretime Bay and beyond.

Chapters (1)

Delivery Ponies, the best new thing of modern deliveries!

Through fresh meals, telegrams, surprises, you name it, these lovable li'l creatures will make sure they leave you 100% satisfied with their snuggly services! Just select the "Pony Package", and we'll make sure you get what you need faster than you can boop the "Place Order" button.

They only accept cuddles, huggles, boops and more as tips. :heart:

~Featured 4/25/22; 4/26-28; 5/2~

Leave a comment and like for them, they work very hard for us all. ❤

WARNING: selecting the Pony Package may result in never-ending squeeing, sore cheeks from smiling or high-risk of contracting diabetes.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Celestia XVII: The Broken Princess

Soarin', still recovering from his injuries, is struggling to figure out what to do with himself. After all, what are you supposed to do when you can no longer follow your Cutie Mark?

In the middle of his moping, Soarin' gets an unexpected visit from his sister. Things... don't go well.

They don't call her "Spitfire" for nothing, after all.

Contains spoilers for The Broken Princess. Read that first!
Thanks to Krack-Fic Kai and Matt for prereading.
Art by Coramino on DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

Twilight is faced with snide comments and unfair insults, which leads her to question her path in life, and mainly her role as a princess. She doubts that she is worthy of the title, and wonders how she ever became one. She soon finds herself alone and comforted by a friend whom she cared for, for so very long. Would her friend be able to change her view on the princess thing? Or will she remain adamant?

This story takes place a few days after Twilight Sparkle’s coronation into a princess. Basically; after the happenings of Magical Mastery Cure


Chapters (1)

After hearing of Rainbow and Rarity's relationship, Twilight has some questions. She wants said questions answered by the best source possible, hence she goes to Rarity about the matter.

Sitting down at a dinner, Twilight asks these very important questions, that every friend should ask at one point. One she needed an answer for was; what comes next?

Rated T for mild mention of sex and intoxication. Sex is implied, but it is never explicitly mentioned/done on screen!

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the fanart Meme (smol)
By artist ShadowReindeer

Pipp decides to enlist the help of her friends and sister for a live stream displaying the many ways of taking pictures on a phone. The rest of them seem happy to help, but Zipp would rather not help at all.

Thank you to StraightToThePointStudio for another amazing reading
Strike A Pose by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Village Called Respite

There is a day those mischievous, playful changelings of Respite hold most important of all. The day Queen Serenitatem set aside to give thanks to the ponies who shared love, and one where love between races so often thrives.

For two fillies, the challenge isn't so much the gifts they know they'll receive from the nymphs they so adore, those terrible twins. It's the fact that no Respite pony worth their tail has ever let their changeling friends get away with giving a gift without receiving one in turn, or sneaking a peek to make sure they offer something just that much more in value. Especially since one has every intention to make this day the start of a wonderful relationship between herself and the beautiful nymph who makes her chest fill with fluff and butterflies.

Artwork by the one and only Rossby Waves.

Chapters (4)