• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

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Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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It's a long, long, long way down from being Emperor of Maretime Bay, especially after your childhood friend turned out to be right after all. It wouldn't have been so bad if Sunny had rubbed his nose in it, but she hadn't even done as much as that.

Now, Sprout has to make some tough choices. And while he might try to take the easy way out, somepony unexpected will show him another way forward.

Chapters (1)

After Pipp sees a website promoting a digital detox, she decides to have a go. Zipp is amused. Unsure of what to do without her phone, Pipp tags along with her sister on a day trip.... without phones?

Warning: I haven't watched the movie itself This story was written just before I saw the movie, having only read the story line... and read stories... and watched reviews... and seen spoilers... If there are any small inconsistencies, that's why.

Pony App name cheat sheet:
I've made up some pony app names to simplify the writing of this story. Here are the app names and their equivalent sites. Not all of them are used in the story, but I'm probably going to do something with them in the future. Feel free to use these names if you wish.
RightNow – Twitter
Glance – Instagram
Let’s Talk – Zoom/Skype
My Story – Facebook/blog
VideoTime – YouTube/streaming
Speak – Voice operated dictation app and phone ‘command system’ with a word processor
SMS, Mail, Local Files, Clock, Gallery, Camera, Calculator, Cloud, Calendar, Contacts, Card Wallet, Settings, Digital ID, Notes
PegaNet (now out of fashion) and PonyNet
Princess Pipp (www.princesspipp.com, not an actual link) a bookmarked web blog
Marketplace - Etsy/ebay/amazon

Also, an Invisible Band is the equivalent of a pony smartwatch which is 'invisible' because it is hidden under the pony's coat hair.

Behind the scenes + my thoughts on G5

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Vanilla Rain

Having recently confessed their feelings for each other, Izzy and Zipp enjoy some time together on a nice little lunch date.

This story was edited by the wonderful and amazing Jhoira!

Chapters (1)

Pipp has a lot of expectations placed on her by her mother, due to her being the "extra princess." Her current mission is to make sure to maintain good relations with Sunny, the mare who brought back magic into the world. Though Queen Haven wishes for a tighter link between the royal family and such an important mare.

Yes, my word counts are becoming even more insane. (Don't expect this in the future, it just worked out well for this one.)

Chapters (5)

Sometimes you get scared and need to sleep in somepony else's room. It's okay. It happens to everypony. Sometimes, it even happens to everypony all at once.

When it does, excessive cuddling ensues...

Takes place during season 1 because it wouldn't make sense anywhere else.

Chapters (1)

Long Play has a concert to catch, but his blubbering baby sister just got home from school. Something got under her fur today. Something serious.

Side note, how did it take me so long to learn Vinyl canonically has an older brother? I really need to read more IDW comics.

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every other Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)

Since magic has been returned to the three pony tribes, Queen Haven has been sneaking out for unexplained reasons. That is, until she's spotted with Alphabittle in secret.

It isn't long before the media in Zephyr Heights goes into overdrive, speculating that the two leaders are a couple and that they're officially going to get engaged. When word of this reaches Bridlewood, Izzy eagerly anticipates planning a wedding.

But Zipp and Pipp aren't as enthusiastic about the whole thing. Pipp especially is less than thrilled with the prospect of her mother marrying somepony else. And it all has to do with what happened to Zephyr Heights' last king.

Chapters (1)

Ever since foalhood, Zipp and Pipp have had a ritual: when Pipp comes down with a routine head cold, her sister looks after her, and they spend time together watching soaps or cartoons on the nearest comfy couch.

What happens, then, when Zipp begins to distance herself from her family in the pursuit of flight?

Featured 5/18/2022—5/21/2022!

Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudios!
Part 1 & Part 2

* Edited by Double R Forrest
* Cover art by Doodle-Mark

Chapters (1)

Cadance meets a very sleepy changeling. Knowing the changeling is in no state to really do anything, she decides to show it some love.

Some rather... cuddleful love~

Written in a few hours while running on two hours of sleep myself so if there are errors, there's your answer.

Thank you to Notowa for making the cover! I honestly didn't think I'd use any cover but yay.

For some reason featured on 5/3/2022... and also 5/4/2022

Chapters (1)

You are an avid enjoyer of MLP:FiM, despite the show having ended a number of years ago, and Princess Luna, to you, was always best pony. One morning, following a long day of work and an even longer night of drinking, you find that very same lunar goddess helping herself to a warm shower. In your shower. In your home.

Sex tag for naked Luna and probably going to be implied stuffs later on. No actual sex, sorry.

Featured: 05/13/2022 thanks guys!

Chapters (2)