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Six years have passed since the events at the Tree of Harmony. Time has continued to flow and life has moved on. While the Bearers of Harmony have spread apart with the passage, their friendship mostly remains. However, the time has comes for the heroes of the past to step clear of the path of legends to live normal lives and make way for the heroes of the future.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom step onto the path's edge as word spreads of a joyous event; one that leads to a long overdue reunion of their predecessors. Memories resurface as they make up for lost time, though some expose the cracks in forgotten wounds.

Among it all, a new danger lurks and spreads; a threat to all lands, even beyond the borders of Equestria.

Join the Cutie Mark Crusaders on their journey as the story unfolds. Magic, love and excitement await as our young heroines undertake an unforgettable adventure to save the world and perhaps make a few new friends along the way.

Cover image used with permission from Dennybutt. Thanks a ton! I hope to be able to commission you for a more specific cover soon!

Thanks to the friends from EditorsRus for their help finding things I overlooked and for their continued help!

Chapters (1)

Hello! Yes, You! Odd alien... things... So I'm Eris. Daughter of Discord. And I got myself a brand-spankin-new pet! He's pretty cool. Not as cool as me of course. But really, who is?

Now, given my small habit of internal monologue I decided to make a story out of it. A harrowing fable of prodigious proportions! Thank you thesaurus! You guys should check it out!

...That might be a lie. Its not really an adventure. Or prodigious. Whatever that means... But its totally epic! We hang out! Drink! And... I think my humans trying to teach me philosophy or something... calls himself a nihi-ling or something. Like a changeling or something? Weird, right? I don't really know. Anyway. We pull of some pretty sweet pranks on old sun-butt. Heh-heh good times...

Inspired by Seductional Chaos

Chapters (5)

Once it was nothing more than old concrete and forgotten hallways. Then it became a haven for the fugitives of the everlasting war that raged between the different races. He was the janitor, always.

Chapters (1)

After an alarming trip through a black hole in his fridge, Nigel M. Chalmers finds himself in a colourful peaceful country populated with a throng of friendly ponies... in the body of one of their nation's worst enemies. Of course it all goes to pot.

Follow him as he attempts to make sense of his new body, makes new friends and maybe even finds love...
Or not, after all this is Nigel we're talking about, all he's probably going to do is insult everyone and drive everyone insane.

Follow the gripping tale of action, comedy and romance.

Will Nigel make it back home in time for the office Christmas party? Will he avoid a painful death at the hooves of multi-coloured Equines? Will he finally be re-united with his beloved cheesecake?

You can only find out by reading this fic, so fasten your seatbelts and prepare to get wrecked.

Edit: Well, someone did a great reading of the first chapter, thanks to KaBar41 for the reading.
The Reading of Chapter One

I wrote this fic as a side project to Nigel M Chalmers, Emperor and saviour-or-destroyer to try my hand at a transformation story. To all of you who hate the whole "Turned into a pony and makes friends with everyone" I'm going to shatter your misgivings like 300 kilograms of armoured Biped smashes a window. There will be violence in later chapters but for now it's just pure comedy.

Featured on the 12/5/2014

Coverart done by Avatar of Madness

Chapters (17)

Dante Thomas was a normal Marine. He fought like a demon and cursed like a drunken sailor in the Mojave dessert. How will a person trained to kill, survive in a world of prissy Technicolor ponies? The good thing is, he probably won't have to. After finding a secret in the Everfree that will turn the entire world upside down.

If you favorite this story, please leave a comment explaining why.
Same if you disliked the story. Please leave a comment explaining why.

Now with a discussion blog. And a dramatic reading, by the awesome Dropbear271 Possible spoilers.

Chapters (13)

We all wished for power at one point of our lives but sometimes, that power could be forced upon you. Power that you never wished for but given to you against your will.

Now the question is, what will I do with it?

With everything but my name and memories taken from me and my home separated by death itself, I will find my purpose in this new world... Now if only the natives would leave me alone to do so.

Chapters (2)

Michael Greenfield had not lived a life of tragedy, nor had he been a bad person. By all rights he should have had nothing more than an average existence. Sometimes, however, life points to someone and says "You will face a horrible fate."

After waking up in Equestria and quickly losing the one he loved, Michael learns this lesson first hand. Not long after, it becomes clear that his troubles have only just begun.

This story is technically incomplete, as the last chapter is just a summary of the remaining plot of the story. If this bothers you, I am sorry, but I did not want to leave this story incomplete forever.

Chapters (10)

Number VIII, Axel, the flurry of flames, awakes in Equestria after saving his friends by sacrificing himself. Axel tries to find a way back home, to help save Sora and his friends, in this magical land. But his plans are stopped when he finds out that he is not the only Organization member in Equestria. Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaus, Zexion, Saix, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, and Larxene have also appeared in this realm. The members break into three different sides, each one with a different goal. But who will win, and will Equestria be forever shadowed in an everlasting darkness?

Special thanks to Timaeus for editing this, to Perpetual Motion for editing this, to thepinkparty for proofreading this, and to BioChemicalWolfGear for helping me get the plot line made.

And new special, super awesome, thanks to my buddy Card Shuffle for becoming my newest editor. (Nicest guy you'll ever meet.)

And another new thanks to Uber_Shy for becoming the newest member on my team of editors! Thank you guys for editing this! It makes it SOOOOOOOOO much better. :twilightsmile:

Edit: Featured on March 16th, 2013. What the hell guys.

Edit: If you haven't gotten past the Betwixt and Between realm in Kingdom Hearts II then WARNING SPOILERS!

Chapters (4)

A portal spell gone wrong sends Rainbow Dash much farther than originally intended, and chrashing into the unexplored and seemingly endless desert of the Red Sands.

But the Red Sands are far from empty.

Chapters (6)

You're a random human on Earth trying to get some sleep, but these blasted ponies keep appearing in your room. You don't know where they come from, or how they got here, but they insist on sleeping with you in a non sexual manner.

Have you ever wanted to get cuddled by a pony? How about against your will? No? Yes? Either way you are getting cuddled whether you like it or not.

Warning: Adorable cuddling may or may not be suitable for younger readers.
Warning: I can't select all the ponies, but yes all ponies(and other species) are capable of cuddling you. No you're not safe.

Edited by: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/technicscratch

Chapters (5)