• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013


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You keep sayin' somethin' about bein' male and "human" before you showed up in Appleloosa. I'm not sure what you're talkin' about, stranger, but I can certainly tell you're pretty darn mad about what happened. Sit down a spell, will you? Tell me more about this "Trask" feller...

Cover art by Trinityinyang.

Chapters (12)

In Equestria, humans serve the ruling pony class. Their lack of magic makes it near impossible to survive on their own, and so they depend on their rulers to protect and help them, and put a roof over their heads. But on Earth, and in many other solar systems, their strength is the pinnacle of hope, as they assist those they can in their frantic search for the ones who came before.

Near the edge of the humans' empire, The USSF Monarch stumbles upon Pony kind on Tango 126, one of the many targets during their hunt for the Precursors. Their curiosity is peaked, and John Punch, a high ranking Elite, is sent in disguised as one of the many Human occupants on the planet, to learn of their culture, and the Precursors' presence on this planet.

Now the respected veteran must face the social challenges of being thrust into a gender reversed, pony dominated society.

Chapters (7)

An Eve Online/MLP crossover

Keyan Charante, a fairly successful explorer, finds himself trapped in an unknown system after going through a wormhole. After discovering the only other sentient species in the galaxy, and some bad luck, he initiates first contact. The following adventures span the stars and Keyan soon learns that there are more important things in the galaxy than isk.

Set sometime before the season 2 finale.
Isk is the currency in EVE online.

I am going to try to make this so you don't have to know eve lore for it to make sense but every little bit helps.

Feedback and criticism is welcome in the comments. I hope I make this worthy of your time to read.

Chapters (25)

Cutie Mark Crusaders Time Travelers, yay! ...Wait, what?

When older versions of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Spike appear from the future, Twilight and her friends are in for the time of their lives. The Crusaders have gone back in time on a mission that may decide the fate of time itself! They are fearless, they are resourceful, they... completely messed up right from the start, huh?

Now it's a literal race against time to set things right, as powerful enemies from the future attempt to claim the past for themselves. So join the Elements of Harmony and the Crusaders of tomorrow in an epic story of danger, hope, despair, betrayal, revenge, love and swashbuckling high adventure!

Just remember the golden rule: Time travel doesn't make sense!

Chapters (4)

What would happen if Spike was born earlier than in the show and was raised by dragons instead of ponies? What if his teacher told him to come with him to meet with Celestia and the recently returned Luna. How will the princesses and Elements of Harmony handle a blunt, sarcastic, and strong young dragon. And how would this affect a certain shy Pegasus who is afraid of dragons.

A.U./Anthro/ Slow FlutterSpike

Edited by Starblade

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Without a Hive

It is a time of change for Equestria. A small but slowly growing number of changelings have made the kingdom their home, living openly with ponies. Many ponies welcome them in friendship. Others are concerned by the strange and unusual creatures that disrupt the traditional life of Equestria. Yet others worry that such open acceptance leaves Equestria vulnerable to less well-intentioned changelings. And some still fear the insectoid creatures, memories of invasions--and more personal attacks--still strong in their minds.

Sky, Nictis, and all the other changelings of Equestria would love nothing more than to live in peace, but such changes rarely come easily. But in proper changeling fashion, they are determined to endure, and this time they are not alone. Instead of the shelter of disguises and lies, they are strengthened by the friendship of the ponies that accept them, ready to stand tall in the face of an uncertain future.

For nobody, from the new Equestrian changelings to the Princesses themselves, knows how Queen Chrysalis is going to respond...

Book cover art by viwrastupr

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Brushed Away

Despite being one of the few Gryphons living in the land of Equestria, Troius Clawston couldn't be happier with how his life has been. Along with having good friends and a stable job in Weather Patrol, Troy is happiest about his life for one reason: Canvas, the Earth Pony artist that he saved and befriended, who grew to become so much more.
However, before the two can begin their lives together, Troy has to overcome a new challenge in his life. Something he never thought he would have to face until now...

Telling his family.

Because of strong Gryphon values which look down on alternative relationships, how will Troy's family react when they discover he's not only with someone of a different species, but of the same gender? As traditions clash with taboos, how will the Gryphon handle telling his brothers and parents, while still staying with the stallion he cares about? Can he keep everyone together, or will family bonds break under pressure?

The cover art was made by High-Roller2108, and I want to thank Bad_Seed_72,Shadow Hawk, and Zyrian for proofreading this.

Chapters (43)

Rainbow Dash walks through the deserted, snowed streets of Ponyville, looking for a place to get warm and finds herself at the door of the local library. Even in the coldest of winter days, warmth can be found, and, as she soon figures out, there are many ways to share your warmth with another.

Some more special and meaningful than others.

A heartwarming story during the cold winter months. Contains feel-good TwiDash shipping

Credit for the picture goes to NyuuChanDiannePie on DeviantART

Edited by: Inumaniac & Shumiry

Chapters (3)

Cover Art by FriendlyTwo3
*Takes place after season 2 finale.*
(Currently revising past chapters to make them sexier and more appealing.)
(Currently revising summary description.)
(Note to self, remember to eventually revise summary description.)

Diabolical and evil human goes to Equestria, and tries to take over the world? Pfft, if he's "Evil", then that one guy who doesn't say 'bless you' when you sneeze must be Hitler reincarnate.

A HiE fanfic that was probably done a couple times before, BUT I MADE IT BETTER.

Wacky protagonist genius, an army of robots with stun-guns, a goal of domination, a moral code, and a determined mindset! Meet "Evil Lord Emperor Connery NotEvilGuy!" The inevitable future emperor of us all!

You can tell that he's pure evil, because he has the word "Evil" in his last name!

A guy that steal money from you, if you're a Government official that likes to deal drugs and smuggle newborn infants. A guy that will build a laser that can blow up the freakin' moon, but only if it was about to crash into us. He'll freakin' TICKLE YOU if you defy him and his empire!

Yeah... Diabolical mastermind right there.

Rated T: For lots of potty-mouth nonsense.


Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Storm on the Horizon

Story 4 of the Savage Skies series.

It is well-known that the brighter the light, the deeper the shadow. Princess Celestia is unquestionably Equestria's brightest guiding light. Unfortunately, two ponies must deal with the very deep, very dark shadows that she casts.

Dawn Lightwing has overcome many trials since moving to Ponyville. However, his past and the ponies that haunted it are not as far behind him as he would like to think. Whether he likes it or not, his enemies, who draw their hatred from their irrational reverence for Princess Celestia, have found him again and he must struggle with the fact that his mere presence could a threat to his friends and his new family.

Twilight Sparkle must deal with a different shadow as she travels to Canterlot in order to learn more about the mysterious Eyes of Nightmare, as she must contend with the Noble Court, who live in the shadow of the Royal Palace itself, its members planning to use Twilight and her friends to advance their own ambitions, stopping at nothing to have her under their influence.

Thankfully, neither of them will have to deal with these obstacles alone.

However, something even more dangerous is stirring. Dark matters are afoot.

The series begins with Foal of the Forest.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (20)