• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013


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*Some important information at bottom! Leave some feedback too!*
The Lone Wanderer and The Courier: the names of two legendary figures whose actions forever changed the fate of the wastelands. The Wanderer stood as a shield that defended virtue from vice. And for the Courier...well, he's just a man living in the wild, wild wasteland, looking for a day's caps. Regardless, word of their legendary exploits spread throughout the wastes, but never intersected.

Now, a series of unprecedented events will unite the roads of these two legends. Being projected into the unknown, they decide to work together to adapt to the strange, new world. Could they get used to this new place? Would it be a hero's rest? But they struggle to deal with one person: each other.

More importantly, how do they deal with the colorful ponies that already inhabit the fantasy world called Equestria?

How will the Courier cope with a world without toasters or video games?

*Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over the Fallout series. All rights go to Bethesda Softworks.*

This is also my first human-equestria story. I'm not sure if I should continue or not; this is more of a one-shot kinda thing, but I might keep adding more chapters. Let me know what'cha think! Bigger chance that I would continue! Hope you enjoy!
*If you are also interested in pre-reading or being an editor, send me a private message, I'll answer as soon as I can.*

Chapters (4)

Coverart by http://xn-dragon.deviantart.com
Trigger Warning: The word "Anonymous"

Some three centuries after Twilight Sparkle's coronation, something stranger than anything in Equestria's history appears in the very heart of Equestria itself. A human, lost, confused, and alone, finds himself warily welcomed by the rulers of this strange land.
After trading information about himself for information about the world he'll soon call home, he leaves from Canterlot to the quaint and quiet town of Ponyville, where he eventually meets a lonely bat-pony by the name of Speck.

A rewrite of the original ( http://pastebin.com/u/NukePone ) with additional content, restructuring, and fixes.
Featured from 09Jun14 to 12Jun14
Repeat feature nearly every time a new chapter is posted.

Chapters (25)

The wheels of fate turn in mysterious ways. When a unicorn colt has an accident on the edge of the Everfree, nopony knows who he is. Assuming his brain was jostled by the accident, they ignore his absurdist notions of not being from this world, and not being a pony at all. However, when he is involved a terrible incident that threatens the lives of his only friends in the world—Ponyville's three most rambunctious fillies—their friends and family begin to pay more credence to his claims.

For Warren Ashland, the clock is ticking as a chain of events that was set into motion the moment he woke in Equestria comes to a vicious head. The time will come when he must decide whether he wishes to stand alone as a human in the Equestrian world, or give it all up for his newfound friends. His actions will shape the lives of those around him.

Cover art by - GMEiden

Chapters (25)

Reading an epic tale of one of the Third Hokage's missions, a 6 year old Naruto sets himself on getting some awesome summons of his own. Unable to find a contract on short notice, and not understanding why a contract is required, he goes through the necessary motions anyways and winds up in Equestria. Can Naruto convince the locals to let him be their summoner? Is the ninja world ready for the likes of Pinky Pie? Just how much will a young Naruto benefit from the Magic of Friendship?

Chapters (42)

was the question in his mind. Join Auron (from FFX) as he ventures the world of Equestria as to why he was summoned there. A connecting story in the same timeline as my other one ( Operation: VECTOR in Equestria).

War is about to break loose, Will he be a Champion of the Elements? or.....

minor Tags are subject to change..

Chapters (6)

Anonymous is the Chosen Undead; the so-called hero of Lordran. After the final confrontation with Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, Anonymous is ripped from his world and thrown into Equestria. A stranger in an even stranger land, Anonymous must make due with the fact he's stuck there while searching for a way to return home. But when forces conspire against Equestria and Anonymous, will the so-called hero be able to save both the land and himself?

(My entry into the budding Anonymous in Equestria group, here on FIM.)

Chapters (7)

Mike Patterson is a world renown rock climber whose life's goal is to climb to the top of Mt. Everest what happens when at the end of his climb there is an explosion that sends him to a new world and in this new world is populated by strange creatures with the ability to use magic, control the weather, and fly. Not to mention the size of their breast.
*Anthropomorphic Ponies*

Chapters (9)

When a Miraluka Jedi finds a strange amulet while on a mission, he learns of a strange world no one has heard of. He feels compelled, after seeing the world in its barely living state, to do what he can to help. He ends up convincing them to leave their planet and migrate to Coruscant. After this migration, he meets a certain rainbow maned pony who is interested in learning the ways of the Force. He takes her under his wing so that she may learn and lead a new time for her race. In this time, both master and apprentice will face trials neither of them have faced before, and learn what it truly means... to be Jedi and one with the Force.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash finally finds the courage to confess her love to Twilight. Unfortunately, Twilight does not feel the same way. But Rainbow Dash refuses to give up. She figures, rather than trying to steal Twilight's heart with romance and flowers, she'll take a different approach. One that is much more forward than the usual.

Note - this fic will have some sexual themes. There will be pervy Dash.

Chapters (10)

Anon comes from a universe that operates by kung fu movie physics and he's still able to function as such. Imagine every cheesy kung fu movie mixed into one story.

This was done as a collaboration between me, Bolding, Anonymous Assassin, Fugger, 8th Sin, and someone that didn't want to be named.

Chapters (1)