FInished 1662 stories
  • FInished 1662 stories - 0 unread chapters
    Created by Dostus
    - December, 2016
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Total Words: 37,561,747
Estimated Reading: 14 weeks



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Having a pony roommate was an adjustment; there was a lot about Earth she had to get used to . . . and a lot of ideas she'd brought with her that you had to get used to.

She was a heck of a cook, though, and didn't mind sharing, so you were more than willing to let her have the kitchen.

And then you came home and discovered that she was making butter. Which she must have known she could buy at the grocery store if she wanted butter.

Now with a Russian translation by Mordaneus!

Chapters (1)

Discord is a cocky, overbearing, goofy free spirit. Anon is a cocky, brutally honest, nonchalant free spirit. Both can be incredibly big douches when they want to be, but the girls still like them both even with their flaws.
But one day, Anon finally meets Discord. And he decides he doesn't like him.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Spitfire's Off Day

It's Spitfire's day off and she doesn't know how to spend it. So, she hangs out with Fleetfoot and Soarin, her two best friends.

That was the wrong decision.

So, she goes to visit her favorite human instead, who just so happens to need a breather from his day-to-day job in Canterlot. Together, they make a day of it.

Spitfire finally finds out just how good it feels to be with someone you love.

Art by LupiArts.

Pre-read by Rikkity and Chaospaladin (both for all three chapters), and Muggonny (for chapter three).

Chapters (3)

A question that has plagued philosophical ponies for... well just over a decade since Princess Cadance was granted the title. Deep Thinker, a member of the guard, is one such pony. Unfortunately whilst thinking on it he states his conclusion out loud, behind the very Princesses themselves.

Chapters (1)

A few years ago, a rumor surfaced that I creature of tall statue and thick clothing, made himself home in a cave on top of a mountain. He would offer insight into future events in exchange for food, as a tribute to his divine knowledge and has been known as The Oracle ever since. For years he has given out knowledge sparingly, now Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence have made plans to visit him, but Celestia’s question might be a little risky, but curiosity is killing her.

Chapters (1)

Ms. Harshwhinny is a bit infamous for her cold, serious demeanor. She's a mare that knows how to get things done. She's a professional, for crying out loud!

How you, a human, ended up getting ordered around by her is a long story. Either way, you have some very serious business to attend to tonight.

Chapters (1)

Spitfire was sick. She was sick and tired. But Equestrian's lone human was there, and she was peeved about it.

She was about to find out how easy she was to read.

Written in a hour and a half. Pure one shot galore. I hate everything.

Pre-read by Rikkity.

Art by LuneBat.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5

Now that the time travel shenanigans are finally over... maybe. Twilight, Rahs, and Spike can get on with their day to day and break in their new roomies properly, while keeping Starlight and Tempest from killing each other.
Or keep everyone from making bets about it.

Still this years not going to be any less annoying, with newborns, changes in dragon lord leadership, cutie mark crusades, Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, Discord, of course, Fluttershy's brother, the battle for Rahs heating up between the six, Ogres and Oubliettes games gone mad, a massive prank war, the return of Daring Doo, added on top of the prophecy not having happened yet, and the Sparkles will again find themselves in the middle of everything.

As usual the lewd warning goes here cause of some situations and Cadence. I don't want to use the sex tag cause there isn't any and people might get confused by the current cover art.

Coverart by Marking

Chapters (58)

You ended up in a land of ponies.

And for some reason, they have the urge to murder you.

How will you get out of this one?

Chapters (2)

In Everfree Castle thousands of years in the past, Anon puts two very special fillies to bed.

A little one shot I wrote because I wanted more stories of filly Celestia and Luna.

Cover art is by julunis14. Derpibooru code is 3038164.

Chapters (1)