FInished 1662 stories
  • FInished 1662 stories - 0 unread chapters
    Created by Dostus
    - December, 2016
Found 1,313 stories in 61ms

Total Words: 37,410,590
Estimated Reading: 14 weeks



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Your friends in Ponyville were quite shocked when your relationship with Marble Pie became public. They were even more shocked when she moved in with you and immediately became just another member of the community, all without saying a single word. To most of them, it can be hard to have a conversation with her.

To you, it's the easiest thing in the world.

Chapters (1)

You aren’t really sure what happened last night—all you know is that you’ve woken up in a bed that isn’t yours, and you’re pressed up against something very warm, and very fluffy… that just moved?

…Oh boy.


A couple of notes: This story does not contain sex, but it does contain references to it. Also, Anon has been written as a woman in this story.

Cover art by TheBatFang!

Chapters (1)

You and Princess Luna have been dating for quite some time. However, lately she's been really caught up in this whole "Starfield" thing. As much as you can appreciate a pony with hobbies, this is starting to affect her health. It's time to tear her away from the screen, even if she's going to be kicking and screaming all the while.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How Sweet the Thought

You and Pinkie have been going out for a few years. It's... hectic, to say the least. But, you still love it. You love all of the wacky antics you get up to. You love the way that she lights up everypony's day, your own included. You love... her. And through it all, the two of you have never had a real fight. Is it because you do everything in your power to avoid upsetting her? Is it because she just doesn't get upset easily? Perhaps it's a bit of both? Regardless, you now realize that it's a blessing you've been taking for granted, because today...

You broke a Pinkie Promise.

Chapters (1)

For obvious reasons, Hearts and Hooves Day has always been Cadance's favorite holiday. She and Shining Armor like to spend the holiday in Ponyville, but while Shining is busy making preparations for the evening, Cadance was hoping to meet up with Twilight to tease Anon for being single. Again. To their surprise, he has gone missing. Now, the hunt is on for Ponyville's resident human. Did he really get a special somepony, or is he just trying to avoid the princess of love again?

Meanwhile, Anon isn't aware that his whereabouts are a secret.

Chapters (2)

Anon and Zecora, two outcasts accepted by Ponyville's residents, found kindred spirits in each other. A few months ago, they started dating. Since then, Anon practically lives in Zecora's hut, learning everything there is to know about potion making... and his beloved zebra.

However, neither of them are quite used to the level of affection that they both want to give the other. The result is a blushing mess of awkwardness and confidence issues.

Somehow, I think they'll be okay.

Chapters (1)

The bug queen has broken into Anon's house, he dose not like this and immediately starts boxing the house fly that now resides in his house. (spoiler the swiss cheese pony gets her ass beat)
(bad photo shop I know :ajsleepy:)

Chapters (1)

Shortly after the invasion of Canterlot, a changeling queen appears before the Mane Six. She seems less hostile, though, and more... disappointed and annoyed?

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle took the Equestrian throne several years ago. Anon, her human friend, works at the castle as an advisor for her. However, lately he has been disappearing right after work, and Twilight is curious as to why. On top of that, he isn't the only one acting strangely, as her mom has been acting very dodgy around her too. Twilight has some suspicions as to why this is.

Chapters (1)

While visiting the Crystal Empire with his good friends Twilight and Spike, Anon accidentally makes quite the impression on Princess Flurry Heart, the young child of Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor. However, the foal still has yet to figure out her alicorn magic, and one unfortunate spell later, she and Anon find themselves lost in the wilderness. Now, with nothing but the clothes on his back, Anon will have to brave the unknown to get Flurry Heart back to her home.

If only he was good with kids.

Chapters (1)