FInished 1662 stories
  • FInished 1662 stories - 0 unread chapters
    Created by Dostus
    - December, 2016
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Total Words: 37,410,590
Estimated Reading: 14 weeks



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As the Princess of Canterlot, the Mistress of the Sun, and the most beloved ruler of Equestria, it could be assumed that Princess Celestia was the pony who ran Equestria. Few people know that she actually doesn't.

Her assistant, Raven Inkwell, does. And Equestria would be nothing without her.

Chapters (17)

Warning: the following story is currently unedited.

Silver Tray was certain that he was going to be fired for sure. In all the years he had been as a waiter for the meals of the Royals, he had made a mistake that got him yelled at by Prince Blueblood. He was certain that his years of stability were over. But as he was preparing to leave the palace, Celestia comes to see if everything is alright.

Chapters (1)

The instant she appears in this world, things go wrong for Twilight Sparkle. Fortunately, Anon the veterinarian is there to save her, and during the recovery process, they find they quite enjoy each other's company. Eventually Twilight wants to make her way back home and Anon has a decision to make.

Meanwhile Celestia, thinking Twilight is in danger, ventures to earth to rescue her, only to encounter dangers of her own. Princess Luna has to figure out how to rescue both of them without abandoning Equestrian rule.

Chapters (45)

Anonymous doesn't ask for much in life. Good friends, a place to sleep, and of course, the snoots of ponies to boop. There's nothing he won't do to boop those snootles, and he has traveled far and wide to experience the snoots of all known nations, races, and creeds. Yet there is one kind of snoot that he has been unable to boop: that of an alicorn.
That changes today.

A quick bit of silliness whipped up in a few hours. No, I don't know why, either.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to In Her Wheelhouse

Ocean City leads up its tourist season with a big car show, a steady parade of classics on the streets and on the boardwalk in the morning. Like a tide coming in or a field ripe for planting, a town shaking off its winter slumber by inviting crowds in . . . Corduroy Road has a job to do, and after it's done she can unwind at an amusement park.

Unless, of course, it's still in the spring maintenance phase of operation.

With Splash Mountain, Speedworld, mini-golf, and a train which may or may not be fake (open to philosophical debate), Jolly Roger Amusement Park has something for everypony!

Inspired by Dogman15's comment on the previous story.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Looking Glass

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. But he can't just... stop. Ponies are depending on him now and he's feeling the pressure.

Being a Prince isn't all that it's cracked up to be. It's all work and so much responsibility. Ponies plot against you constantly. Luckily, sometimes it's for your own good.

Other times... not.

Big thanks to Arratra for betaing this one.

Chapters (56)

It's an extremely hot summer day. What better way to spend it than at a water park with your retired alicorn wife, Celestia? You've already gotten all of the thrills from the park's attractions that Celestia could ever want, and now it's time to relax for a while on the lazy river. But when the two of you find yourselves in a strange, almost liminal space, Celestia has more than a few concerns.

You, however, couldn't really care less.

Chapters (1)

On the outskirts of the Everfree Forest, not too far away from Fluttershy's cottage, there lies a picturesque pond with a surprisingly gentle waterfall feeding into it. Behind this waterfall, a hidden grotto keeps itself a secret from prying eyes that may hope to defile it.

Fluttershy is the only exception.

When she needs some time to just get away from it all, she sometimes comes to the grotto to rest, reflect, and relax on her own. There are few places in Equestria that can replicate the sense of peace that she feels there, and she's glad to have it all to herself.

This makes it all the more worrying when, on one of her usual visits, she realizes that she's not alone.

Chapters (1)

After getting teleported against his will, an alicorn explores the Canterlot Castle to gather information in a disguise. Unfortunately, the disguise he took is very recognizable and infamous.

Chapters (5)

You love your new unicorn marefriend. She's cute, she's funny, she's energetic, she's optimistic, and she's everything you've ever dreamed of. Somehow, you're everything she's ever dreamed of too, and you've quickly become Maretime Bay's newest power couple.

Unfortunately for everyone else, your combined lovestruck mayhem may be a bit... much.

Chapters (1)