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Prequel To These Dreams and Renew.

Twilight begins having weird dreams after returning home from the wedding of her brother and new sister-in-law. Her dreams seem to be having a connection with Discord in them. What exactly is going on here and why is she having dreams related to him? And is she feeling regret having him to be trapped in stone for eternity?

It will become DISCOLIGHT soon.

Chapters (4)

Author's note: This is a prologue to my Shattered Harmony series. I advise you to read this as well as its sequel, which will be coming out soon.

The Elements of Harmony gather together with the Guardians of the Last City to tell one final story, a story filled with love, hope, hatred, fear, and danger, but one that will shape the entire world in its telling. Join the nine Elements as they relate how they came to the Last City, how the Traveler came to be, and how the war is still not over.

Crossover with Destiny

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Crossworlds Guardian, Sailor Orbital!

Applejack was just an ordinary farmer.

Well, true, she was best friends with an arguable deity, and yeah her little sister controlled part of fate subconsciously, and her social circle involved a crazy crew of characters that regularly got involved in wacky shenanigans, and she herself had helped to save the world a few times, and there was the possibility her principal was using the school to scout for super heroes, and technically she had acquired a skin condition that she had yet to see replicated by anybody else...

...but the point was, by most standards, she was an ordinary farmer. Not the kind of girl that went on adventures.

And then she developed a unique form of magic, just in time for the giant bug invasion.


Part of the oversaturated world. Cover by AlloyRabbit

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Habits of the Equestrian Phoenix

After going to Coloratura's concert, Sunset gets both good news and bad news.

Somepony stole her identity and is running around with her face.

That's the good news.

Historian’s Note:
Set in the Wavelengths timeline where the Sonic Rainboom didn’t happen, How Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative occurs about five years after Grading on a Bell Curve and about two years before the events in The Application of Unified Harmony Magics.

Knowledge of the previous tales is suggested, but not required.

Cast: Sunset Shimmer, Cheerilee, Moon Dancer, Minuette, Coloratura & Coco Pommel
Co-Starring: Spotlight, Security Chief Gateway, Vinyl Scratch and special guest star Octavia Melody

Stories set in the Wavelengths Timeline in chronological order:

Origins Arc
The Alchemy of Chemistry
Bards of the Badlands
Grading on a Bell Curve
Habits of the Equestrian Phoenix
How Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative

Applications Arc
The Application of Unified Harmony Magics
Princess Celestia: A Brief History
The Cloudsdale Report

Dreamers Arc
Tactics of Snowbound Unicorns
A Study in Chaos Theory
Teahouses of Saddle Arabia
As the Raven Flies

Cover Design by Amber Spark
Coco Pommel Vector: DashieSparkle
Coloratura Vector: DashieSparkle
Sunset Shimmer Cutie Mark: Millennial Dan

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Ebon Quill: Audio Director & Quest Designer on The Manehattan Project
Little Tinker: Master of Systems at Poniverse & Scripting Engineer on The Manehattan Project
Beltorn: Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
Tchernobog: AppleDash Fanatic - My debt is paid
Cursori: Reader of Many a Pony Word

Word Count: 64,000
Version: 12.54

Chapters (11)

When the Windigos attacked, the ponies had to find a way to put an end to the distrust and anger that fed the frozen fiends. The unicorns found a way. No more earth ponies, no more pegasi, no more problem.

A thousand years later, Princess Twilight Sparkle thinks that her ancestors may have made a mistake. Fortunately, she knows a way to test her hypothesis. She names that way 'Rainbow Dash.'

Chapters (6)

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters is a well-known Trading Card Game. But what happens when a certain somepony gets a hold on some of its rare cards? Obviously bad stuff... Now what if there was a Tournament held by Rainbow Dash in the center of Ponyville where Duelists are able to battle against their friends or rivals? That would spark a dark pony's mind to finish their master plan. Find out how the Tournament Ends... when we get to that point...

(Some parts are still being worked on. The full story will be done soon.)

Chapters (8)

One afternoon, when Twilight and Fluttershy are exploring antique stores, Fluttershy purchases a gem that claims to grant any wish she desires. Some may think she'd wish to have more animal friends, or to have better speaking skills. Instead, she wishes that she could fly like Rainbow Dash.
The next morning, Fluttershy wakes up. Except for one thing. She has no idea where she is, or why every pony expects her to go along with a lifestyle she never knew she had.
As a great unicorn once said, magic does what it likes. Sometimes, it changes all aspects of reality, and tweaks the future.

Chapters (3)

When Skylight Gleam feels as if she's living in her mother's shadow, she lashes out at the ponies who treated her as if she wasn't her own pony. Her actions, however, may change the future of Equestria forever.

Chapters (2)

Note: I rename my story from A Lost Soul Reborn: The Queen o Transylmaneia and The Diamond Kingdom to A Lost Soul Reborn: The Queen of Monsters and Diamonds

Twilight Amora Sparkle has been hearing voices that she somehow remembers... But why at the telling of a certain pony's name did she feel like her world had just been flipped? The voice in her heart becomes loader when stands in an old friend's presence, suddenly she changes as regains the a little memory of previous life and is reborn in a different time.

What does one do when they are a half-bred(half vampony) in the matter?

Original story :A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters

Chapters (6)

Twilight and her friends heads to Canterlot to celebrate its founding. But shortly after the Demon Pony appears, a deadly creature known ad the Mini-Were Mare appears too. What is these creatures and what is their connection to Twilight's past and her nightly disappearances?

Ben Mare, Boris, Dum-Dum, Boxoc and Lorcan belong to JusSonic

Nyx belongs to Pen Stroke

Chapters (7)