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This story takes place before, A Lost Soul Reborn: The Queen of Monsters and Diamonds
I just had the thought pop into my head.
This is the truth on Twilight Amora Heart, before her ancestoral home, The Diamond Place, was burned to the ground.... But what happened to her parents...
This is what happened before Twilight's parents diappeared...

Chapters (3)

As Twilight revisits Star Swirl's time spells she finds herself stuck in ancient Equestria.

Additional tags: Star Swirl

Twilight for a time. Twilight for a spell. Twilight for a time spell. A story about Twilight stuck in ancient Equestria.

Chapters (7)

One day Twilight Sparkle finds an old photo album of pictures from her past with her family and friends, but as she looks through she notices that there weren't any pictures of her as a foal. Surely, it's just that the book doesn't have any photos of her...or maybe, it's something a little more deep.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Friendship is Shining: Family Matters

While everyone is coming to terms with Twiley going back to Canterlot, Pinkie Pie finds herself trying to do too much. Then she remembers an old story that her grandmother used to tell her. Now Pinkie thinks she can be everywhere she needs to at once. Unfortunately, it turns out that the magic comes at a price.

Can Pinkie's friends save her before it's too late?

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to What Shy Did on Her Summer Vacation

And now at last, the world sings again, and so they come to dance.
Ware lest they see, lest they hear, lest they take a chance!
Forgotten once they might have been, yet now they take a stride;
And I fear magics old and new shall very soon collide...

Part of the Oversaturated World. Coverart by jeshannon.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Oversaturation

Magic is now more or less commonplace in the world. Now that most anyone can fly, use telekinesis, or have super strength, you'd think superheroes would cease to be a thing, right?

Well, not only has the comics industry still kept chugging along, but those whose quirks are more unique to them than to their "species" may or may not have gotten it into their heads that their newfound gifts could be used for good- or maybe evil.

What's a hero without a nemesis, after all?

Warning: Rated T for some possibly heavy themes and generally bad things perpetrated by bad people, though not outrightly described in detail.

Set in the Oversaturated world

EDIT: Holy Horses Batmare, we've been featured! November 5th 2016

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Unfriendly Competition

Lemon Zest: Crystal Prep's looniest lover of ludicrousness and local lady of looking after lackies. Currently the student with the third highest grades in the school.

Sunny Flare: A student devoted to doing her best in school, works hard to maintain her GPA, and will not tolerate unnecessary nonsense. Currently: fourth highest grades in school.

They are definitely not dating.

That's probably the only thing they can agree on...

Cover art by Maran-Zelde. Part of the Oversaturated World.

Chapters (13)

Sunset Shimmer did many things in her life she wasn't proud of. Things that made her feel ashamed of her past and herself. She helped fight off the Sirens, "The Dazzlings", as they were known during the Battle of the Bands. Perhaps the former Unicorn could finally find happiness... right?

Anon-a-Miss happened. An unknown user of MyStable started posting secrets about every student at CHS. Sunset received the blame. Punished for a crime she didn't commit.

Nobody believed her, not even the Rainbooms. The group of friends she thought of as exactly that... her best friends. Her family. Princess Twilight couldn't be reached, either.

Was she destined to be alone? The Magic of Friendship nothing more than a mere lie?

It hurt; the pain of betrayal ran deep.

But, no matter how dark it is, there will always be a new dawn on the horizon.

This beautiful piece of art, also known as my story cover, was made by ChanceyB. You will find this picture on Deviantart.

Javarod is responsible for prereading, proofreading, editing, contributing, and especially everything that's wrong.

Chapters (20)

Twilight has been having trouble sleeping. As Princess of Friendship, it is normal that she leads a busy life, but when she starts waking up at night for no apparent reason, things get serious. Although she insists she is fine, Twilight has also become prone to sudden bouts of sadness, almost as if something has been taken away from her.

And that isn't the only thing she has started experiencing...

NOTE! The poem referenced is Antigonish.
Not needed to understand the story, but I strongly recommend you check it out.

Written for the Weekly Prompt (Lost) of the Hazardous Writing Materials and Challenges group.

Chapters (4)

Harry Potter, in a fit of despair after his friends leave him on the hunt for horcruxes, is discovered by Nightmare moon who promises to give him a favor in return for serving her forever more. He accepts this offers.

Original idea by Darkened Paradise. Used with his knowledge. rest of the story is mine, first chapter is his with some small alterations.

Cover art is made with general Zoi's pony maker and will be what Harry currently looks like in the story.

Chapters (31)