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This story is a sequel to The Elements of Friendship, Book IS [interlude one-point-five]: Bonds

Peace has found Equestria once more, and they have had their Queen of the Night returned to them! But a dark figure who looms over Equestria's past returns to the present: Discord. The chimerical despot over Equestria in a bleaker age threatens to throw the stable regime into a dominion of anarchy. Worse still, he has removed his one weakness, the Elements of Harmony, from the equation. How will Twilight Sparkle defeat the draconequus deity without the Elements of Harmony? How will her and her friends stay in unity without the Elements? And what connection does Discord have to Equestria's Queens...?

Updates on Wednesday afternoons.
Can be found on TV Tropes.

The Elements of Friendship, Book I: Harmony
The Elements of Friendship, Book IS [interlude one-point-five]: Bonds
The Elements of Friendship, Book II: Chaoskamπf
The Elements of Friendship, Book IIS [interlude two-point-five]
The Elements of Friendship, Book III
The Elements of Friendship, Book IIIS [interlude three-point-five]
The Elements of Friendship, Book IIII

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to In the Eye of the Storm

A half-remembered dream leads Twilight Sparkle to test a new "window" spell by looking at an alternate Equestria. What she sees there will lead her and her friend Princess Luna into adventures they had never imagined possible. A season one fic.
As featured on Equestria Daily.

This is technically a sequel to In the Eye of the Storm as it's using the same versions of Twilight and Luna, but you can absolutely read this story without having read that first.

I began writing this story during season 1. I've updated some things to reflect canon changes in season 2, however at that point I decided that having to constantly go back and change things every time something new happened on the show just wasn't going to work, so the story ignores most of season 2, and everything from season 3 onward.

This story owes much of its quality to Jordanis, who is practically the co-author at this point.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to The First Pony to Time Travel Without a Spell

Rainbow Dash has become an alicorn Princess, but there's still so much that she needs to do. A cutie-mark-removing unicorn, out of control vines that even Discord can't stop, and a power-hungry centaur are just the start. Plus, a certain entity just doesn't seem to leave no matter what...

Starlight Glimmer is Rainbow's friend, and Rainbow gave her a promise. She needs to stop her world's Starlight from going down the same path of revenge as her friend. But it's hard to explain this to somepony that you see in so many different lights. Especially since her world's Starlight doesn't believe in the multiverse.

And Discord is going to be in so much trouble by the time this is all done.

"Twilight, for the third time, I'm sorry I stole your alicorn-ness! ... What do you mean you don't mind? Then why have you been complaining about it?!?"

This is the third story in the Shadow-Dashverse. Reading the previous two stories are highly recommended for better comprehension.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Freeport Venture

Sunset Shimmer, the Magus of Freeport, has taken plenty of jobs since her arrival in the city. Though she's picky about what work she'll do, especially when the job is offered by one of her least favorite ponies in the world, the large bag of gold that came with the latest request was enough to change her mind.

And that's how she finds herself attending a high-end auction, where one of the rarest and most dangerous tomes of magic in the known world is being sold off to the highest bidder. With some of the world's wealthiest scum and villains attending, who walks out with the book could have consequences far beyond the islands.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Freeport Venture

Sunset Shimmer has established a good life for herself in Freeport. Sure, the city might be horrendously corrupt, but she makes a very good living as the Freeport's only officially sanctioned unicorn magus.

All that goes down the drain when somepony robs the richest bank in Freeport. And most baffling of all, after the heist the crook went to the poorest part of town and scattered the loot for all of Freeport's poor and deprived citizens. Now Sunset has to find the thief, and figure just why someone would rob from the rich and give to the poor...

Reading The Freeport Venture is not necessary to follow this story's plot, though you'll certainly enjoy it more if you have. Plus you should read the previous story anyway, because I'm quite proud of it.

Chapters (1)

When the new landmass appeared in the Pacific, millions thought that the world had ended. The flooding certainly seemed to indicate it had. But when ships discovered that the emerging landmass had not only settled, but was populated by a variety of sentient species, fear turned to curiosity.

Six years later the world has, for the most part, accepted Equestria. But can Equestria accept a world so alien to itself?

A Ghost in the Shell/MLP crossover

Chapters (1)

Ten years ago, the Bearers of the Elements were preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot. Ten years ago, a guard disrupted the ceremony. Ten years ago, Ponyville vanished in a flash of purple light.

One week later, Ponyville was found.

Now approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Star Falco

What define a hero? Is it bravely? Heroism? Or is it just stupidty? Those thought went through Falco's mind when he flew his Arwing into the enemy ship when he sacrifices himself to save Canterlot. For six weeks, the ponies of Equestria didn't know who save them, all they got was that it was a act of good that save them. Then a new threat arrived and the royal guards is powerless and princess Celestia won't do anything to stop this new threat, the Shadowbolts. Only four pegasus are up for the challengs, they are Star Bolts.

MLP/Star Fox crossover, I don't own anything..

This is a sequel to Star Falco, I suggest you read that before you read this story.

Chapters (4)

One night Applejack saw a meteorite crash in the Everfree forest, so she went to investiagte. When arriving at the crash site she saw a giant metal bird, but what shocked her the most was that crawled out of it: a blue bird with a big mouth named Falco Lombardi. Now he's the only one that can save them from a threat that Equestria has never faced before, the forces of Andross.

Mlp/ Star Fox crossover, I own nothing.

This story has nothing do with my other two Star Fox stories; Team Harmony and Crystal Wolf

Chapters (10)

We all know the story of how the elements of harmony saved Equestria many times but what if the story was different.
My name is Fox McCloud and this is my story.

Mlp/Star Fox crossover, I own nothing.

The story starts three months before season 1.

Level 3 Anthro.

So I'm trying again and hope that this is better.

Chapters (41)