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After the Fall Formal, everything was supposed to go back to normal, even turn out better. Sunset was going to have friends and they were going to teach her the ways of friendship. At least, that's what Twilight said would happen. Instead, Sunset is seen as a pariah by everyone including those who said they would be her friends. All except Fluttershy, who now has to save Sunset from ending up in a worse place than ever. But can she do it?

Edited by Icecreammac

Rewriting story. Please tune in for some changes! 7/16/18

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Blink

Teleportation. It is the best possible way to travel... As long as you don't think about it too much.

Twilight has had plenty of time to think about it. She knows what happens when she's neither here nor there. And if she has her way, nopony will ever teleport again.

I was so inspired by ocalhoun's story that I attempted to do some writing. I sent ocalhoun a PM with the results, not expecting a response, but I got one: "You should totally publish this as a sequel! ^.^"

This is the product of that inspiration. I hope you enjoy.

Dramatic Reading done by TheDizzyDan.

Chapters (1)

Teleportation. It is the best possible way to travel... As long as you don't think about it too much. As long as you don't ask where Twilight goes in that split second when she's neither here nor there.

The sound I listened to as I wrote it, available to you in order to give you the option of having the same atmosphere.

No relation to the other story with the same name, just a coincidence of both picking the same excellent title. I was unaware that the other one existed.
Dramatic Reading by Charles Spratt | Second Reading by TheDizzyDan | Third Reading by Crafty Arts | Fourth Reading by Stormy787
Russian Translation 1 (by Aloz) | Russian Translation 2 (by Doof Ex Machina)

Chapters (1)

Abandoned by her friends, Sunset find herself alone, desperate, and broken. After sending her last letter to Princess Twilight, she decides to end everything. Fortunately, she is saved by a stranger even though he is hurt himself. They will start a journey of self-discovery and mutual support and try to heal each other's wounds.
Will Sunset be able to forgive those who hurt her the most? And why does that girl with glasses look so familiar?

Chapters (4)

Princess Twilight Sparkle receives a letter from Princess Celestia. The letter is simple and to-the-point, but shakes Twilight to the core: Princess Celestia has a new student.

Feeling a little put-out by Celestia having a new student, Twilight goes to talk with her and clear the air.

Takes place post-Season 6. Cover art is an image by keursh29

Day 15 of my Self-Imposed 28 Fics in 28 Days Challenge

Chapters (1)

Twilight's gone. In her battle through time, she died, a victim of an alternate timeline. Starlight is defeated, but at what cost?

Spike's lost the pony that's always loved him, the one who acted as a mother, sister, teacher, and best friend. Now he's in pain... but he's not alone. Because Twilight's friends have vowed not to let him become an orphan. In place of one mother, five will now raise him.

AU in regards to The Cutie Re-Mark and Crusaders of the Lost Mark

Basic idea by Rated Ponystar

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle sends a series of letters to Princess Celestia after slaying a villain.

Chapters (5)

Sunset sits alone in a coffee shop, nervously awaiting her friends' arrival. Despite everything they've been through in the last few months, she can't help but feel like she was making a huge mistake. For what she was about to tell them could make or break their friendship.

Cover Art

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer's Very Respectable Class Reunion

It started out innocently enough; Canterlot High's boldest and brightest working on a special Senior Project as one last feather in their cap and improving relations between the human and pony worlds.

"Relations" wasn't supposed to be quite this literal, though, and that everyone ended up where they were in her office with the best of intentions only brought to mind the old phrase, "The road to Hell..."

Published here at the urging of Sporktacles, and as such can be considered "Not My Fault." No, really!

(Cover art is just a screen cap from the show)

FEATURED!!! 2/11/2017! (*yay*)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Bad Decisions Make Better Stories

Sunset Shimmer's class at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns is having a reunion, and naturally she is a tad surprised to find out just exactly what they've been up to since the last time she saw them. Especially after what happened during their *ahem* last class gathering.

And this time at least, everything is definitely not her fault.

Oh, dear.

Rated Teen and Sex for mentions of egregious sexual irresponsibility, very mild pony bad language, and Princess Cadance. No actual sex. Also has minor Sunlight shipping. I'm terribly sorry, I can't help it.

Contains spoilers for the the Season 6 finale and the prequel story, but can be enjoyed without having seen either. Though little bits here and here may not make sense.

PrincessColumbia has written an unofficial sequel to this story!

Chapters (1)