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This story is a sequel to Tell Me Baby

After the events of Tell Me Baby, Sunset Shimmer has decided to continue staying in Los Pegasus with Jackie and the rest of Jackie's friends. Christmas has past and now it's time for her to join Jackie and her friends as they celebrate a second Christmas together. With a fresh start ahead of her and the whole Anon-A-Miss incident slowly disappearing behind her, things are looking up for Sunset Shimmer!

Although being a unicorn turned human that brought magic to this world and living in a city that's very different from Canterlot, perhaps this is going to be a more bumpy ride than she expected!

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The sequel to Tell Me Baby and I'm jumping right into things! If you couldn't tell yet, the naming theme and the cover art theme is based on a band and a specific song. Last time was Red Hot Chili Peppers with Tell Me Baby, and now it's Cake with Sheep Go To Heaven.

Edit: Also I am officially calling this the Guitars, Sugar, OCs, and Magik universe.

Chapters (9)

The Anon-A-Miss incident is beyond control and despite figuring out the blogger's true identity, no one believes her, her friends have abandoned her, and Sunset Shimmer finds herself alone and at the mercy of the world until a stranger comes to her aid.

Even though she has only known this person for less than a day, Sunset Shimmer finds relief in her kindness and a solution in a bold suggestion. She decides to head west to Los Pegasus with her new acquaintance, finding a different way of life among a group of interesting people. Now that she is in a new place where no one knows her past or treats her with contempt... will she ever want to go back to Canterlot City?

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Hey look, a friend make a TV Tropes entry for this. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TellMeBaby

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So yeah, everyone and their grandma has done an Anon-A-Miss story, based on the Equestria Girls comic book that was, quite honestly, not a very good story. If you couldn't guess I'm inspired by being a So-Cal (Southern California) kid and the RHCP (Red Hot Chili Peppers). Because (to my knowledge) THEY HAVEN'T SHOWN LOS PEGASUS IN THE SHOW (it's clearly Los Angeles and the west coast, show us some love!) AND IT'S ABOUT TIME A VERSION OF IT WAS THOUGHT UP (well, what I think up, others probably have thought it up).

So enjoy Sunset Shimmer on the west coast baby!

Edit: officially calling this universe the Guitars, Sugar, OCs, and Magik universe.

Chapters (8)

Tragedy shatters Sunset's world. Laced with guilt over what happened, she cuts herself off from her friends. A month almost passes by before she forces herself to leave her apartment in a halfhearted attempt at regaining some normalcy from the broken shards of her life. However, recovery isn't an easy process, and with each day that passes, her pain only intensifies. But as long as she puts on a smile and tells people what they want to hear, it doesn't matter whether or not she gets better. So long as no one else suffers because of her, that's all that's important, right?

The sequel: Dandelion Wishes

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle, in a surprise gesture, goes to visit her Canterlot friends and take them all out to dinner, also having gotten tickets to see a wildly popular stage show. They're all happy to go, but Moondancer's noticing that Twilight seems rather... desperate... in her need to see them happy...

A commission done for Alex Warlorn

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer's friends all find out she has become a mother long before any of them met her. But what'll happen when they make the discovery the long-lost filly isn't so 'lost' after all? What'll happens if... she just lives around the corner?

Who knows... but we're about to find out.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to The Cadenza Prophecies

Princess Flurry Heart inherited her mother's beauty and grace as well as her father's strength and bravery. The Empire couldn't hope for a better or more suitable heir to the Crystal Throne. Everypony in Equestria admires her and thinks she will be an ideal ruler.

They're wrong.

Young Flurry Heart has no interest at all in being a prim and proper princess, and would much rather have wild and dangerous adventures like her Aunt Twilight.

Book 5 of the Alicorn Adventure series.

Chapters (29)

This story is a sequel to The Luna Cypher

Twilight sets out to learn more of the ways of the world, and soon decides that the whole planet is disorganized, insanely dangerous, and desperately needs to be fixed. And she's just the mare to do it... with a little help from her friends.

Also, there are sky-pirates!

Book 3 of the Alicorn Adventure series.

A few extra, slice-o-life chapters are here: On the Rocks

Chapters (25)

It's that day. The one day of the year that Celestia dreads more than anything in the world. And too bad for her, everyone seems intent on making her go through such an awful occasion. Well, at least she gets cake at the end of it.

Thanks to my editors Skeeter The Lurker, Xl9 and The Abyss for all their help!

Art from the very talented http://yubi-note.tumblr.com. Go check them out!

Chapters (1)

After the changeling invasion, Starlight becomes very possessive protective over Twilight.

Edited by Violet Rose in the Rain

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Triggered

Sunburst might be a grown stallion, but that doesn't keep an overprotective sister like Sunset Shimmer from smacking a filly.

Cover art by Cover Designer Novel-Idea

Chapters (1)