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Spartan Adam-D014 was a lone wolf assigned to the UNSC Lightning. What was supposed to be a routine mission ended up with the frigate being ejected from slipspace unexpectedly, and with Adam landing on a strange planet inhabited by colorful, friendly equines. But something's not quite right... Adam's turning up in Equestria was more than mere coincidence, and Adam is determined to find out just what is going on.


Chapters (25)

John, Equestria's first and only human, loves going to the beach. As it turns out, so does a certain Siren...

Proofread by Georg

Chapters (1)

Tristan, a young man in college, has lead a perfectly normal life with a good best friend, good parents, and generally favorable prospects. However, he's fated to have all that torn away as he falls through a strange rift to an alien land filled with unknown dangers. Now instead of worrying about his next exam he finds himself forced to worry about his next meal as he struggles to survive in this new environment that makes less and less sense as he forges on.

- Cover picture by DarkCord -

Chapters (13)

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?
This is the first fanfic I have written ever, so any criticism or advice is much obliged. Leave both good and negative comments for anything you have to say about the story.

Cover Art by Mexican Brony 101, with it being a linoleum print on paper.

Chapters (36)

Can a convicted murderer be with a princess? Can a dragon and a pony be accepted together? Should Alicorns avoid the pain of loving someone they will outlive? Is it possible for ponies from different worlds and races to be together in a world of doubt and divisiveness? And more importantly, will they survive the new evil rising long enough to find out? *Multiple ships feat*

Sparity and lots of OC love amongst the Mane 6.

Chapters (39)

This story takes place in a continuity where the human and pony worlds have been in contact for three years. Our main character is Eric, a human who lives in Canterlot as an aspiring writer. He's relatively new to the pony world, and he loves everything about it.

Well... almost everything.

There's one thing that never fails to get under Eric's skin: his next-door neighbor, and our second main character, Discord. The guy constantly comes into his house uninvited, eats all the food, and, well, causes chaos! His venting about his never-ending on-and-off relationship with Celestia doesn't make things any better, either. Eric and Discord have lived next to each other for a year now, and the two still maintain a complicated frenemy relationship.

To add to Eric's complications is his crush on Azure Gem, a mare that works across the street from the bookstore where he works. His goal of getting her to like him is second only to his worry that Discord will screw everything up.

This story contains anthro ponies and modern technology since the humans and ponies have been in contact for a while. I won't go all-out though. Ponies still write letters from time to time, and they won't be driving cars everywhere.

Oh, and enjoy!

Cover art drawn by me. The background is a stock vector.

Chapters (9)

A human who was part of a genetic experiment tried to escape those who sought to destroy him. In the attempt he winds up in another universe inhabited by multi-coloured talking ponies. Now the question is: will he be able to adapt to this unusual yet welcome turn of events or will this universe reject him?
A/N: This is my first story.
i was unsure of whether or not i would be allowed to publish the prologue since it does not connect to MLP just yet but it does provide the backstory for Michael. Any constructive critisism is more than welcome as i wish to improve as much as possible. Edited chapters have ** next to them.

Chapters (10)

I had a perfectly decent life, until these ponies abducted me. Now this Luna lady is saying she's my birth mother.
Featured on July 10, 2014! (If only for a minute)

Chapters (14)

One lonely night, Vinyl decides to use her old two-way radio to relieve the tedium. In doing so, she stumbles upon the voice of 'Adi,' who has a story so crazy Vinyl isn't willing to believe it.

But Adi is desperate, so desperate that Vinyl knows something really is wrong. Can her words help Adi overcome whatever is really happening? Even if she can instill hope in this stranger, is hope worth anything against seemingly insurmountable odds?

All Vinyl can do is sit before her radio and talk. Perhaps it will be enough.

Thanks to Mercury Gilado and Starlight Nova for pre-reading and editing.

Now featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio! It came as quite the surprise.

Cover Art Credit: HolyShmow

Chapters (13)

Adam Gray is a late 19th century physicist and professor, after tragedy strikes, he decides to build a time machine to prevent it, but along the way he ends up going into the far future where he ends up in a civilization dominated by colorful magical ponies.

Watch as Adam learns about this new world while a powerful villian tries to defeat him.

Currently re-writing and expanding random chapters.

NOTE: The first 2 chapters will not have any ponies in it, instead focusing on the main charcter and how he ends up in Equestria. All subsequent chapters will have ponies.

Chapters (39)