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This story is a sequel to Found You!

Luxurious Locks, formerly known as the Mane-iac, loves her boyfriend, Aaron. She'd do anything for him, and there's nothing she'd love more than to spend every waking moment with him.

Except when he's at work.

With nothing to do while her lover's away, she decides to spend an afternoon with one of her ex-nemeses turned close friends, but there's something fishy going on, and Luxi can't help but wonder what it is.

This is an HiE Anthro one-shot taking place in the Power Ponies universe, so the Mane 6 are not the Power Ponies. I totally didn't copy and paste this from the first story.

It's also highly recommended that you read the first story before diving into this one.

Rated teen for mild language and mild sexual references

Cover art by me.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The fifth story in The Journey of Graves.

A week has passed since the ill-fated events in Rarity's boutique. The encounter has left a deep impression on Graves as he grows colder and more distant than ever before. Rarity, feeling responsible, wants desperately to make amends, but the multitude of fears and worries plaguing her have made this next to impossible. Even with the help of their friends, it's going to take a miracle to untangle this knot.

Chapters (11)

Everyone has that one friend that they've known since childhood, that one friend that they'd do anything for, that one friend that means the world to them. For me, that friend was Luxurious Locks, the mare that runs the most prominent hair-care product company in Maretropolis. We were the best of friends since childhood, and whenever one of us was down, the other would be there to help out.

But I guess some things don't last forever.

Luxi has disappeared, and she's been missing for over a month. To make matters worse, a deranged mare named the Mane-iac has been attacking the city with no clear motive.

Little did I know that she was looking for someone, too...

This is an HiE Anthro one-shot taking place in the Power Ponies universe, so the Mane 6 are not the Power Ponies. It also goes without saying that this is not related to any of my previous stories.

Now with an Act 3.5 written by Naughty_Ranko! LINK
Pre-reader/Creatve Consultant: Zamairiac

Cover art by me.

The deleted comments were made by me and Zam during the story's development stage, so don't worry about it.

Featured on 5/28/14! SQUEE!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Happiness is a Warm Pony

As you pull it out of the box, you see that there's a design of a pony-- a mare-- printed on either side. She's blue-"furred", with a lilac mane and tail, falling down her back in waves. She stared up at the ceiling with blue-iris eyes. Then you realize it. An image of a mare-- sewn into a pillow-- one as tall as you are. Of course. This is a dakimakura. And a darn well-made one at that; the pony printed on its faces is amazingly lifelike.

Then it speaks.

Coverart by Badumsquish (not on Fimfiction).

Chapters (1)

In the three months you, Anon E. Mous, have been in Equestria, no other pony you know is as unique as Ginger-Bread.

Besides her unfailing companionship, when most other ponies would avoid you, out of fear, or of paranoia, she also likes to snuggle up with you late at night, with her heating-elements keeping you warm, and your arms wrapped around her body, making for a pleasant night of comfort for the two of you.

Oh, and she makes toast.

Coverart by Badumsquish (not on Fimfiction), and approved by Obselescence.

Dedicated to anyone who is spending Valentine's Day alone.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Sorcerer and the Sirens

Jack Jensen is a simple man like any other. He lives in an apartment in New York City, has small part time jobs, and the biggest thing he has to take care of his beloved dog at home. However, on one fateful night, he would find a strange girl collapsed upon the cold cement in front of his apartment building. Feeling obligated in helping her, he brings her into his apartment.

Who knew that in helping her it would change his life for the better. Even if there were a few hiccups along the way.

Rated Teen or Pg-13, for some Sexual References and Content, language, and some Mild Crude Humor.

This story is a bit of a Sequel from the Sorcerer and The Sirens.

This is a brand spanking new story of mine everyone. Be sure to give me feedback on what you think. If you down vote this story then please leave a comment so that I can understand the reason and be able to improve my work.

Cover art is created by TurnipBerry. One fantastic artist that I think many of you should check out.

Chapters (5)

Mark Stevens was just a normal, single, unemployed guy living in Columbus Ohio. He was living a dull life of consumerism, until one day, he finds a strange crystal outside in the park.
Now, he finds himself in world of talking ponies and magical creatures, with himself turned into a pony.
Now, with the help of his new equine friends in Ponyville, Mark must try to adjust to his new life as one of them. All while dealing with monsters of every type, ranging from timberwolfs to even a draconequess of chaos! But as he tries to find away back home, he feels the presence of something dark watching him.

Chapters (23)

Ever since anon came to Equestria, he's been a magnet for all sorts of strange half pony creatures and other oddities. Fortunately, they've all been surprisingly nice and friendly.

This is one such encounter.


Written as a gift for Badumsquish, owner and creator of all the creatures depicted herein, because he's super awesome and because Kalianne is my first and only waifu. The creatures shown here are only the tip of the iceberg; go check out his stuff and see for yourself how insane it all gets! But you may want to keep your filters on when you do...

Chapters (1)

Just a simple man with a simple job...

Well that last part is a lie, my job might seem simple, but it any thing but; that's the life of a nuclear physicist. Most of the time the job is boring since it is the same thing day in and day out, each shift wearing down on my brain little by little. One day a malfunction occurs that will change my life forever, will I adjust?

Editor: Penalt

Shoutout to Door Belle and Damaged for their contributions
Damaged’s Discord server (must be 18 or older): https://discord.gg/Un74ceq

Chapters (8)

I had always wondered what life in Equestria would be like if I went there; having adventures with the mane 6, learn about the magic of friendship, all that good stuff, with ponies.

It's something that I had wished for a long time...

And of course, life decides to send me to Canterlot High.
Life just isn't fair, is it?

Now pre-read by:Pinkie Pool/God-like Turnabout

NOTE: This story does not represent my actual views on Equestria Girls and the concept behind it.

Chapters (41)