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"Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight. The first time you meet this girl she nearly gets you put in prison. The second time you meet you both nearly kill each other. Did I get that right?"
"Pretty much, yeah."
"So you like a girl that almost ruined your life. Are you an idiot?"
"Don't think so."
"Then how the heck did you end up dating this girl, much less even liking her?!"
"Hmm... how about I start from the beginning?"

(A 'you' story written in 1st person. I hope you enjoy. Starting off with a low character count, will add more as necessary)

Wow! Featured yet again! Thank you all so much!

Chapters (22)

Royal Jester Perry O'te is asked to take a break from his job, much to his displeasure. He loves to be at the castle and treasures his time working and making people laugh, but that isn't really why he was forced to leave. What is the real reason Celestia asked him to vacation at the quiet town of Ponyville, and why does he wear that mask of his? What happens when trouble starts to brew in town, and the true reason for his stay is revealed. Will the Mane 6 continue to accept his company or are there some people no longer deserving of the magic of friendship?

(This story takes place before the end of season 3, and contained humanized ponies.)

Cover artwork done by my great friend Katgurl5. Check out her other work at her deviantart page. Just search her and your good to go (link taken out due to recent NSFW purge, and deviant art can have quite a bit of that). Some of it is NSFW, so you have been thoroughly warned.

Chapters (24)

That's right. This story has the infamous tag-trifecta of pony blasphemy. We're shipping humans with ponies over here.

But what's this? Something's gone wrong. Our bipedal hero doesn't want to lose his heart to an equine!

Poor, broken-hearted Carrot Top! She just can't understand it. Who wouldn't want to be shipped with a pony?

Cover art to 'The Faith of Carrot Top' is brought to you by the totally chill Inu-Hoshi

Chapters (10)

I had a, basically, perfect life. Few responsibilities, I lived in a somewhat luxurious environment. The best a middle class family in a kind of peaceful capitalist country could offer.

So how did it come to this? Dragged out of my home and into a strange land by an insane being? And to make things worse, how come I'm suddenly a father to such strange creatures?

Mythical beasts of legend now crawl around me, wailing for food and love. But my own mistakes have lead me into a fight in which I don't belong and until I am able to clean my name and erase my mistakes, I doubt there will be much peace in my life.

I do not believe to be ready for this...

Chapters (14)

Heroes are remembered. Those who give their lives are ingrained in our hearts for all eternity. However, it is often more beneficial, while perhaps more difficult, to continue living for one's family, community, or country. Death brings a simple end for the loyal soldier, while survival entails a complicated road ahead.

Those with power are by default the bearers of choice. The mighty cannot stand idle. The fate of whatever world the Spartan enters rests upon his shoulders.

Many believe that Noble Six gave his life. What they don't remember is that Spartans Never Die.

Chapters (15)

So there I was in the forest, looking everywhere for love to eat. Then my eyes fell upon a cute little bug, maybe this little guy could help feed me.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Celestiphobia

It's only been a day since the treaty was passed, and Stan still hates the ground-walkers and fliers and magicians. So his friend, Carl, decides to cheer him up by making him take part in his favorite activity. Getting drunk.

What a horrible mistake that was, since it gave Stan beer goggles for a certain white alicorn, and has him running around causing mischief at every turn.
Carl can only hope he can survive the night.

Now with deleted scenes!

Author's words with some form of intelligence: Now with 100% more editing by Alticron

Chapters (23)

In the wake of the interrupted wedding of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, the Royal Guard went on a changeling hunt, fanning out throughout Equestria to find any changelings living amongst ponykind. The captured changelings have been confined to a guard barracks in Canterlot.

Meanwhile Princess Celestia is finding herself swamped with petitions from ponies across Equestria asking for amnesty for their changeling friends, colleagues, and lovers. Princess Luna, who has been itching to regain some responsibility since her return, offers to take on the petitioners... and the changelings.

(sex tag for off-screen births and hinted baby-making)

Chapters (27)

The changelings are banished, the day is saved! Yet a victory for one must be a defeat for another, and this particular victory has left one changeling stranded in Canterlot, alone and broken. A certain pink party pony is also alone in the Canterlot night, hiding her depression from her friends. She cannot, however, hide her feelings from a changeling. What will become of this unlikely pair?

As featured in Twilight's Library.

Cover picture by Ruirik

Chapters (5)

EqD page here

A 47 year-old man named Gregary is sent to the hospital and put into an artificial coma after collapsing in a store and sees himself being reborn in a beautiful winter wonderland to talking deer. Of course, he doesn't realize it, but he's born to one of the most important families there, and the Deer lands sit next to the Crystal Empire of the ponies, which Gregary is unaware of.

How unfortunate it is, then, that he already had developed hearing and the first thing that reaches him is the word 'betrothal'. 'Who are the unlucky ones', one would wonder.

Now he must live through the life of a young stag with many employees surrounding him and a village that looks like it's in Christmas all year. Strangely, the adults and elderly look at him with a disconcerting gaze. Is it because he doesn't act anything like them? Maybe he's too open to the idea of meeting other races. Who knows? This hallucination is likely to prove loaded with amusement, and Gregary intends to take advantage of it until it ends. Something forbidden stretches towards the northern lands, however, in search of their vengeance on one that yet lives and another that no longer is, and this might be the last time snow shines like a diamond.

Cover art by Mix-Up. Also here

Chapters (37)