• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012


I am a 20 year old brony. I love sports, video games, my little pony, raves, and a variety of other things. Hopefully you like my stuff if not, Well it won't stop me from reading your stuff.

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Raindrops clocks in and out every day for her job--ONE job, with set-in-stone expectations. Unfortunately for her, one of those expectations involves dealing with her coworkers. That's a trick in and of itself, and Cloud Kicker is far from an average coworker. With the worst storm in her career blowing in from the Everfree Forest, she has to face down unending rain, hail, lightning, and worst of all: Cloud Kicker's nymphomania. The question now is what will give first: her body, or her sanity?

A story in the Winning Ponyverse.

Chapters (1)

Time Turner has a plan. Go to Los Pegasus, enter a poker tournament and win money. It’s a good plan if you intend to cheat your way to victory. But this tournament also has other ponies willing to cheat as well, and they’re not going to give up that prize easily.

Then there’s another wrinkle in the grand plan. Cloud Kicker is also on her way to Los Pegasus in search of fun, and she’s found somepony interesting to follow. Somepony she still hasn’t crossed off her 'To Bang' list.

Despite his objections, Time Turner will need her help; because Los Pegasus isn't an earth pony friendly city. The seats can’t be sat on, the storm cloud oven wants to electrocute him, and it’s a long way down if you decide to step outside.

Set in Chengar Qordath's Winningverse as part of The Cloud Kicker Fan Club and Winningverse Group's anniversary month.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash and Cloud Kicker have been good friends for years now. But when Cloud Kicker comes to Ponyville for one last visit before heading off to join the Royal Guard, Rainbow has to face some difficult questions about just what she wants to do on what might be their last chance to hang out in a long time. Her decision might be a little easier to make if Cloud spent less time thinking about banging and more time thinking about her awesome friend, Rainbow Dash.

Obviously, this calls for a night on the town. And booze. Lots and lots of booze.

Part of the Winningverse.

Chapters (2)

After losing out on first chair cellist in the Manehattan Philharmonic Orchestra to her biggest rival, Octavia tries to console herself with a healthy bout of moping and a strong drink. One drink soon becomes several, though, and her evening of debauchery leads to a long night of frenzied, sordid passion with her best friend Vinyl Scratch. It isn't until she wakes up in the morning with Vinyl's legs wrapped around her that Octavia remembers two very important things: one, she's straight. And two, if the infamously strict conductor of the Philharmonic finds out how unrefined Octavia's social life has become, she could lose her one and only chance at the only dream she's ever had in her life.

This could get a little bit complicated.

Cover art by CouchCrusader, who I swear to God is like fatting me up for slaughter or something with all the custom stuff he does for me.

Half-heartedly edited by NTSTS #dunked

Chapters (1)

Ponies these days are nuzzling younger than ever. Talk to your foals about the dangers of unprotected tummy rubs.

A Los Pegasus charity commission for Pav Feira. He... he gave me the prompt. I had no choice. Forgive me.

Chapters (1)

Lyra and Bon Bon, aka the masked superheroes Harpflank and Sweets, have been entertaining young foals with their stories of action and courage on television. But once a season, the network produces a special episode to teach valuable life lessons to impressionable young foals.

A very special episode, with a narrator who is determined to make their emotional breakthroughs as touching and personal as possible.

Whether they want it or not.

(Side story to Harpflank and Sweets, by Arcainum. I'm very sorry.)

Chapters (1)

“I will give you the power to not be remembered for the next 24 hours. Anything you do will be forgotten, and anything you do to anypony will not make a single bit of difference. You have one day to do absolutely anything you want to without any consequences.”

How could Rainbow Dash refuse?

A commission for BlackSnowyOwl.

Chapters (1)

While she's providing veterinary care at the park, Fluttershy runs afoul with one of the more domesticated critters.

...Fluttershy would never kick a puppy on purpose, would she?

Editing by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Dramatic reading here!

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo: the orange filly that everypony knows, either for her heartfelt devotion to her idol, or for the slightly disastrous happenings that occur around her and her fellow Crusaders.

But what if the filly is hiding something? A secret that might, maybe, explain all the bizarre events that occur in Ponyville? Only one knows, and he is intent upon recruiting her.

In the darkest pits of his being, Discord laughs at his fortunes.

Chapters (1)

Celestia wants Twilight and her friends to loosen up a little bit around her. Luna just wants to try the hard cider. During a surprise visit to Sweet Apple Acres at the tail end of cider season, Princess Luna has just a bit too much to drink, and when she makes a rather inappropriate joke, Twilight comes to the very uncomfortable realization that she has never seen Celestia excuse herself to use the restroom.

Chapters (11)