• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012


I am a 20 year old brony. I love sports, video games, my little pony, raves, and a variety of other things. Hopefully you like my stuff if not, Well it won't stop me from reading your stuff.

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Total Words: 9,296,098
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

<Set before S3E09, "Spike at Your Service"> Rainbow Dash has a problem. She's done reading the last of the "Daring Do" novels, and the next one isn't set to be published until the summer. She tells her troubles to Tank, and in the process realizes that if other ponies can't write fast enough to keep her reading, then maybe she should try her hoof at writing stories of her own. They say to write what you know, and Rainbow Dash certainly does know adventure. But writing about yourself isn't very cool. Tank, on the other hand, is awesome enough to deserve stories of his own, only nopony knows that. Yet.
— Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (9)

This is a collaboration with my good friend SandShift
Ever wonder what your two favorite musical ponies do for fun? Well look no further, 'cause this story tells you exactly what they do! (Well, all except the first chapter, which is just a "how they became friends" story)
These are the misadventures of Octavia and Vinyl Scratch.

Chapters (4)

When Spitfire finds herself grounded on the team injured list just before a show in Manehatten, she prepares for her life to crumble around her. The experience leads her to come across Rainbow Dash, temporarily managing the Manehatten weather teams. The two fliers will discover that sometimes it takes the darkest moments of our lives to find the brightest ones.

The Sequel: Feathers of Blue and Gold is out now!
Review in progress by Inky J
Video Review by Goomba Brony!
Video review by the wonderful ChaoticSeven!
Edited by the wonderful Taxus, Sorren, and Sojourner.
I do my own cover art.

Chapters (43)

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia are going on a camping holiday together! But when everything goes wrong due to Vinyl's terrible judgment and foresight, Octavia must learn how to have a good time anyway.

A comedy of errors starring our dynamic duo, and is also absolutely shipping-free.

Chapters (1)

Ever been bested by a sickeningly sweet pony, specifically one who wields the Elements of Harmony? Are you just tired of love and hope and kindness filling your world? I know I am. Come to the next meeting of Villains Anonymous, where no unjust deed of cruelty goes unrewarded. Discuss your beliefs of disaster and anarchy with your like-minded colleagues, speak of plans for your next big scheme for world domination, or just be a stuck-up jerk. Here at Villains Anonymous, all evil is welcome.

-Discord, The Spirit of Disharmony

P.S., Chrysalis, it's your turn to bring snacks.


Updated 11/11/12

Seeing as how some of you want me to write more, I'll get on it soon.

Chapters (6)

After finding a chess set in the library's storage closet, Twilight is eager to play a few games and turns to Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Teaching the two most competitive ponies in Ponyville a new game should be a snap, right? RIGHT?!

Chapters (1)

When Flim and Flam discover their beloved catchphrase is being used by a television personality, they respond in the only way they feel is appropriate: by filing a lawsuit.

Chapters (1)

After a misunderstanding leads to a vicious fight at Flight Camp that leaves them both in the hospital, Cloud Kicker wanted absolutely nothing to do with Rainbow Dash. However, Rainbow refuses to let a single incident destroy their friendship, and has been writing Cloud Kicker letters ever since that horrible day. For more than two years Cloud Kicker has been throwing the letter into the trash unopened, but what will happen when she finally reads one? Can their friendship possibly be salvaged?

Side-story to "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony"

Chapters (1)

So I'm awesome. Yeah, if you know me, you know that. I have Pinkie Pie for a fillyfriend, pulled off Tornado Day by the skin of my teeth, and got complimented by Spitfire from the Wonderbolts. Also, did I mention I saved her life once? Thing is, though, I don't think awesome is genetic. I mean, I love my parents and all, but ... at a distance. So naturally, they came by to visit.

A sequel to The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash, The Incredibly Troubled Mind of Rainbow Dash, and Chapters 1-12 of The Life and Times of a Winning Pony.

Chapters (5)

This is the story of a very ordinary pony's extraordinary day. Carrot Top and Derpy are good friends indeed, and sometimes friendship can lead to wonderful surprises. It can also lead to arguments, frustration, and general grumpiness, of course, and this story has all of those things as well. But mostly, this is a story about the day Carrot Top learned how to fly.


Originally written for the Hearth's Warming Care Package contest. Many thanks to the contestants who commented on this story, to my EqD pre-reader, and especially to Sessalisk, for helping to polish this story to its present state. Cover art by the incomparable Elosande, used with permission.

Fanart here, courtesy of lalieri!

Audiobook here, courtesy of Deftfunk and Scribbler!

Now available in Spanish, courtesy of SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)