• Member Since 8th Mar, 2014

Key Ring

Hello everypony! I'm here for a good story and, if things progress as they should, I might start doing reviews on every fan fiction I've read on my Youtube account. So write good stories everypony!

Read 224 stories
  • Read 224 stories - 19 unread chapters
    Created by Key Ring
    - January, 2017
Found 185 stories in 62ms

Total Words: 3,813,681
Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Twilight's friends all have problems that they want her to help with, but Twilight finds herself indecisive. Feeling overwhelmed, she finds a spell in one of her books that may help her out...by splitting her into two seperate ponies.

One Twilight is cold and logical. The other is creative and emotional. Can the two Twilights solve their friends' problems? Or will they just make things worse?

Inspired by "Left Brain, Right Brain" by Bo Burnham from his comedy album "what.".

Cover Image by aruurara, who can be found on Tumblr.

Chapters (2)

Spike travels into Saddle Arabia at the request of Twilight Sparkle, who came across a group of scrolls gifted to her by A.K. Yearling. He ends up coming upon the fabled Sand Wand, a magical artifact that is capable of controlling the forces of sand. As he comes back home, he was given another request by Twilight to take the wand out for a field test or in his mind, have fun with the Sand Wand.

Contains heavy details from The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, which is owned by Nintendo.

Chapters (1)

Following the most recent Apple Family Reunion, Applejack finds herself alone in her room with much on her mind. With the star-filled sky as her only witness, she finally has a chance to open up to the two most important ponies in her life: her parents.

Story in Russian: Here!

Special thanks to:
Brony Assasin
Mr. Carnage
And this song: Re: Stacks - Bon Iver.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo and her friends have long been crusading for their cutie marks, but after a long string of failures, Scootaloo is more desperate than ever. Desperate enough to try something as namby-pamby as - ugh - dancing. Will Scootaloo find that dancing's more fun than she expected, or will she end up once again covered in tree sap? Read this to find out!

Featured on Equestria Daily on 7/25/12.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Side-story to Past Sins - Slowly, the wounds inflicted by Nightmare Moon's reign heal. Ponyville is being reconstructed, and the last refugees are leaving the castle. Nyx is with Twilight. Celestia and Luna rule Equestria and guide the sun and moon once more. Everything is as it should be.

But some things are never washed away. These are the things that remain to remind us of the past. They remind us of the good times we've had with friends and family. They never let us forget the mistakes we've made. Everyone has them. Twilight has them. Nyx has them.

And, on occasion, when you share your scars, your photos, and your trinkets with another, they just might share theirs in return.

Chapters (1)

A refined mare fresh out of high school and a dropout following her dreams find themselves forced to spend a lot of time together.

With the help of a meddling psychology tutor and their new classmates, can they find what they've been looking for?

French Translation!

Fan Stuff!

Chapters (22)

As Hearts and Hooves Day came closer and closer there was a bit of youth love flowing throughout the air. Sweetie Belle and Button Mash have noticed each other at school and around town. But the question remains, do they want to be more than friends?

Based on a scene from the song "Don't Mine at Night(Pony Parody)" by JanAnimations

Chapters (1)

Spike the Dragon has been the librarian at Ponyville's Golden Oaks Public Library ever since...
For a long time.
Today, an old friend comes to wish him a happy 100th birthday, but then a letter arrives, which leads to more letters, left to him from his youth and adolescence.

A bittersweet tale of Spike coming to terms with his place in the world through looking back at how he grew up.

(Rated Teen for heavy themes. No Sex or Gore)

Chapters (6)

"Dear Santa Hooves. My name is Apple Bloom, and I don't want presents for Hearth's Warming this year. I just want my cutie mark..."

Featured on Equestria Daily -- January 18th 2013
Fanfic reading by Scribbler
Reddit page
Download link for the 'FROM THE DESK OF TWILIGHT SPARKLE' paper

Chapters (3)

The challenge? Daunting. The reward? Worthy. Failure? Not an option. For Big Macintosh has accepted the bet, and thus begins A Ballad of Eeyup and Nope - in which he isn't allowed to say either.

Chapters (13)