• Member Since 8th Mar, 2014

Key Ring

Hello everypony! I'm here for a good story and, if things progress as they should, I might start doing reviews on every fan fiction I've read on my Youtube account. So write good stories everypony!

Read 224 stories
  • Read 224 stories - 19 unread chapters
    Created by Key Ring
    - January, 2017
Found 185 stories in 66ms

Total Words: 3,813,681
Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Hearths Warming Day is almost upon the village of Ponyville and no two ponies are more excited then Sweetie Belle and Button Mash. For the energetic gamer, it's a chance to get as many new games as he wants, but for Sweetie Belle she's excited because she'll be living a dream. After a year of saving their money, she and her sister are going to the Manehatten Hearths Warming Show where all the best actors, musicians, and performers play for one night only.

However, when disaster strikes leaving Sweetie Belle's dreams shatterd, Button resolves to help his best friend.

Check out the next story over here!

Chapters (1)

[Featured on EqD and FiM Fiction] It is that time again, the dreaded flu season. Not even Princess Celestia, the ruler of the sun and day, is safe from it. When Celestia contracts the flu, what pony could possibly nurse Celestia back to health? Why none other than her dear, loving sister of course! Enter Nurse Luna!

Between crazed guards, a palace staff desperate to please their rulers, and a crazed unicorn running around, no pony is safe from this madness.

This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library.

Chapters (11)

Equestria's mafia is run by the most unlikely of gangsters.

Edited by: p0n00b.

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle comes across a small, battered diary detailing a new form of transportation. While the research is sloppy and the notes incomplete, Twilight takes it upon herself to see that the ancient project is completed.

Of course, nopony said it would be easy.

Chapters (1)

The sequel to this story: Sweetie Belle and the Quest for Knowledge is now available!

When Sweetie Belle finds a mysterious artifact of a now lost civilization, how will she come to terms with the wealth of knowledge it provides? It says it can be ignored, it says it will never try to influence her, but can an artifact of such power really be so harmless?

Book I of III

Prologue and Chapter 1: Thanks to TheOtherSideOfFluttershy for pre-reading and editing.
The whole story: Thanks to RaylanKrios for editing.
Chapter 4: Thanks to AuthorGenesis for editing.
Thanks to Malefactory for editing.

Chapters (16)

When Sweetie Belle magically derails one of Twilight’s experiments, she finds that she and Rainbow Dash have switched bodies. While Twilight works on a way to remedy the situation, Rainbow and Sweetie try to live each other’s lives as if nothing has happened.

Which might have worked out, if the weather team hadn’t needed Rainbow’s help. Or if Diamond Tiara hadn’t decided to pick on Scootaloo.

Chapters (2)

With the Summer Sun Celebration coming up, Pinkie Pie has just made the best cake she's ever made! All she needs is one cherry to put on top of it. Her only issue is that the cherry is inside of a glass jar. One that Pinkie can't seem to open.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's tenure in Ponyville has been anything but calm. Since the Summer Sun celebration, she's dealt with a variety of foes, from Nightmare Moon to dragons, hydras, Discord, and King Sombra. But when Pinkie Pie asks for help with a small problem, Twilight finds herself pulling out all the stops to deal with the most dastardly (and curious) fiend yet encountered: Sugarcube Corner’s haunted mailbox. Rainbow Dash’s letter from the Wonderbolt Academy is on the line. Failure is not an option.

Chapters (1)

Cerberus has one job, and that job is to guard the Gates of Tartarus so that no evil creatures can escape. He's had this job for a long time, and not once did he defy his duty. Sure, he left his post that one time, but he never intentionally set someone free. Not that he ever wanted to.

But what if somepony was cast into Tartarus through no fault of their own? And what if that somepony is a pony that Cerberus really cares about? Is there a protocol for this scenario? Alas, no. It's never happened before. So, the big question remains:

What now?

Dramatic Reading by CrazedRambling

Korean Translation

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Iroh share some afternoon tea and sagely advice over a game of Pai Sho.

Credits for original idea and editing go to my good friend Cthulhu.

Credits for the picture go to itcamefrom4chan.

Iroh is a character from Avatar: The Last Airbender, in case anyone didn't know and was wondering.

Chapters (1)