• Member Since 8th Mar, 2014

Key Ring

Hello everypony! I'm here for a good story and, if things progress as they should, I might start doing reviews on every fan fiction I've read on my Youtube account. So write good stories everypony!

Read 224 stories
  • Read 224 stories - 19 unread chapters
    Created by Key Ring
    - January, 2017
Found 185 stories in 67ms

Total Words: 3,813,681
Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23596 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Fights between siblings are a part of life. Being the father that has to comfort a crying filly, is also a part of life.

A quick little look into being the parent of an introvert. Fluffy.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Golden Armor

It's more of a continuation than a sequel, but whatever.

Comet is the leader of Princess Celestia's personal guard. Angel is the leader of Princess Luna's.

Comet is awake during the day. Angel stays up all night.

Comet likes using a halberd. Angel excels at using claws.

Comet is a pegasus. Angel is a bat pony.

Together, they take on all the twists and turns life hands them. However, things don't always go as planned.

Cover art by Equestria Prevails.
Proofread by jmartkdr and Feather Scratch

Chapters (3)

After a long day of flight practice with Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash discovers the filly knows next to nothing about preening and takes it upon herself to teach her.

Warning: May Contain Feels and/or D'aww moments.

Featured on FIMFiction on 7/20/2013. Yay!
Featured on EQDaily on 09/12/2013 Double Yay!
Reading by TheLostNarrator (excellent!): Here
Reading by DRWolf: Here
Reading by Joehighlord: Here
Riffed by Draklox: Here
Korean Translation: Here
Spanish Translation: Here
French Translation: Here
Chinese Translation: Here

Chapters (1)

Its a boring day in Ponyville and Rainbow Dash has nothing to do. So she pulls out her new iPone and decides to play the newest and most popular app: Flappy Bird. This game ,as she will figure out, is infuriating and wants to make your head explode. When she finds out the high score of the game is 10,000,000 she is determined to beat it. She devotes all of her time to Flappy... all...her...time.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle is being pursued. Those who hunt her will stop at nothing in their goal to find her. Will this young filly make it through the day? Or will all be lost?

A huge thanks to Lab for his editing abilities once again.
The amazing cover art by Swirling Line, check out her deviantart page to see more of her works. A huge thanks to her as well.

100% Approved by Twilight's Library.

Chapters (1)


Join Carrot Top and friends to find Derpy the perfect stallion before Hearts and Hooves Day! The requirements (In Carrot's view.)must be a stallion that finds her beautiful, her eyes lovely, and is fine dating a single mother. Will Carrot Top be able to find the perfect stallion in time? Or will Derpy never re-find love? Probably not.

Yes, you can request stallions for Derpy to date. Go ahead, review! Suggest a stallion! Explain why you (dis)liked! Be honest or I'll cut you! :pinkiecrazy:

Best chapter so far: Fifth Date
Stallions so far: Caramel, Big Mac, Soarin, Key Ring(OC), Music Within(OC)
List for possible next dates: Flam, Noteworthy, Braeburn, Spike, Pokey Peirce

If you want to make or introduce an OC that you want to date Derpy to me, simply PM me and we can continue from there.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Hearth's Warming is a time for friends and family to come together, celebrate harmony, and welcome the new year. Nyx is looking forward to just this as she rides the train to Canterlot with Spike and Twilight. She's going to meet her extended family for the first time and wants nothing more than to make a good impression. Yet, the sheen of the holidays can't hide the trouble caused by meddling grandparents, relentless reporters, and a paranoid uncle.

Chapters (12)

Nopony ever said the friendship between Fluttershy and Discord would be an easy one. The difference in their life expectancies doesn’t help, but that’s a problem Discord can fix with a snap of the talons—that is, until Fluttershy finds out. Discord isn’t one to give up easily, though. He’ll do anything to keep his one and only friend. Anything.

Inspired by the image by C-Puff.

There is now a video review! And still another video review! And Russian and French translations! And there are dramatic readings from Joehighlord and Dr. Wolf! But wait! There's more: Dr. Wolf has collaborated with Meb90 and a team of other talented artists to produce something amazing.

Chapters (1)

Dear Princess Celestia,

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. Things seem to be falling through the cracks lately. Spike thinks I should go see the doctor, but...

Chapters (1)