• Member Since 8th Mar, 2014

Key Ring

Hello everypony! I'm here for a good story and, if things progress as they should, I might start doing reviews on every fan fiction I've read on my Youtube account. So write good stories everypony!

Read 224 stories
  • Read 224 stories - 19 unread chapters
    Created by Key Ring
    - January, 2017
Found 185 stories in 80ms

Total Words: 3,813,681
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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They've known each other for a long time, now, so Rainbow Dash thinks its time to share with her friends something cherished and precious: a chance to meet her beloved father. However, what they will learn on that visit will give them much to think about over the years to come.

Written especially for Memorial Day.

Chapters (1)

Everyone knows the story of Princess Twilight; she was taught by Celestia, harnesses the Element of Magic, and she's ascended into her title of royalty with the help of her friends who also hold Elements of their own. But, what of other apprentices taught by the Princesses?

Lovestruck, gifted with the ability to harness Love, has been tasked with a mission by her mentor, Princess Cadence: to travel across Equestria and learn lessons from firsthand experience so that she may learn her talent more thoroughly.

In this journey, Lovestruck will encounter romantic hi-jinks, new friends, potential rivals, and adversity from those who doubt her talents. Will Lovestruck be able to understand the gift she has been granted?

This story has revoked submission and has been resubmitted, so the comments below that refer to events that don't take place in the story are irrelevant. Please keep this in mind.

This story also takes place just before the Season 4 premiere. Events taking place in the season will be mentioned in due time.

Lovestruck is not my OC. She is a character created by Hasbro and is presented in the My Little Pony Gameloft game. Please be aware that this is merely an interpretation of a character presented in merchandise who has yet to be fully developed by her creators.

Chapters (9)

Applejack is a very old pony, and the last Element of Harmony left alive. On the sunny day of her last friend's funeral, she shows Princess Celestia that a lifetime of magic is more powerful then grief.

Proofread by the amazing DbzOrDie.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Touch, Smell, Taste, Hearing, Sight

This is the order the five senses develop in for foals as they rest, cradled in the warm safety of a mother’s womb. But for one, her womb was a thorn bush in the dark of night. For one, the safety and warmth that should have carried her into the world was replaced with pain and cold.

These are Nyx's first hours.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

In the wake of the battle with Tirek, Twilight Sparkle becomes fixated on restoring Golden Oaks Library. After all, it was home for her little family of three. But as her attempts to repair the books and tree continuously fail, her friends must take matters into their own hooves. Discord, as the good friend he is, tosses Twilight and her extended family into an unexpected adventure while Twilight's other friends get to work on the new crystal palace.

All together, they'll do everything to ensure Twilight and her family have a place to call home when they reach the end of the road.

Chapters (15)

Cadance didn't know what to expect when her formerly banished Aunt Luna returned from her thousand year banishment. But, she's quite entertained by the hilarity. Especially if it means a chance to play a little joke.

Edited by Habanc. Preread by The Albinocorn, Foals Errand, and Timaeus

Cover art was done by Silfoe and used with permission! In fact, this fic is a gift for her!

Now with Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the Changeling Hives, feels a disturbance. Something unusual, something evil... something festive. It doesn't take her long to discover that the source of this dread is a pony holiday by the name of "Hearth's Warming Eve," and it takes even less time for her to decide what she has to do now: She must steal it.

Yes. The whole thing.

Chapters (1)

Hearth's Warming is supposed to be a time of rest, relaxation, and time spent with friends or loved ones. For Twilight, it's more of the opposite.

Luckily, she's not alone.


Chapters (1)