• Member Since 8th Mar, 2014

Key Ring

Hello everypony! I'm here for a good story and, if things progress as they should, I might start doing reviews on every fan fiction I've read on my Youtube account. So write good stories everypony!

Read 224 stories
  • Read 224 stories - 19 unread chapters
    Created by Key Ring
    - January, 2017
Found 185 stories in 66ms

Total Words: 3,813,681
Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

In the city of Manehattan, everything is ridiculously expensive, so it's hard to live on one's own. Which is exactly why coworkers and friends, Grace Manewitz and Coco Pommel, share a flat. In this mini-series that shows a day in the life of these two mares, misadventures are sure to occur.

After all, what they say is true: "Anything can happen in Manehattan!"

Chapters (10)

Based on the Spongebob Squarepants episode of the same name

After Diamond Tiara gets her big screen TV, she leaves the empty box for the CMC to play with. However, she finds out that the CMC are using their "imagination" to have amazing adventures in the box. To the rich filly's shock, they are actually real as she can hear the sounds coming from the box. Confused, Diamond Tiara is determined to see what is really going on. Is it just a prank by the CMC, or can imagination really make adventures come to life? Either way, she's gong to find out the truth, even if it makes her go insane.

This fic is a gift for RainbowBob. Welcome back buddy!

Edited by Jake The Army Guy

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Gift of the Mash

Button Mash had been planning this out for years, ever since that one Heaths Warming Eve where Sweetie Belle kissed him. He was going to ask her out on a date. He's got the perfect idea, taking her out to the Canterlot Winter Ball after Hearths Warming Eve. Only problem is that he doesn't have tickets, but he knows somepony who does. Somepony he's going to regret working for.

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle is getting prepared for her date with the one boy she's had a crush on for a long time. However, her entire world is rocked when she learns of a secret she was never meant to learn and questions everything in life.

Will this Hearths Warming Eve end up being a season of memories or a season of sorrows?

Edited by CommanderX5 , JumbledThought and Corpulent Brony.

Art work done by RoyalRainbow

Chapters (7)

One normal and completely average morning, everything went wrong. Rarity arrives at the Castle of Friendship to pick up Spike for their weekly gem hunting trip, only to find that Spike has locked himself in his room and Twilight is working herself into a frenzy in the library. As she tries to piece together what happened that morning, and mend a damaged friendship, she'll make a number of startling revelations.

Some of them bigger than others.

Cover art used with permission of Kilala97.

Thanks to The Albinocorn for proof reading.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy, known for her long flowing mane, decides to get it cut. Her friends react to this new change.

Edited by: Alovelylittlecomplex

Inspired by this post: EQD: Fluttershy with a Short Mane

Artwork Source: http://lovetomorrowlove.tumblr.com/post/10178952793/you-know-what-i-always-wanted-to-see-a

Chapters (1)

Cutie Mark Crusaders Time Travelers, yay! ...Wait, what?

When older versions of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Spike appear from the future, Twilight and her friends are in for the time of their lives. The Crusaders have gone back in time on a mission that may decide the fate of time itself! They are fearless, they are resourceful, they... completely messed up right from the start, huh?

Now it's a literal race against time to set things right, as powerful enemies from the future attempt to claim the past for themselves. So join the Elements of Harmony and the Crusaders of tomorrow in an epic story of danger, hope, despair, betrayal, revenge, love and swashbuckling high adventure!

Just remember the golden rule: Time travel doesn't make sense!

Chapters (4)

Dusk Shine has dealt with many trails throughout his life. From clashing with Nightterror Nebula to outwitting the mischievous Eris to thwarting King Nymphamos’s invasion, he'd seen it all.

All in all, Dusk Shine would admit that life was hardly easy. And now, Dusk finds that his mentor's self loathing is the least of his problems as he finds himself thrust into a world where he and his friend... are mares?

edited by Saylux and OverlordCornutt

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Syndicate

Spike stumbles upon the biggest conspiracy that Ponyville has ever known! With only his wits and a hard-boiled attitude, the square dragon will take down the lowlive thugs who threaten Equestria to ensure justice is served.

And also because he's really bored.

Chapters (1)

Right before an exam, Twilight decides to try out Princess Celestia's brand new creation! An elevator! It sounds just delightful!
Well, it's not.

Chapters (1)

Cosmic balance is a fickle thing. Sometimes, creatures like Luna and Celestia can work as independent agents of Harmony, at least one of them present assured the element's presence in the world.

But what of Discord and Chaos? What happens when the master of the matter is sucked dry of his power, no longer worthy to represent it?

Simple. A foal is born.

Vector by the awesome MLP Scribbles
Image edits by Piercing Sight
Editing by Piercing Sight
Everything by Piercing Sight, go give him so love, yo.

Featured on 09/08/2014 *flings some streamers and confetti* :pinkiesmile:

Chapters (2)