• Member Since 8th Mar, 2014

Key Ring

Hello everypony! I'm here for a good story and, if things progress as they should, I might start doing reviews on every fan fiction I've read on my Youtube account. So write good stories everypony!

Read 224 stories
  • Read 224 stories - 19 unread chapters
    Created by Key Ring
    - January, 2017
Found 185 stories in 74ms

Total Words: 3,813,681
Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23573 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

One day, while working at Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie Pie comes to a startling realization.

She has no idea how Fluttershy earns money.

For Pinkie Pie, not knowing something so important about one of her closest friends is intolerable. But when she asks Fluttershy, the only answer she'll give is:

"I do odd jobs."

Now, Pinkie Pie is determined to find out exactly what Fluttershy does to make ends meet...

(Rated Teen for mild risque humor.)

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Rainbow Dash are visiting Rarity. However, when the first snows of winter suddenly fall--rather than let her friends trudge through the cold on their way home--Rarity invites the two to stay the night at her place.

What started off as a fun night for the three will soon spiral into an embarrassing evening for Rainbow Dash, especially after Rarity unveils to them her newest line of animal-inspired sleepwear.

Commissioned by Anonymous who wanted a story written around the cover art here that was drawn by Raridashdoodles
Click here for a reading!

Chapters (1)

It's Starlight Glimmer's first Nightmare Night in Ponyville, and she invites Trixie to go to a Haunted House attraction with her. As it turns out, Trixie is very very easily frightened. Almost too easily. Certainly it's not some silly excuse for the sideshow magician to cling to her very best friend... right?

Chapters (2)

Every year, Prince Solaris of Equestria and Princess Celestia of Equestria have a dimensional meeting to discuss matters pertaining to both worlds. What happens during these meetings, nopony knows.

They each have a devoutly loyal Royal Guard who almost share the same name, Starry Sky and Celestial Sky, and both have problems with being around the opposite sex.

When they get word of this, they decide to fix this problem in their own way.

Based off of the 'A Broad Scope' comic short.

Chapters (2)

After being sucked into the magical land of Equestria, YOU find yourself as the legendary Brony Hero in this exciting interactive adventure. Will you find the Time Orb and restore peace to the land? Or will you marry Fluttershy? Will you defeat the evil demon king Tirek? Or will you marry Luna?

With 21 endings to choose from, only you can decide your fate!

Chapters (62)

After an accident, Rarity and Twilight are thrown in a race against time to stop their transformation into changelings before they become part of Chrysalis' swarm forever.

Chapters (10)

Princess Celestia tires of constantly being surrounded by decorum, deference, and formality, and decides to take a day off from being Princess. But visiting Ponyville incognito is harder than she expects. Will she be able to fit in and make friends without blowing her cover?

Chapters (1)

Big Mac is not the most outspoken pony in Ponyville. In fact, he rarely speaks at all. All he seems to do is just work on his family's farm day in and day out. Nothing else but his orchards and family seem to matter to him.

Little does anypony know, he is fulfilling the final wish of his departed mother.

To be a simple pony.

Chapters (1)

When Filly Twilight is lonely, she turns to a time machine to help. She then joins three other fillies for milkshakes, and it makes her day.

Chapters (1)

It's Mother's Day in Ponyville, and Dinky has a very special present for her mother.

Chapters (1)