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A United States Air Force AC-130 is transported to Equestria while in transit through the Bermuda Triangle. Insanity aside, this motley crew of aviators must juggle their duties while treading the uncertain waters of diplomacy.

Disclaimer: I've decided to write this in an attempt to get a more realistic view of what military in Equestria would act like, rather then the dark brooding kill happy stuff I've read. So with that being said, these guys will act more like diplomats. So there won't be much gore, and they certainly won't be going on a killing spree. (Obviously, as fiction the term realistic is applied loosely. My main goal is a realistic characterization of one specific community within the military. Just keep an open mind about how sub-cultures can exist within an entity as large as the U.S. military and you'll be fine.) Also rated teen for obvious reasons, morbid humor, light swearing, and background stories.

Chapters (9)

Diamond Tiara always knew that someday she'd be invited to dine with the Princess at the Royal Palace. She didn't think it would happen like this.

But she's going to sit there and be polite and smile and not be bothered by all the ways this is all wrong. Because that's what good fillies do, and Diamond Tiara is a good filly now.


Cover art by iisaw.
Preread by SIGAWESOME.

Featured on Equestria Daily.
Featured on the Royal Canterlot Library.


Chapters (3)

A mother will do a lot for her child, even give them up if it meant them having a safer life growing up, despite the obvious pain that comes for the parent.

That pain is something Queen Chrysalis has gone through for eighteen years, but now the time is upon them, and she wants her daughter back. Even if that means invading Canterlot during a royal wedding.

Edited by RC2101_Copey
New cover art was created by the talented Jesuka
Now has a TVtropes page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Change
Go watch the reading by Skijaramaz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecqtu_Djrw4

(Featured on 18/10/2015, the first day! Thank you!)

Change is now a printed book, information here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/732008/i-got-a-thing-change-is-now-a-physical-book

Chapters (64)

There is a hidden village deep within the untamed forest surrounding Neighagara Falls. Should one ever journey to this village, those who live there will welcome them for a simple price: love.

When the village accepts a new family from Cloudsdale, a not-quite-altruistic pair of changeling siblings offer a young filly friendship and a chance to find her place in the strange village she hopes to call home.

New cover art done by Arcticwaters.

Chapters (52)

Sunset Shimmer wants nothing more than to be able to enjoy the holidays with her friends, but the festive season does nothing more than remind her of how alone and cold she's been for so many years. Is it possible for her to learn to love the holidays again?

Maybe with the help of some friends, she can.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Path of Kindness and Blood

As written in prophecy, after a thousand years of banishment, the two faced princess shall return and change the world. Pureblood thestrals and their clans are awaiting her return, ready to support her.

Fluttershy, the decades old pureblood thestral, sought refuge in Ponyville after death of her parents. She’s faced many trials and hardships while forging many friendships and forming a small clan of her own.

Now, as the night of the two faced princess’s return is dragging near, it is up to the young pureblood and her friends to face her. Will they help Luna to surface and convince her to lead thestrals down the road of peace, or will they fail and Nightmare Moon will lead them down the path of conquest?

To make matters worse, Moon Shadow, the most powerful pureblood, may have plans of his own.

List of proof-readers:
7th Outpost - Prologue
EternityFlame - Prologue, chapter 1 part 1 and 2
Ankaru - Prologue
Word Worthy

Feather Note

Chapters (24)

Every week, Equestria's princesses take a break from ruling their kingdom and discuss life. Usually over coffee.

Here are their assorted conversations.

Cover art by Grennadder. The story is marked complete because it's not a writing priority of mine, more a palette cleanser I come back to between harder projects

Chapters (32)

The holiday season has come to Canterlot High, but there's little reason for yuletide cheer. A MyStable user called 'Anon-A-Miss' has been posting students' secrets for all to see, and the prime suspect is Sunset Shimmer. With not even her closest friends at CHS standing by her through this, it's looking like it'll take a holiday miracle for Sunset to weather this storm, much less clear her name.

This story is adapted from the Equestria Girls Holiday Special, written by Ted Anderson and drawn by Tony Fleecs. Additional inspiration is taken from "Ponyville Confidential", written by M. A. Larson, "One Bad Apple", written by Cindy Morrow, and Issue #29 of the ongoing, story by Ted Anderson and drawn by Jay Fogsitt.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (5)

SPOILER!: This contains lore and what the Warframes really are. If you haven't played the Second Dream quest and don't want to be spoilt, do not read until you complete it.

My name is Karn, it's been over one-thousand years since I became a Tenno.

I've faced all sorts of horrors and challenges.
The grineer, a race of clones, seeking out others to stabilize their own DNA and hating anything or anyone not like them.
The corpus, a conglomeration of commercial and industrial interests, they acquire Orokin technologies and warframes to trade and sell using any means necessary.
The Infested, an ancient plague created by the Orokin to combat the 'Sentients' but has spread throughout the system.

Me and the new Tenno Greavus who uses the new Nekros warframe were sent to assassinate a grineer general, but Greavus struck a deal with the grineer and left me within the ship while the grineer tried to take my warframe for experimenting. Long story short, they failed.

I barely managed to escape to the void in an attempt to take down Greavus, but my Orbiter and Liset are damaged during flight.

My Orbiter exits the void right above a bright planet. With its engines down, the ship crashes right into a city on a mountain during an invasion.

I arm myself and leave the Orbiter, but for the first time in centuries, I'm not prepared for what greeted me... Small colourful equines.

Warframe/MLP crossover, image is my rhino warframe and the one used in the story.

Chapters (30)

After being abandoned by her friends during christmas, Sunset Shimmer wanders the cold streets of town, alone, and with nowhere to go. After walking for hours, she eventually gives into the elements around her, only to be saved at the last second by the last ones she ever thought would help her.

Meanwhile, the truth about Anon-A-Miss has come out, and her five friends are desperately trying to find her so they can apologize for what they have done.

Chapters (19)