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They don't need me.....Pinkie pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and even Fluttershy plus everyone else at Canterlot High. They don't need me....they hate me.....they won't miss me

I should just leave.

Sunset Shimmer is miserable, lonely and heartbroken.For everyone, including the Mane 5 have accused her of being Anon-a-Miss and they now all hate and despise her even though it is not her doing. Even when the original Anon-a-Miss confessed to her and promise to tell everyone, that still won't change for her. So Sunset decides to take things to her own hands.

Set during the Equestria Girls Holiday Series and when the real Anon-a-Miss confesses to Sunset personally instead of in Sugarcube Corner with the Mane 5.

Chapters (11)

Similar to the tantabus that had haunted Princess Luna for so long, Sunset too has something she had created to punish herself for her wrong doings. But it has finally pushed her over the edge, and she's not sure if friendship can help her this time.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer started cutting soon after the Fall Formal, guilty for what she had done. Then she never stopped, the habit sticking with her. Then Pinkie and Fluttershy find out and ask her to stop.

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor is a tooth. Really. Princess Luna says so.

With a reading that had once been done by Scarlett Blade, only now missing (darn).

And a review by Present Perfect.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

In the wake of the battle with Tirek, Twilight Sparkle becomes fixated on restoring Golden Oaks Library. After all, it was home for her little family of three. But as her attempts to repair the books and tree continuously fail, her friends must take matters into their own hooves. Discord, as the good friend he is, tosses Twilight and her extended family into an unexpected adventure while Twilight's other friends get to work on the new crystal palace.

All together, they'll do everything to ensure Twilight and her family have a place to call home when they reach the end of the road.

Chapters (15)

The story of my down fall had started. I was out numbered, out gunned and my magical reserves were drained. At the moment when I felt the bullet hit, I thought it was over and I would never see those I care for again, so I closed my eyes and accepted what would happen next.

But desitny stepped in and gave me a new chance to live again. I now have chance to experience life in the fullest; or will I be doomed to repeat my mistakes again and watch all that care for to fall to the darkness that is ever present.

The world I awoke to was different but it felt right. Everyone is here alive and well and what I know about them and the world is wrong. There is no talk of war, but the factors that lead to war from where I came from are still present. The people of Equestria seem to be unaware of advances in technology that have happened. This is due to the fact that nobles keep every advancement a secret so that they can keep the power that they had for generations. Not all but some want change and advancement.

Now the time has come for me to make a choice of who I should be.

Should I become the silent protector who leads a normal life? Should I become a soldier that rose out from the ranks to be a beloved leader? A wandering warrior with immense power and skill that found something worth protecting? Or become a legend of shadows and take my place as the greatest warrior till the end of time.

I don’t know what I’ll do, but as Valkyrie of Equestria, I Twilight Sparkle will do everything in my power to save this country.

Featured: 06/23/2024

Chapters (10)

Bringing a lost empire into the modern age is stressful enough, but for a pair of young lovers, the weight can be difficult to bear. Fortunately, their love is stronger than ever. Their vows to one another the solid foundation of their marriage. There is nothing he wouldn't do to protect her from harm, nothing he wouldn't do to show his love. But, whether he is Captain of the Guard or Prince of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor is her stallion, first and foremost. Her beloved. For the one who captured her heart, Princess Cadence will protect him from that which would harm his spirit—whether he knows it or not.

Editing and prereading done by The Albinocorn, Bad_Seed_72, Foals Errand, Meridian Prime, and Zodiacspear

Artwork originally done by Silfoe/RoyalSketchbook and used with permission.

Chapters (26)

Daniel Habbuck, UN ambassador to Equestria, hates his job.

Sure it pays well, but it's hardly worth having to put up with flank-kissing politicians and the stomach twisting anxiety of knowing that he represents all of humanity.
One night, after a particularly tense meeting leaves him wound up, Daniel is desperate for somepony to talk to. With his friends either busy or too far away, he hires a batpony prostitute, just so he can have some company.

As he soon learns, there's much more to this streetwalker than meets the eye...

Rated T for sexual references, but no clop.

Special thanks to WingmanRed, Georg, and Kraken Hatchling for proofreading and editing

EDIT: Special, special thanks to Comrade Pony for the suggestions
EDIT: Deleted cover art.

Chapters (1)

It is the middle of winter, it was cold that day, but that night was even colder. Freezing in her bed at night, Nyx seeks out the warmth of one who has always been there to love and comfort her. Winter is a season of rest, as Nyx is about to learn, though cold and as harsh as a Windigo's call, it can be a beautiful, and wonderful time of year.

Cover art by the lovely and talented, TealessTea.
Nyx is a character created by Pen Stroke.
Short story, intended to show just a small moment in Nyx's life.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to New Leaf

It's been there for as long as I can remember. Staring me in the face, a part of everything I was, everything I am. Only recently have I begun staring back at it, trying to find out what it truly is.
But it's true what they say; when you stare into the Abyss, the Abyss stares into you.

Chapters (1)