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Once again, Flash Sentry walked into Twilight Sparkle. However, this time, she was a different Twilight than the one to whom he was accustomed. Sadly, no one thought to tell him that. Now he needs to make it up to this Twilight... assuming he can find her.

And get her to listen to him.

And just how does all of this work, exactly?

(Note: Sunset also makes a significant appearance, but I hit the character tag cap.)

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara's joy at her newfound outlook and friends is shortlived. Exiled to her bedroom while her uncompromising mother decides what to do with her, she can only listen in as Spoiled Rich tells her too-meek-by-half husband Filthy EXACTLY how useless his daughter is. Then, there's a sudden knock on the door... and Tiara's adventure is about to begin.
Set after the events of 'Crusaders Of The Lost Mark'.
Now rated T for some disturbing scenes
Beware of SPOILERS in the comments.
Great new cover drawn, completely at their own behest, by the very talented robsa990. What a nice chap he is.

Chapters (48)

Sunset Shimmer has been worrying her friends of late. It had started off as her talking around the subject of home. Then outright avoiding it.

It isn't that her friends want to have a sleepover at her place, or have her host a Pinkie Party. They're just worried. Sunset does have somewhere to call home right? A roof over her head and a warm place to sleep?

EQG. Set after Friendship Games and before. Takes plot points from the comic special. Notes per chapter as needs must.

Just a story I wrote trying to escape writers block on other projects. It sort of ran away with me. Name comes from this track, but it didn't have much influence on the story. In need of cover art if anyone can point me to something good.

Now with cover art from Novel-Idea, designer of the fine image now applied.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Empty Lake, Full Sky

Sunset Shimmer's choices after the Fall Formal lead her through a darkness she thought she'd lost. Sequel/adoption attempt for Empty Lake, Full Sky by Wayward Sun. Please read that first, in order to know what has lead to the events here.

Sunset's fateful choice leads her to question everything she once used to cling to, even as she recovers and returns to school. Particularly curious to the redhead - a rising attraction to a green-eyed blonde.

Teen for reasons, may change as the story progresses...
Featured? Yes! 8/20/2016, first story of mine to make the box!

Chapters (7)

After being betrayed by her friends during the Anon a Miss incident the darkness threatens to swallow up Sunset, but there are those who want to offer a helping hand and guide her in another direction. Will she take those offered hands, or will she let herself fall to the darkness forever?

Chapters (6)

After the Fall Formal, everything was supposed to go back to normal, even turn out better. Sunset was going to have friends and they were going to teach her the ways of friendship. At least, that's what Twilight said would happen. Instead, Sunset is seen as a pariah by everyone including those who said they would be her friends. All except Fluttershy, who now has to save Sunset from ending up in a worse place than ever. But can she do it?

Edited by Icecreammac

Rewriting story. Please tune in for some changes! 7/16/18

Chapters (11)

It’s the Christmas season, and all are at home with their families...except one. Labeling her as a scapegoat during the Anon-a-miss incident, a number of students have abducted Sunset, intending to make her pay for all the secrets she spilled....Again.
There's just one problem....She didn't.

You guys know Dainn's "Anon-A-miss" Story. But if you don't, leave now, and go read his story. This story is a direct branchoff from his, continuing immediately after chapter 5 of his story. You NEED to read his story up until chapter 5, to understand what's going on in this one.
This will be a darker telling of what goes on after chapter 5 of his story.
The original story belongs to Dainn! Be a stalker and follow him, his story is really good!

Chapters (19)

In the EQG Holiday Special, Sunset figured out that Anon-a-Miss was actually Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.
But what if things happened differently?
What if Sunset never figured out who Anon-a-Miss really was?
What if her friends refused to listen after her little chat with Twilight?
For those who haven't seen it, the comic can be read here:

Chapters (14)

Shortly after the Nightmare Moon incident, Nyx has began to want to experience a foalhood and a meeting with her grandparents seals the deal.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Trials of Blood and Kindness

Mistress Flutterbat has been living with her family in Cloudsdale, where her parents did their best to lead the local clan of thestrals in peace for centuries. However, after a terrible tragedy that changed her life forever, the young thestral was forced to flee Cloudsdale and seek a new home in Ponyville.

Now known as Fluttershy, and with Rainbow Dash by her side, she is trying to heal old wounds in her heart and find a meaning to her empty life.

Will a vampony with a good heart and kind nature survive in a world that sees her as a threat?

Will she be able to keep a low profile, away from the silver arrows of monster hunters?

And most importantly, will her friends help her during these hard times, or will they ultimately turn against her?

This story takes place years before Nightmare Moon’s return.

List of editors, thanks for your help, you did a great job:
ShipIsLove ShipIsLife
Word Worthy

Thanks for assisting with Zecora’s sentences, it really improved her talking style: Discord_Lexia

Thanks for pre-reading and assisting with the funeral scene:
Rated Ponystar

Chapters (39)