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A quiet evening with Fluttershy turns into a nightmare when Discord finds Eris, his mother, at the front door; asking how his plans of causing chaos and disorder across the land are going.
Needless to say, Discord tries everything in his power to make sure she doesn't know he's reformed.

Chapters (4)

When Sunset saw Sonata Dusk return to CHS and experience a very familiar treatment, she encouraged her friends to reach out to the Dazzlings just as they'd done with her after the Fall Formal.

Several months later, Aria and Sonata have come to discover some joy in their new life-after-magic. Adagio, however, has continued to refuse the offer—out of bitterness, spite and an unwillingness to give those 'rainbooms' the satisfaction of seeing her break.

What she has yet to realize is that clinging to this resentment is hurting no one but herself.

Thanks to Csquared08 for main editing, proofreading and bouncing ideas.
Thanks to Jondor for pre-reading, grammar/editing and offering advice on technique.

Chapters (5)

Aria Blaze is history's most prolific composer. Writing music constantly for upwards of a thousand years will earn you that title. Now, after a defeat which robbed the three sirens of a magic they've known their entire lives, she relies more than ever on her passion to carry her through an uncertain time. Whatever form fate thrusts upon her, she will never stop making music, and that's all that matters...or it would be, if she could get one roommate to stop pestering her, and the other to stop a downward spiral of self-destruction.

Chapters (7)

After the events of Rainbow Rocks, Sonata Dusk find herself in a sticky situation, she doesn't have money so she gets a job at Sugarcube Corner and finds herself entangled in the life of the one girl who helped stop the Dazzling's plans.

Thank you to megatronspen ( http://www.fimfiction.net/user/MegatronsPen ) who was a big help

Chapters (2)

Twilight has always felt just a little uneasy about how others treat her, but after a tragedy befalls the Sparkle household, she reveals her greatest truth at the funeral.

Can her friends, family, and teacher comfort her this time?


...but when emotions are high and mistrust and confusion are rampant, is everything what it first appears?

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Cafeteria Control

After witnessing abuse at the hands of Adagio and Aria, Pinkie Pie comes to the aid of Sonata. The two quickly hit it off and a friendship is born… much to the dismay of everyone around them.

Cover art used with permission from siansaar.

Chapters (8)

Daring Do seeks a favor from her sister in Ponyville. Due to buried grudges, things quickly get out of hoof. She soon finds herself on her most perilous mission yet... with her biggest fan in the world. In the midst of truth and lies, loyalty and treachery, love and hate, one thing is clear ― some family situations are stranger than fiction.

The story extends in Through the Looking-glass and What Pinkie Found There and The Daughter Doo: Honorary Cutie Mark Crusader.

Many thanks to Honey Mead and statoose for their watchful and helpful pre-reading.

Ckat_Myla and statoose (CatNStat) have started an excellent reading of TSD.

Chapters (22)

Octavia and Vinyl have been dating for months, but neither has had a chance to introduce their significant other to their families. Vinyl always dodges the issue, but when Octavia is insistent, they have a fight. This leaves Vinyl with no other option than to have Octavia over to meet her parents.

Maybe she should have told Octavia who she really was?

Dramatic reading by Goombasa available here.

Now in Russian, translated by Hopeless.

Chapters (1)

Anypony would have laughed if you'd told them that Discord was flirting with Twilight Sparkle a few weeks ago. She'd never give him a chance, right?
Well, once his spectacularly obvious advances on her commence, Equestria is shocked; she isn't out right rejecting him. In fact, she may even be interested.

WARNING: The dark tag is for a reason. Ye be warned. :pinkiecrazy:
[Other] tag is to accommodate additional characters.

EDIT: Featured 10/22/14! Thank you so much! I didn't expect this to happen at all.

The wonderful people who edit and proofread my story ^^

Chapters (9)

Rainbow Dash, best pony, fastest flier in Equestria, all around awesome mare, was called upon to help with the wedding of her friend's big brother. And hey, she never leaves her friends hanging! Of course, when it turned out some kind of bug thing had replaced the bride, Rainbow was more then ready to fight. Heck, even after it seemed all hope was lost, the pegasus refused to give up.

So when she saw Shining Armor charge up a final spell, she smirked.

But when that spell reached her and flung her against the wall, her smirk devolved into shock...

Cover art is a combination of Deception is Magic vector by Helios and Sonic Rainboom Version One by SkyRings.

Chapters (18)