• Member Since 29th Jul, 2013

Midnight Tales

Weekend hobby writer (The slow and bad kind), obsessive reader (I mean it) and watcher of anime.

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In a world ravaged by the living dead, one man has outlasted those with far more strength, speed, and experience. His only advantages are his uncanny luck and peculiar inspiration. This inspiration has never led him astray and even promises a fresh start. All he has to do is build a strange device that follows no earthly science.

While Earth’s story might be over, this cog-jockey’s has just begun.

Chapters (41)

This story is a sequel to The Princess and I

Ever since the day I decided to give up my old life for a new one I could say that everything's going good. I mean I've got a great girlfriend, an awesome new house and pretty much everything else a guy could ask for. However I'm sure that a lot of guys you look at me funny if I said my girlfriend was a princess and I live in a castle and I'm sure they'd say horrible things about me if they found out that princess was actually a pony who can control the moon.
My name is Aedan Ryan, six months ago I came to Equestria because I fell in love with a pony named Princess Luna. (Crazy right?) Now after having dealt with having to take care of her, a whole new challenge awaits me... one that I and every other man in the universe could never really be ready for...

Cover art done by quizzicalkisses, very good artist... I suggest you check them out.

Edits by OneWingedDevil and Chivalry

Chapters (22)

My name is Aedan and I'm your average run-of-the-mill guy from Missouri. I served in the Marine Corps for about four years, now I've been out for a year and I'm making a living on the edge of St. Louis. It's not the best of conditions for a guy like me to have to deal with, but I adapt and overcome. Then one Saturday morning on my daily jog I ran into something (well in truth she ran into me) I'd never thought possible. She calls herself 'Princess Luna'. She's alone and confused, but most of all, she wants to go home. And guess who the poor guy is that decided to help her.

rated Teen for talking like a Marine and some... 'Adult' situations...

Chapters (25)

Stanley Madison is a 24 year old college student that needs to write a paper about 'something that has happen in his life that has changed him as a person'. After a rough time thinking on the subject , a accident transpires really increasing the subject tenfold.
(Writing help from ThatOneGuy1115)

After arriving to Equestria during the accident, he highly doubts that he'd even want to return back to his regular universe.

(Beware, lots of vulgar/explicit terms is used at immature times.)

Chapters (16)

WARNING! This fic has a strong centre on pregnancy. If you do not like reading about pregnancy, do not go further.

I was a normal 22-year-old brony, with a job, who wrote and read mlp fanfictions whenever he could.

Like most bronies, I've always wondered what it would be like to go to Equestria, either as myself or as a pony.

However, never in my wildest dreams did i think i would go to sleep in my bed and wake up in Equestria as a cream-yellow Pegasus.

not only that, but, apparently, I've got a surprise my new body is yet to show me

Rated teen and Sex tag for sexual references

Images from here, here and here

Featured 25/4/2014

Chapters (8)

Okay, it goes like this.

I was supposed to get married today, but fate had different plans. Those plans included me inexplicably appearing on an alien world of sapient horses who speak an entirely different language. Not only am I totally screwed with my wedding, but these sparkling horses are apparently hostile.

Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but I'm not the kind of guy who can make up something like this.

Chapters (15)

They took me from my family, and experimented on me like a lab rat. Now with the power of acceleration I escaped after three years of torture. But I ran too fast and broke through the barrier into a world of talking equines. With my old life gone, I seek to make a new life for myself, but those who used me will not let me go so easily. Am I destined for happiness, or doomed for pain and suffering?

Chapters (12)

A human baby, weak and fragile, is found by queen Gaia, the ruler of Equestria.Together with king Solaris, the two adopt you as their son.
Join our little prince in his times of joy and in his times of strife. With friends by his side and his little sisters, our prince will understand that friendship is magic. For he is, after all, the elder brother.

Insipred loosley onThe monster of Canterlot and (very loosley on...) The love of the sun (can't add a link because it's against FimFiction rules, go figure)
A little something I wanted to share, hope you enjoy...

Chapters (17)

Kyle Slater was your typical soldier in the Alliance army. He was one of the few Human monks, but aside from that there was nothing truly remarkable about him. However, when the Iron Horde began their initial invasion of Azeroth, the unstable Dark Portal hurled Kyle across the universe to an uncharted world.

This strange new world appeared friendly and inviting, but dark forces threatened its safety. Facing a familiar foe he had hoped to be defeated, Kyle was forced to rely on his strength and wits to survive. Still, he was a soldier of the Alliance. This wouldn't be a problem. He was prepared for anything.

Except, perhaps, colorful talking Ponies.


World of Warcraft crossover

Beware the comments - They contain spoilers.

First Fic attempt. Please let me know what you think and where I need to improve.

Featured 10-29-2014! Holy cow, you guys are awesome!

Goodfic Bin approved!

Chapters (50)

Big Daddies: The ultimate protector of the metal city of Rapture, guardians to the Little Sisters. For years they patrolled the underwater streets of the distopia, keeping their little ones safe. But with the fall of Rapture and the death of almost all of the Big Daddies, where does one go from there? To the land of Equestria, where peace and Harmony reign. Does this peaceful land need a silent protector? And can the Big Daddy find a place to call home?

A few quickies: Little Sister's word is law. The Big Daddy will also be a bit more like the Alphas, but that will be explained later. You might be a little lost if you haven't read the other stories, but only for a certain character.

Chapters (26)