• Member Since 29th Jul, 2013

Midnight Tales

Weekend hobby writer (The slow and bad kind), obsessive reader (I mean it) and watcher of anime.

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Estimated Reading: 32 weeks



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After some apocalyptic events, a man awakens in a land he recognizes all too well, in the house of a cyan blue pegasus with a rainbow-colored mane, with a body that is not his own. Simply put, this is the story of how he copes with his new life and with the relationship he shares with Rainbow Dash.

Chapters (22)

Pain. That's the last emotion Songbird felt before sinking into an abyss. His only friend taken away from him and corrupted. After waking up in the Everfree he makes new friends and he is going to make sure no one hurts them.

Takes place after season 4
Please, point out any Grammar mistakes and leave any constructive criticism it'll help me a lot.

Note: I know people are going to be whining that Songbird has no gender but to those who never heard the Nursery Rhyme, it says he is male. Example of the Nursery Rhyme.

"Songbird, Songbird, see him fly, drop the children from the sky. When the young ones misbehave, escorts children to their grave. Never back-talk, never lie, or he'll drop you from the sky!"

Crossover with
Bioshock Infinite
I do not own any of these

Chapters (2)

I have no idea how long I've been here, this gap between the seconds. It could be minutes, days, ages, I can't tell. I can never tell.

Maybe that's for the best.

The sun never rises, but it never sets. The clock never ticks, and I never rest. I never hunger, nor thirst. I certainly never tire.

It makes it much harder to tell the time I spend here...

Yet it never feels like none at all...

Chapters (18)

So get this, several friends of mine thought it would be a good idea to go to Comic Con. Now, I'm not one for large gatherings like these, but they offered to have me go as my most favorite character of all time, Ral Zarek. How could I refuse when they're paying for just about all of it?
In the end I should've, I'm forced into some strange new land filled with murderous, backstabbing miniature horses. All the while I have to hide among them just to stay alive!
There's one thing I am certain though, and that's that I will be- no... I am the greatest mage that this world will ever know!

Currently doing a do-over for this story to make it more interesting, and it'll be in chronological order now! Hope LoHAV is still a thing, looks kinda dead though... Tags will be added when they come.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle has disappeared. Not just from the face of Equestria but possibly from the face of her universe itself. She must now learn how to survive in a place unlike anything which she has experienced thus far. Luckily she has a friend out in the Wasteland. Join Twilight and The Lone Wanderer as they try and discover a way to send Twilight back to Equestria. Of course this is the Wasteland and things are never as simple as they appear...

Now has a Tumblr

Chapters (35)

(The Redone Version) (EFH has it's own TV Tropes page! Thanks to redandready45! )

A human has been teleported to Equestria after a lightning bolt struck him. The ponies of Ponyville had never seen anything like him before. Full of fear and uncertainty, all of Ponyville, except for the Mane 6 and Spike, avoided him. The human, with the help of the Mane 6, must earn Ponyville's friendship before a way back home is found.

Rated Teen for some language and mild peril.

Chapters (18)

There are days that you just can't really explain. Such as when you jump off a diving board and accidentally go through a portal to another universe, oh did I mention I fell on my face? Well at least it was a cloud, but falling on your face only gets so fun. That's also how I met Spitfire, and Soarin, and Fleetfoot and just about every Wonderbolt in Cloudsdale. Did I mention that I fell face-first right in the middle of a really big Wonderbolts meeting? This is my tale of what life was like after I face-planted in a land of magical talking ponies yet didn't get admitted to an insane asylum.

(Woo! Awesome! Featured on 8/22/2014. Love you guys.)
(I changed it to teen but whenever sex scene would pop up I'll post it in a side story and link at the end of specific chapter, the ones that end with that kind of scene will end with a "*")
(May contain adult or sexual language at parts)

Chapters (9)

Hey everyone! The name's Chris....or at least it was on Earth.....Yeah.......

I was a normal guy living a normal teenage life, when I was summoned to Equestria as part of some kind of bet between Discord and Ares. (Yes, god of war), and apparently the deal included me becoming the embodiment of uncontrollable rage.

Now I'm stuck in Canterlot as a statue....

For 7000 f***ing years.....

Ironically, I'm a nice guy at heart.
Stories referenced and/or recommended:








Chapters (11)

Life was not going well for John,.

He had a 9 to 5 job, he worked for minimal wage, and he wasn't in top shape, (admittedly, his own fault), and he didn't have many friends, he was a loser in the eyes of most, and he agreed with them.

At least till a strange visitor became part of his life.

My first story. It is a cliche and what-not, any criticisms are always welcome.

Chapters (14)

(Only rated teen because of language at a point or two)
Would've... Could've... Should've...
What happens when someone you love goes off the "deep end?"
What happens if you were the only one who could've done something to stop the downward spiral?
What happens if you stood by and did nothing?
Fear not, there is still time to correct your mistake. But you better go now.

Chapters (28)