• Member Since 29th Jul, 2013

Midnight Tales

Weekend hobby writer (The slow and bad kind), obsessive reader (I mean it) and watcher of anime.

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Scootaloo has been an orphan for a few years now. Its seemed that shes all alone in the world. That is until she meets a young human named Kyle.

Chapters (10)

After finding a human lost within the Everfree Forest, and unable to find his owner, Ditzy decides to bring him home as a playmate for Dinky. Shenanigans ensue when Dinky learns that her new friend, Locke, can actually talk! But why can none of the adults seem to be able to hear him? Of course, that little fact won't stop her from having fun with her new friend!

This was written partly on a whim, and partly because Chainlinc3 wanted a side story to Your Human and You. Well, here you go, Chainlinc3, here you go...

Chapters (4)

Isaac Archer used to be human. Used to, being the key word. After encountering a strange flower, Isaac finds himself reborn as the newest member of the royal family, an alicorn prince by the name of Dusk Star. With an OCD mother, and a too cool for school dad, Dusk finds himself having a rather interesting second life.

Chapters (11)

Some say, Fire is a harbinger of light and the source of light itself. Some say it is a tool of destruction and death. Like two side of the same coin, fire is both of these things. The Pyromanecer was a simple yet humble pegasus who wanted to show everyone the beauty of fire, but also the danger of it. He always hated getting into trouble. But getting into trouble was in his nature. That and unintentionally was causing harm.

Art done by G-Haze

Chapters (3)

Being brought out of prison is one thing. But to be brought out after 1000 years and to find your body has aged 10 years but your mind hasn't is a completely different thing.

Such a thing happened to a boy shrouded in a dark forgotten past who at just eight years old was trapped inside the Crystal Heart for a reason he doesn't remember.

Armed with a shard of the Crystal Heart in place of his own and an underaged mind will he be able to find out why he was brought back into reality, why he was trapped in the first place and what's changed about his body and the world around him.

Featured: 19/06/2014 (We did it guys :D )

Chapters (8)

The girl in the story is just an average teenager and she feels like nothing is particularly special in her life. She has everything seemingly normal. She has friends and a loving family to top it off. However, she is bored with her current routine in her life to the point where she finds anything distracting as something to do.

The very night she gets back from babysitting her young cousin is the day that her boring routine will end. She dreams of the My Little Pony show she and her cousin were watching, she dreams of Equestria, she dreams of being in such a land with the mane six and all the others. However, when she wakes up, she finds out that some dreams should remain dreams. Maria finds herself in Equestria, although not in quite the way she would've first imagined.

I am looking for someone who would be willing to make the cover art for this story. Any interest in doing this, send me a pm and I will reply ASAP

Chapters (10)

Time, the ever-flowing measure of action. It is not a physical thing that one can touch or feel, but an abstract thought of the difference between now, then, and later; it is the indefinite continued progress of existence. What happens when one has the ability to control time? He is deemed one of the most powerful beings on the planet, for he can stop you in your tracks without any effort at all.

I am this being.

I control Time.

If you're wondering why this story is canceled, check my blogs. I am rewriting it, and will post the new version under a new title. Do not worry.

Featured on 7/6/14 thank you all!!

And featured again on 3/3/15, after it was canceled!!! What has this world come to?!?!

If you're too lazy to read it yourself, (I don't blame you, I do this myself, sometimes) listen to my good friend, The Naive Narrator, read it on his video, Time Ticks on Chapter one! Give him some love!

This is my first LoHAV/LoHAH story. I know how hated the genera is, because it's so overused, but I like the idea of being taken from your home only to be shoved into a world where you don't belong.

Also, some credit is due in the department of the idea. The steampunk theme was inspired by the story Son of Invention, a great story to read if you like this one. The character of Mike goes to this image. I looked for a long time and the closest I could get to the artist was this page.

Thank you for reading and please tell me what you think in the comments.

PS. Any and all chapters in this story are subject to change without notice. I will periodically go back into past chapters and rewrite something that doesn't mach with what is currently going on, so if something seems off, that would be why. Do not PM me telling me how "you didn't tell us that you changed that" or "but it was like this" or any of that stuff. As mentioned before, I will probably not tell anyone about it.

Chapters (24)

Art by AlicornParty on deviantart. Here is her profile. http://alicornparty.deviantart.com/

*Now with a sequel, To return home *

(Know I am planning on editing my earlier chapters with the help of two people I have met here)

Hello there, my name is Micah. Your typical Jewish fellow in Seattle. I only recently got back from a trip abroad to find a box in front of my apartment door. Apparently what was inside it were six My Little Pony figurines. Though, I soon find out they aren't figurines. They are the real thing. And, no, I got no freaking clue how they are here, nor why they are here. Only thing I am thinking of is this: Why am I tied up and on the ground of my own apartment?

And another thing that I wonder... Why won't they tell me why they are here?

Rated teen for some swearing and dark stuff in future chapters. Mostly the last two ones, which I admit are definitely darker and has violence and, well, some sensuality in it.

Gore tag added for the last chapter only. All other chapters are gore free, and even the last one is not heavy with it.

Takes place pre season three of the show.

Chapters (20)

A military college student named Johnson is thrown into Equestria during a routine training operation. He is a dedicated Brony, but must decide how to live in a world of peace and friendship when he is in training to be a solider.

Will he run to the town we all know who lives in.

Or run to the Princess to gain diplomatic immunity

or will he become a hero to stop an ancient evil that has returned to complete its unholy task.

Chapters (41)

A young human girl runs away from home with her best friend, and finds herself much further from home than she ever expected. Her arrival in Equestria will cause ripples that affect ponies from the lowest to the highest.

Meanwhile, a young Nocturne mare begins an epic quest to earn the right to clean Princess Luna's porcelain throne.
Be sure to check out the Continuation. "How to Train Your Batpony" Not a Clopfic!

Let me extend thanks to Georg for letting me play with some of his characters and situations, and for proof reading and contributing some really good lines here and there.

Secondly, I would recomend reading some of his stories to better understand the jokes and situations that pop up in my story. Most especially I would advise you read A War of Words - The Opening of the Guard and possibly Genealogy (or the mating habits of Nocturnes Pegasi) (which is very long)

Chapters (24)