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It's been three years since Princess Luna, the Nightwatcher has been returned to her throne and three years since Twilight Sparkle and the virtuous six have parted ways and gone back to their separate lives. But after a few years of peace, there are reports of a series of murders and break ins on the outskirts of the major cities of Mystika. As Twilight Sparkle investigates, she uncovers rumors that the Shadow Blade cult who did the bidding of The Nightmare back during the Dark Times, are back in force. And they have a plan.

(Chapter 1-7) Additional prose and edited by Ally Stansel
(Chapter 9-onward) Edited by The Grey Potter
Additional prose and consulting by Ryan McCarty
Proofread by Max Levine

inspired by the character re-imagining illustrated by Ryan McCarty


Chapters (11)

Alex has been thrown around realities for a long time without control. This time, he jumped to Ponyville and will be staying for a lifetime. Can he build a life here? Does he want to? What about the family he left behind?

Cover art is a commission by AphexAngel

Also, a big thanks to my ediors, pre-readers, and idea givers: Marvelous Cheshire,
Tosety, DiscordsAdvocate, KMCA, warpd, Spect, Makkelulu, KitsuneNoYomeiri, earthrise, Pen Brush

Chapters (70)

A noble earth-pony family, fallen somewhat on hard times, is killed in a mining accident. They leave behind a single male heir, who is in sore need of a guardian, and of protection. Celestia takes the young pony under her wing and delivers him not to ponies - not earth, unicorn or pegasus - but to a dragon, an ambassador, an old friend of hers.

Playing a game which may just be deadly to the uninformed, the dragon decides that the one path open to him to ensure the safety of his charge and to carry out his sworn duty, is to adopt.

Chapters (23)

Arceus has been imprisoned for many millennia, and in that time he has watched his world fall apart. But once he is finally freed from his prison he decides that to protect his Pokémon, and his family, that he will move the Pokémon, and a few select 'humans' to a world where they might live in peace, Equestria. However, not everyone on this new world shares his view of peace and the very presence of the Pokémon upsests some of the citizens of the world, even some of the ones he brought with aren't too happy with the situation. But a god's will is a strong thing and without his willingness the Pokémon and the citizens of Equestria are going to have to learn to get along, or at least tolerate each other. And there's a slight problem with some of the humans too, well, former humans that is.

Big thanks to tdnpony for proof reading, editing, helping me with ideas, and so much more.

Just a few of the side stories from my growing collection.
Pokemon, A Whole 'New' Frontier
A New World, A New Way-Swarm.
The City is Always Bustling On the Other Side
A Brave New World
A new World, Burning an Old Way

The rest can be found here, in my Fan Group. Group Linky.

Big thanks toxBUBBA1995x for the amazing new cover art!

I also have a Tvtrope page that is kept somewhat up to date by Kingofsouls if you know how to Trope, and want to help set it up, go here Tvtrope Link.

Since a lot of people keep aking this I'm gonna put an explanation here. I'm not following any one canon-verse here, I'm making a hodge podge universe with bits from the Manga, Anime, Games, and Movies, as well as some etcetera concerning issues addressed in none of them to great lengths. (Arceus' power is far beyond what he has in the games or movie and this does contain some Pokephilia, which comes from pretty much no canon material ever.)

Chapters (72)

Val has pride in his people. Pride in his cause. Pride in his studies. His war is over, he desires one thing: retirement in style! With no intention of sticking around on Azeroth, a small discovery while stargazing leads him to a peaceful land. There's a catch, there always is, he still requires magic to maintain his sanity. He found it simple to manage this magic intake by injecting mana every day. Fitting in couldn't be harder when you're shooting up a deadly poison, to ponies at least, every day and fighting literal voices in your head. What brings him to Equestria might be just as dangerous, if something followed him...

Chapters (6)

A new man arrives in Ponyville in an unusual fasion. He fell from the sky, but he doesn't have wings so how did he get in the sky in the first place? And how does he survive the fall with barely a scratch. Six young women attempt to help this stranger. And all he wants to do is run. Run away from his past and the pain it holds. And maybe now he can.

In this new world he can start over, begin to trust people once more. He can finally stop running and find peace. Perhaps even find love. Or so he thought. Turns out he's not the only visitor to enter the world from across the very plane of reality itself. Now he's forced into a war he never chose.

Why was he sent to a different world? What is this war? And who was it that sent him?

He's caught in a war never intend for him. Or was it?


Author's note: This will be a rather humanized story, characters from My Little Pony will still have horns and wings. I will also be switching from our protagonist's first person view to a third person view of someone else. Also the crossovering won't happen until a couple of chapters later, but I can assure you that when it does happen, it will be big! There will also be a mild amount of swearing and gore. Nothing too descriptive though.

Edited by BronieMan305

Chapters (5)

He is known as a Jumper, an abomination before God, and technically, he died. Or at least he should be dead.

So why is it that he wakes up in a strange new land, and why has he become a horse? Or, a more fitting description would be a pony.

In his world, he was a considered an abomination, abandoned at a young age. He liked to be alone, not trusting anyone. Now is his chance to start over.

This is NOT a Human x pony shipping, the only humans were in the first 2 chapters (and maybe later on). I figured I should clear that up.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts of Harmony: The Other Side

Sora's heart is heavy with the weight of his keyblade exam failure. But when a gateway to a new world appears before him, he sees it as a chance to redeem himself. There, he meets creatures he's never seen before as they call for his help as the Hero of Light they need to face the oncoming Darkness.

With this new task ahead of him, Sora must face his own darkness within his heart and rise to the challenge of becoming the hero he was always meant to be.

Will he succeed or will his own inner demons take it all away?

Now with a TV Tropes Page!

Part of the KINGDOMHEARTSVerse


Rated T for suggestive theme.


(Image by Me)

Chapters (63)

He guarded this city almost all of his life, which ended the same way his father's did - by sacrificing himself to protect everyone. Having said farewell to his beloved sister, he was about to move on, but not before splitting a fragment of his soul, creating another Soul Dew in the place of his father's destroyed one, so that part of him could continue to protect what mattered to him most: his sister, and the city. What he didn't know, however, was that this process could lead to... unexpected results.

Edited by Lazygamer313
Proof-read by: Zaleros, Vrilix
Former proof-readers: Defias

Chapters (17)

When the aspects joined forces to obliterate their once brother, a small fragment of uncorrupted essence remained. Merely a fraction of a percent of what was once strong enough to destroy worlds, it is banished to give both Azeroth and their brother a second chance at life. In Equestria, in the body of a whelp, the ex-aspect Neltharion is truly awake for the first time in thousands of years, realizing just how far you can fall before hitting bottom, and how hard the climb back up will be.

Chapters (6)