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This story is a sequel to The Princess and I

Ever since the day I decided to give up my old life for a new one I could say that everything's going good. I mean I've got a great girlfriend, an awesome new house and pretty much everything else a guy could ask for. However I'm sure that a lot of guys you look at me funny if I said my girlfriend was a princess and I live in a castle and I'm sure they'd say horrible things about me if they found out that princess was actually a pony who can control the moon.
My name is Aedan Ryan, six months ago I came to Equestria because I fell in love with a pony named Princess Luna. (Crazy right?) Now after having dealt with having to take care of her, a whole new challenge awaits me... one that I and every other man in the universe could never really be ready for...

Cover art done by quizzicalkisses, very good artist... I suggest you check them out.

Edits by OneWingedDevil and Chivalry

Chapters (22)

My name is Aedan and I'm your average run-of-the-mill guy from Missouri. I served in the Marine Corps for about four years, now I've been out for a year and I'm making a living on the edge of St. Louis. It's not the best of conditions for a guy like me to have to deal with, but I adapt and overcome. Then one Saturday morning on my daily jog I ran into something (well in truth she ran into me) I'd never thought possible. She calls herself 'Princess Luna'. She's alone and confused, but most of all, she wants to go home. And guess who the poor guy is that decided to help her.

rated Teen for talking like a Marine and some... 'Adult' situations...

Chapters (25)

It's easy to hate a pony you don't know. The pony, whose name became the very definition of fear. The pony, who slaughtered thousands, if not millions. It's easy to hate what you don't know.

Sombra's life is shrouded in mystery. The long list of his crimes is known to everypony, but his real biography is unknown. Fight back your fear, and delve into the story of his life, from birth to imprisonment. Find out his every secret, feel his pain, his hatred, his love and his pride.

See how an innocent child was shaped to become the Eternal Weeper, the Bloody Emperor, the Demon King. See, how he earned these names, and why he walked the path he walked.

This story will contain gore, sensual scenes, disturbing ideas, mental disorders and very weird relationships.

Edited and proofread by: MessoriaAQ and Written Out
Note: This is a rewritten version! It's much higher quality than the beta version.
Cover art by: BillieW

Featured in Fiction Illumination on 18.11.2013. Big thanks to Cerulean Voice for featuring it!


Chapters (33)

After many millenia, an unstoppable power has returned to Equestria, something the likes of which the world has never seen since it's creation. A simple human is called upon to help out with this problem, little does he know that he is part of something so much bigger than he could have ever imagined. With the aid of his new equine friends and his unrelenting power within, will he give up everything he has to save everything else?

Chapters (20)

Well, things have leveled out. But it isn't like the enemies of Equestria to go too long unnoticed (because let's be realistic, they probably have some ego issues). And in context, the stuff that the Elements went up against before, hell, even the war didn't ever really prepare Rainbow Dash and Jason, or Equestria itself, for the maelstrom of chaos that's going to be released. And Discord is still a rock, so that's quite the accomplishment.

The third and final story in The Winds of Change story arc (first one located HERE, second HERE). Also the one where all of the clichés of writing in the first one are explained. Because somehow thinking about how to fix a situation for long enough actually gives you ideas on how to fix it. Or maybe I should just give writing a rest.

Excellent art by Shadow Bolt

Chapters (12)

[Art and story made by me, Canvas Shade; a.k.a KobaltRein]
Canvas Shade is a unicorn with a sharp eye for detail and insatiable passion for art, literature, and history. One night, on the way home from getting drawing supplies, he encounters a lone, furious female dragon. Determined to make a difference, Canvas does the unthinkable: traversing Equestria to help her find her missing eggs. Along the way, the art pony encounters the Mane Six, earth pony crime lords, love, and even the female’s aggressive former mate!

Chapters (6)

A thousand years ago, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together (basically) and created harmony for all the land (well, mostly).The two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different kinds of ponies (it's a little more complicated than that). But, as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night (generally speaking, but you know, that's not exactly the whole story).One fateful day, the younger sister refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn (okay, you're skipping over a lot of details here). The elder sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness! Nightmare Moon! (Okay, this is getting misleading) She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom: the Elements of Harmony! Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her younger sister, and banished her permanently in the moon (whoa, hey, now you're skipping over, like, everything important). The elder sister took responsibility over both sun and moon, and harmony has been main- OKAY LET'S BACK THE HELL UP RIGHT NOW SHALL WE.

Okay, look, that's all technically true, but a lot of information is missing. So, let's get the story straight.

This is the story of a powerful pony who must face her faults when her strength fails her. This is the story of a teacher with lessons to learn. This is a story of love and of hatred. This is a story of joy and of sorrow. This story does not have the purpose of instilling a particular lesson -though it has many- or bringing about a particular feeling -though it has many of those too- like so many stories do.

This is just an Old Mare's Tale.


This is a story I actually began, like, a year ago. Somewhere around fourteen chapters are up on EqD and Fanfiction.net. Now that I have resumed work, I've decided to post it to FiMFiction as well. It's not been on FiMF before, so this is NOT a re-post.


Though the content of this story does not cross over into Mature territory, there is some graphic violence, and certainly some immature allusions (okay, and they straight-up talk about sex, too). Plus, there are swear words. If you are worried about that sort of thing, then this may not be the story for you. I know this warning is a bit redundant with the content rating, but I feel warning redundancy is a good thing.

Chapters (20)

Cross Hair, a grey unicorn stallion is badly injured in a Timber wolf encounter. He wakes up days later to find that he is being cared for by a yellow pegasus mare. What will happen when this hunter falls prey to his emotions? What is the secret he is keeping from his hostess and her friends and why does a certain purple dragon not trust him?

Fluttershy X O.C.

Chapters (21)

He never wanted to be a part of anything illegal; even if he didn't have much love for ponies. He was just some guy. Some cynic that happened to live his life in Equestria, trying to live his day to day life in relative comfort and minimal contact with ponies. But through after some coaxing from his friends (read as blackmail) he was forced to attempt to steal the royal crowns from the palace and caught in the act. However, given a chance to redeem himself, the thief is offered the choice to become Princess Celestia's royal attendant.

With little other choice, this would be thief's life is turned on it's head. And now instead of a steady inconspicuous life, filled with ease and mediocrity, his life is now one of warmth, excitement, and a friendship that can only be forged once a thief begins honoring the sun.

Chapters (3)

First of the Savage Skies series.
After running afoul of timberwolves in the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy is saved by a mysterious young colt with a most unusual and disturbing feature. Realizing that he is alone, without anyone else to care for him, Fluttershy realizes that she must try to bring this lonely foal out of the forest and give him a life of love and friendship. The problem is that this colt's...unique qualities have made him more than a few enemies, including some who are closer to home than Fluttershy realizes.

Now with a sequel: The Promise of a New Day.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (15)