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After the banishment from his once beloved kingdom for being cursed, the Prince of Flames seeks out a new home to get by in his unfortunate life. From his cries for a better living, the “Original One” heeds his calls of distress by sending him to a new world entirely. On Equis, the prince will journey with new friends, battle powerful enemies, and fulfill the dream that he promised for his dying father.

“Forge a marvelous kingdom for us... One that would bring peace and harmony to all who are willing... and to those that wishes to inhabit it... Rule them with brilliance and wisdom, my son. They will surely need it... As do you...” - Lord Magmus

This was a dream to be king…

(Cover Image is created by all0412 of deviantART.)
(Other images presented will be mentioned in Author’s Notes.)

-Rated Teen for language and suggestive themes (No Clop! That's your job!)-

* My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Pokemon belongs to Nintendo/ created by Satoshi Tajiri *

Chapters (2)

My name's Adam. Well that's my name this time around, anyways. This isn't the first time I've been alive. I suppose that the best way to describe me would be a reincarnation.
Yeah, so I in the middle of another game. Yes, you heard me right, another game. Seems that the gods get bored easily. Last one that I was in was only 2000 years ago, give or take.
Anyways, here I am, in the middle of 'Equestria', with a newborn god as my sponsor. Well, at least she's fairly powerful.

This story takes place in Rust's and BlackWIng's Chess Game of the Gods universe. It's been approved! Horay!

This is NOT a self insert, I don't do those.

I hesitantly put the romance tag in this, and I may take it out later.

Ponies are owned by Hasbro and/or Habsro

Chapters (10)

I was a college student who had a plan for my life, 2 weeks from graduation, a good job lined up, good friends, and I find myself swept away to a land called Equestria. I didn't arrive voluntarily or even as a human, pony, diamond dog, griffin, dragon, or any other natural citizen of the equestrian world. I got to experience it all as an individual that is truly one of a kind.

Chapters (11)

Based on a true story. Kinda. Not really.
A man named Jason previously led a rather melancholy life before he died violently. No surprise there. But as he wakes up in Equestria and is thrown into a foreign body, he is forced to survive with the guise of a changeling. Taking place shortly after the failed changeling invasion of Canterlot, how can he keep from being revealed by new security measures, and blend into this new world, while making use of the most unlikely of allies? But of course, avoiding ponies only turns out to be the easy part when trouble has a habit of reading its ugly head. Really though, what could go wrong?

Props to the ever epic Zubafa for his cover art.

Chapters (52)

James Kaughn is a member of the world's most elite fighting force, but when his team is sent in to rescue a captive family in Afghanistan the mission hits a snag. He stays behind to allow the others to escape, fully expecting to die, but ends up in an unfamiliar place. Join him as he meets new challenges and struggles with his worsening PTSD. Will he be able to actually make friends and not just teammates?

Chapters (68)

Walking with the paws of an ancient predator, a young man finds himself in a strange world. A world where horses are the dominant species, and he’s a very rare and dangerous animal. How will a speechless man turned wolf deal with society? How will he approach ponies? Would he even want to bother speaking to them?

(Love interest is not revealed in any of the current chapters. So don't freak out when you don't see it. I'm also focusing on a very realistic sense of love. This will be a later part of the story when romance becomes truly relevant. Point out ALL errors to me when you see them, even the ones that have been pointed out already, and I'll see what I can do.)

(Special thanks to my EPIC Proof-reader and Editor ultra1437)

Chapters (11)

An undead Emperor in need of a new body. A Spartan lost in space. A ragtag team on a suicide mission. What do they all have in common? They all wind up on the magical world of Equestria, where war has been forgotten. That, however, is soon about to change.
When each of them is about to be retrieved, ancient evils arise to unleash hell upon the unsuspecting world. When the forces of three galaxies clash around them, can our favorite ponies hold out against the onslaught?
This is a crossover involving Warhammer 40k, Halo, Mass Effect and MLP, and is also my first fanfic. Comments and reviews are welcome.
Rated T for language, violence, and general adult situations.
Now on Tv Tropes!

Chapters (20)

Naruto's life has been taken and is given a second chance at life due to certain circumstances. However, what he didn't realize is that he would be living in a world of ponies and magic, not in his own world. Will Naruto learn to put his past life behind and accept this strange new world as his home? Or will he reject it outright and find a way back to Konoha?

Rated T for Blood, Violence, and Language.

Image is from a user named VertreV from Deviantart. Give 'em a round of applause!

Chapters (30)

1/12/13: Editing of older chapters underway, so content flow between older and newer chapters may temporarily be in conflict.

(Final FantasyxMLP) After giving his life to save Cloud, Zack Fair awakes to find himself not lost in the currents of the Lifestream, but rather lying on a cloud in a strange new world.

A world full of colourful creatures called ponies, who have never heard of humans, much less Shinra or SOLDIER.

His appearance, however, marks only the beginning of something none in Equestria could have foreseen. In the shadow of an ongoing war with the changelings, strange, sudden, and cataclysmic events begin to occur throughout Equestria, events that no normal creature could've caused. The nature and ferocity of these events soon comes to suggest only one plausible explanation, that another former SOLDIER may have somehow found their way to the land of ponies.

Zack's former friend, turned powerful god-like enemy, Sephiroth.

Chapters (18)

Slendy, poor ol' Slendy. Stalking the Everfree Forest for 10,000 years can take a toll on both your memory and your spirit. But now, a favorite trio has decided to show up to make things a little more interesting. ART: Trinityinyang on DA- AMAZING WORK! Thanks! Editing: TechSavii- Great job, can't do it without you. Thanks for your help!

Chapters (13)