• Member Since 1st Sep, 2016


Save your fanfares for the heroes... not the damned.

Tabs 1744 stories
  • Tabs 1744 stories
    Created by Redux
    - July, 2017
Found 1,359 stories in 81ms

Total Words: 84,109,054
Estimated Reading: 33 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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It is a tale well known to all: Twilight Sparkle, immortal alicorn, forced to face the world without her friends. Time having separated them, never to meet again, leaving only one Princess all alone, the last to remember those happy times. Alone in her castle, mourning all she has lost.

...too bad certain ponies have no sense of the dramatic and are too inconsiderate to actually be dead.

Chapters (1)

Unicorns are historically superior to other races.

Twilight finds out why.

Edited by Aragon and R5h, uniquely inspired by KitsuneRisu.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is the coolest mare in the world. She's the coolest mare in any world really. Like cooler than a new book.

Today, she brings that coolness to a whole new world.

Artist is TJ pones

Chapters (1)

Staying in Twilight's Castle, you make the terrible error of flippantly calling her 'Hitler'. She demands a history lesson (for archiving purposes, of course) and you give her one that ends up being far more frustrating than you had anticipated.

EDIT: Featured 8/27/19!

Chapters (1)

In the library of Twilight Sparkle's castle, there is a book where none should be. There is no record of it being entered into the collection. It is not in the card catalog. It has never been checked out. Before yesterday nopony knew it existed.

It is the only book she has ever tried to destroy.

Written as an entry in GaPJaxie's My Little Speed Writing Competition, which gives you 60 minutes to write a story based on a prompt chosen by the masses. Join us in the Discord if you're interested in improving your writing skills!

Chapters (1)

Elias Bright is a survivor. He has survived the end of the world. He has survived the deaths of his family. He has survived the death of all that he has built. On the run from a past that haunts him to his core, he finds himself in Equestria, a land of tranquility and peace. Elias now has a choice. Does he give up the only life he has known, that of a survivor, and settle with the ponies of Equestria, or will his past deeds come to drag him back into the dark past he has tried to bury?

Chapters (76)

This story is a sequel to Three Hoofwidths To The Left

There's nothing like a surprise library inspection for discovering code violations, especially when the pony conducting that examination is determined to find something. But Twilight keeps the tree running to her own standards, and that means true offenses are hard to come by. Really, there's just one little potential issue.

'Little' as in 'the crests come up slightly short of your spine. Oh, and it breathes fire.'

For some strange reason, the local trotting incarnation of bureaucracy has a problem with this.

(A stand-alone, no-prior-reading necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome. While this story takes place after the linked piece, no knowledge of those events is required.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

While the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam may feel like a conclusion to the story of New Vegas. For the Courier who fought at it and won it for Mr. House, it was merely another chapter in his already bloody story. Now armed with a prototype long ranged Transportalponder from Big MT, Houston finds himself in a world much different from his own.

One where you don't have to kill, lie and manipulate others to get by every day.
One where "friendship" is not a contract, but a given.
One where he is the Teacher to a world unscarred by the concept of war.

A world of...multi-colored Ponies?

Heavily inspired by the works of Rated Ponystar, ShoddyCast and numerous other MLP X Fallout stories.
Note that Courier Six's backstory derives from the Fallout New California mod.

Chapters (11)

Twilight is called on to be a political Emissary to the far northern kingdoms. Due to the attacks from Tirek and the others, the land borders have been altered. Several miles of land that was once considered to be a part of Equestria is now within the borders of their northern neighbors. It is ruled solely by a pony that is as unwavering as steel. Twilight is tasked with being an emissary to this kingdom and try to negotiate to have him withdraw his claim to the territory. Meeting him is going to change everything she knows about how an Overlord rules his ponies. She finds out just how politics works for him and how he treats his subjects. She reminds herself to keep an open mind and treat him as she would any other. She is not prepared for what she finds. A stallion that rules alone. One that is more complex than she realized. One that if offended could spell disaster for Equestria itself. Hunter Flame is about to make her realize that nothing is as simple as she thinks it is.

Story is loosely based off the Overlord Video Games By Triumph Studios

Cover art by https://www.fimfiction.net/user/228967/Little+Tigress

Featured on Front Page 3/9/2019! OMG! Thank you!
Featured on Front Page 3/18/2019
Featured: 6/4/2019
Featured: 5/16/2021
Featured: 9/4/2022

Chapters (49)