• Member Since 1st Sep, 2016


Save your fanfares for the heroes... not the damned.

Tabs 1744 stories
  • Tabs 1744 stories
    Created by Redux
    - July, 2017
Found 1,359 stories in 125ms

Total Words: 84,100,687
Estimated Reading: 33 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Duties

Sometimes everything goes smoothly. Most of the time there are complications, especially when it comes to royal weddings.

Blank Page and Princess Luna's wedding is getting closer and with it comes trouble and it has brought it's friends.

Nothing is ever easy, is it?

Betaing by Fan4tic
Cover art by Sipioc

Chapters (61)

Cammy and Scrim are a husband-and-wife team of window washers in New York City. They’re fast and friendly, and best of all they don’t need ladders or fall arrest gear to do their jobs.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!
Now with a Chinese translation by FLX071
New Coverart by AlwaysDressesInStyle

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie, party planner extraordinaire. Any pony who spends more than five minutes in Ponyville will be introduced to Pinkie with an explosion of confetti and a party. 

So how is it possible for a pony to live in her town and have no idea who she is?

As Seen on Equestria Daily!

Zen and Ponies

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Last Migration

Accipio was once the largest and mightiest empire in all the world, with ten birds to every pony in Equestria. They swept from one side of Equus to the other, conquering and enslaving all that they found. But Equestria held, held even when Mons Ignis rose from its ancient slumber and drowned Accipio in ash. A terrible war was nearly the result, as ponies and griffons struggled for what little resources they could. Were it not for the desperate struggles of a few brave souls, surely civilization itself would've ended.

But the next generation of both nations rise with no knowledge of the past, and that's something that Equestria's Princess Twilight Sparkle cannot abide. The Migration War is transforming into myth right before her eyes. She can't stop the flow of time, but she can send a historian, to take down an accurate record of what happened while the players still live.

But as Contrail will soon discover, history isn't just in the past. Whether he likes it or not, he's about to be part of the story.

Updates daily for the first week while it catches up to my Patreon, then on Mondays thereafter.

This story was commissioned by Vilken666, feel free to PM me if you'd like one of your own. Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail, my enablers. Cover by Zutcha.

Chapters (22)

There comes a time in every earth pony mare's life, when they just feel like digging a hole and sitting in it. Anon doesn't really get it, but decides to keep Pinkie Pie company during this trying time.

{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

ONE SHOT STORY (also first RGRE story ever, so be gentle.)
(This is an odd take as the elements are there, just not that prominent.)

My dearest Twilight,

A new dictator has come out from the shadows and taken hold of a nearby settlement, making it her little kingdom. She holds it with an iron hoof and ruins the lives of those poor ponies and other creatures living there. I am sending you and your friends there to stop this mare and bring an end to her tyranny and drag her kicking and screaming to Canterlot, where she can face justice.

Your Loving Teacher,
Princess Celestia

Chapters (1)

Special talents.
That thing that sets ponies apart from each other and gives them a path in life. The one thing that they excel at, broadcast to the world by their cutie mark.
The spectrum of special talents is as wide as the day is long and twice as varied as you think it is.
But, interesting talent or mundane, everypony needs a job to put food on the table and not every talent lends itself to one.

After all, not everyone can be blessed with specific high-demand talents like "growing plants" or "cleaning" or "flying". Even less often does a pony get a particularly nebulous concept or multi-faceted skill like "magic" or "partying" that can apply to any number of jobs.

Sometimes, no matter how good you are at what you do, it's just not something you can make a career out of.

But for those unlucky few, there's a group filled with other ponies who face the same problem that they do.


Editted and proofread by the wonderfully helpful NecroHorse!

Chapters (1)

It's a simple request, really. Can't they do just a little more for Ponyville, especially when they consider all the things they've done to Ponyville and how this might help to pay for some of the damages? It's just spending a few hours at the town's street fair, being among the population, making themselves freely accessible --

-- well, not freely. After all, the kisses have to cost something, or how is the money being raised?

Kiss A Bearer For A Bit.
Arrive early. There might be a line.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle spent most of her life alone. Where others had pictures of friends or family, she hung academic certificates and awards. She wasn't unhappy. She had everything to look forward to and a path to what really mattered in life - tenure.

Sunset Shimmer knocked her life off the rails. She didn't expect to care about anyone else. She never put 'fall in love' on her checklists. It was a surprise, but a welcome one. Hand in hand, they started on a path without knowing where it would lead.

It led here, far off in the brush, the path she'd originally walked only occasionally visible ahead, taunting her with what could have been.

An entry for the third Sunset Shipping Contest.

Thank you to all my Patreons and commissioners for supporting me!

Chapters (1)

Fizzlepop Berrytwist suffered a terrible tragedy as a foal and nearly lost her way until a chance meeting with Shining Armor showed her another path in life - as a member of the Night Guard of Luna. However, in her efforts to prove herself as being up to the task of being a Night Guard, she has pushed herself practically to the breaking point. As her commanding officers try and sort out her unique situation and if the Guard really is the place for her, she is given a simple assignment: keep an eye on Trixie Lulamoon, Princess Luna's new apprentice, as she spends a day in Canterlot.

This won't end well...

A Lunaverse story, and a prequel to the main series. However this is being written in such a way that new readers should have no trouble diving in.

Chapters (6)