• Member Since 1st Sep, 2016


Save your fanfares for the heroes... not the damned.

Tabs 1744 stories
  • Tabs 1744 stories
    Created by Redux
    - July, 2017
Found 1,359 stories in 79ms

Total Words: 84,109,054
Estimated Reading: 33 weeks



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Cover art by the amazing Emosite CC!
Check out her DeviantArt for more fantastic art!

Spike was filled with doubts, confusion and fear on where he fitted in the world. It scared him to think that he was nothing to his friends, to Twilight. After finding out the hard truth in an argument, he realises that this bond he shared with them was nothing but a mere illusion, a painful lie that shattered him completely. Becoming lost in his own misery, he runs away only to be taken by an offer.

A few months pass and struggling to manage, Twilight comes to terms with her mistakes and the search for Spike dies down. Seeking vengeance, past threats are united through fear by a demented alchemist who wishes to twist and ruin Equestria with the power of terror.

In a desperate attempt to try and find Spike once more, Twilight and her friends must overcome their greatest fears.

Chapters (51)

Spitfire has a secret she's told to nopony she knows, terrified of the prospect what they'll do when they figure it out. So what will she do when the rookie accidentally finds out?

Sex: Suggestive implication only.

Cover image by: Valiantstar00

Chapters (18)

A Mother, a Father, a brother, a sister-in-law, and a niece. They are Twilight's family.

But there's one special member of her family that is about to be recognized.

FEATURED 8/19/2019!

For Raevyn, on this most special of days.

From the comments section:

"Speaking as someone who was adopted as a baby...and who's mother shared something very much like this with him many years ago during one of our talks...

Thank you, and damn you for making my 'allergies' act up." -Rescue Sunstreak

"This was one of the sweetest stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading!" -Real_Harmony Sparkle

"Beautiful I adore this story so very very much :D" -twidash1993

Chapters (1)

Why are alicorn rulers in Equestria princesses, and not queens? Because when Celestia was crowned, it was the mistake of a lifetime...

Chapters (1)

A History of Cooking

An Extremely Irreverent Tale

In which Princess Celestia picks up an important life skill

and then some other things happen

Chapters (1)

The stars are vanishing from Equestria. It's not so bad.

My entry in the first Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Competition! An experimental story written in just under an hour and totally unedited. Enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna are back from their vacation. Now that retirement is fast approaching, Celestia's a little antsy about what to do with her free time. When she looks back at all the memories she had, she suddenly gets an idea. Maybe she should try out something she did before, something she thought she hated the first time around....

Luna's not going to like it.

Edited with the help of Salnalus. Featured on 8/16/2019.

Chapters (1)

Sunset is accused of spreading everyone’s secrets on a Mystable page calling itself Anon-a-Miss, losing all of her friends and reputation in the process.

But it seems the school forgot one thing.

Sunset Shimmer isn't one to be easily broken.

A story dearly inspired by wanting something different out of the Anon-a-Miss 'Genre' of fics. Many are wonderful stories, but at the end of the day, most tend to fall into the same couple of tropes with slight alterations, and many of those tropes are ones I'm not terribly fond of.

So with my ever present desire to take a well trod genre and flip it on its head, I present my own take on this story, and one I have not personally seen. So I hope I deliver on giving you something different from the others!

Pre-Read by the Wonderful and Loveable baes: Uria, the Sacred Beast and Sunny Days

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to The F*ck Is Up With Spike?

Smolder, oblivious to the events that occurred, is told of the dumb shit Spike did while walking around town. She admits to teaching him those words, but with her own reasoning. However, she gets into some big fucking trouble and decides that the only way to make anything better is to take matters into her own claws. Buckle the fuck up, bitches. It's going to be a bumpy ride...

Featured at #3 on 8/14/19!

Re-rated T for Strong Langauge

Chapters (1)

Luna has a secret.

A secret that she's kept close to her heart ever since her return from the moon, a secret she's hidden for so long that she's no longer even sure if it's real. At least until it returns to haunt her, and she has no choice but to confide in Celestia and hope her sister trusts that she hasn't gone mad.

It's time to tell Celestia about the circles.

Chapters (5)