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Within the deepest recesses of Tartarus, there is a storm that never ends. A swirling maelstrom fueled by the dark and terrible magics that reside within the infernal pit. Within the eye of this storm, like a pearl within an oyster, is the great floating city of Dis. Dis was intended to be a paradise where all could be free, and live in Harmony. A place where hunger, sadness, and even death would hold no sway.

But you cannot build a paradise at the mouth of Hell without consequence . . .

A spiritual adaptation of Bioshock Infinite & prequel to Twilight's Inferno. Assumes no knowledge of either.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Something Sweet to Bite Too

Sunset Shimmer hasn't been sleeping well lately. She doesn't remember her dreams very well when she wakes, but what she does remember is always the same.
She's back in Equestria. Only Equestria is very different from how she left it. The Palace is deserted. The land is a bizarre, twisted, candy coated version of what she remembers. The night never seems to end. And there's something in the dark... Something that laughs and sings, but it's somehow more frightening than the bizarre landscape ever could be.
When Sunset is awake, it's the start of a new year at CHS. The Fall Formal is just around the corner, but she has other things on her mind. Will she discover the truth about her dreams? Or will Halloween bring with it tricks and treats that make her Nightmare Night memories seem pleasant by comparison?

Candymare Cover Art by kvernikovskiy

Chapters (23)

After being attacked by a strange being in the dead of night, a young unicorn mare named Page-Turner finds herself transformed into a loathsome, terrifying creature with an uncontrollable need to drink the blood of others through horrific means. Frightened by her sudden change in both body and nature, she flees from pony society but tries her hardest to remain a part of it in the process.

As her attempts to cope and adapt to her new lifestyle sour and wither with every passing day, she finds herself being hunted by those that wish to see her destroyed. With little choice to begin with, the only goal to dominate her mind soon becomes survival.

Cover art by DJM30wM1x on Deviantart

Chapters (3)

Every so often, a storm comes along that even the Pegasi can't control. Best they can do is warn everypony to bunker down and ride it out. Equestria hasn't seen a blizzard this bad in over half a century. AJ and Big Mac were out when the first winds hit, so Applebloom's stuck with Granny Smith in the farmhouse.

But ol' Granny remembers, she tells Applebloom. She remembers the last blizzard, and what came with it. Can't help but wonder if they'll stop by again.

Chapters (1)

Everyone gets scared of the dark sometimes. When you're a kid, you might need a nightlight to make all the bad stuff go away. When you grow up and grow old, though, sometimes that darkness has something special waiting for you, and no nightlight can shine it away. I'll just keep telling myself that if I don't look, it can't get me. Right?

LISTEN TO THE READING BY SCRIBBLER HERE!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARkLQY82Gjs&feature=emb_logo

Please Note: This reads more like stream of consciousness psychological creepiness, rather than monster or classical style horrors.

Coverart by RU5KI

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Weed

Fleur de Lis is best known as a supermodel, but she also happens to be an illusions master. Every year just before Nightmare Night, she tests her skills by inviting ponies to attend her 'Week of Nightmares' in an attempt to terrify even the bravest. This year's most esteemed guests? Fancy Pants and Princess Luna.

But Fancy Pants is a veteran of the brutal Dragon Wars, and Princess Luna slogs through other ponies' nightmares all the time. Both have high doubts for the night.

Fleur might be more capable than they think...

My entry into Random Romance's October contest!

Cover Art Credit: Wolfmaster00

The Fleur-Verse
Chronologically from Top to Bottom:
Shadow Pony
Reddux the Tyrant
No Heroes Part I - The Roster
No Heroes Part II - The Journey Home
Lightning's Bolt
The Weed
The Challenge of Fleur
Ordinary World
A Challenge for Fleur
Sweet to Eat: Tales of Nightmare Night

Chapters (5)

I don't know where I am, nor can I remember who I am. All I know is everything around me is black. The darkness that comforts me in my sleep is gone; it is replaced by an atmosphere of unrest and fear. Worst of all, I feel I am not alone.

To fully enjoy this story, read this story alone, in the dark, at night, with headphones, and listen to the following ambiance.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Site 16 - The Tartarus Gate

This is not our world. We are a grain of sand on the beach. A star in the fabric of the midnight sky. We share this world with horrors beyond imagining and comprehension, but the Foundation cannot ask for aid. We are alone in this war. We trudge through the darkness so that the world can enjoy one more day in the light. We do not steal the truth, we secure the truth so people may live normal lives. We do not lie to protect ourselves, we lie to contain evil and danger. We do not rule, we protect the innocent from the juggernauts of the earth. It is our destiny to suffer so that others may go about their lives in peace.

We Secure. We Contain. We Protect.

- “The Administrator”

Picture by the seriously NSFW Ask Murdershy tumblr

Chapters (17)

Years before the liberation of the Crystal Empire, King Sombra invites six citizens to feast in his castle on the last night of each month. Seldom few are ever seen again. Now a young pegasus who will become known as Guest Number Five has been invited to dine with the King, although his own plans for the night might just lead to everyone's salvation.

Five courses. Three chapters. Served up over three nights.

Chapters (3)

Sunset Shimmer has been keeping a secret from her friends. She's got a new girlfriend who's smart, cute, funny, and she can even cook! Sadly, she lacks anything even resembling a social filter, so if you so much as mildly annoy her, she's going to let you know it. Sunset knows she can't keep these two parts of her life apart forever, and Pinkie's big-time creepy Halloween blowout is as good a time as any to introduce them.

Hopefully she'll survive the night.

An entry for Oro's Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest!

Chapters (1)