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Something is disrupting the technology in Equestria and Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and a few guards go to check out the problem. Their night turns from a quest to find the source for the problem, to a challenge to survival. All caught on tape.

This was also a collaboration with: Zombiehunter4579

New cover by Nymbyte

Chapters (2)

Nearly 400 years before the return of Princess Luna, Celestia is made aware of the presence of a damaged weapon, a remnant from an ancient battle, fallen from the heavens and forgotten on a world it should never have been near.

A short story based on an idea from the Revelation Space novel series by Alastair Reynolds.

Chapters (1)

Winter is cold, winter is dark, and winter is miserable. This will be my last winter.

Part of the Borderworld.

Chapters (5)

Sweetie Belle is invited by Twilight Sparkle to the decrepit castle in the Everfree to see if they can't find any other spell books, and Sweetie wouldn't lose such an opportunity. Unfortunately, she gets lost after a brief distraction and can't find her way back. The more she panics, the scarier and more twisted the trees started to become, and the more Sweetie starts to see things coming from the bark that disappear when she looks at them directly.

Cover art by Ralvar. Source on the image.
Psychological Horror
I fancy this as the theme of the story.
There are hidden symbols in here explaining what is happening. Can you find and decipher the hidden story?

Chapters (1)

Color Splash thought to make a lasting mark in the old theater in the rich part of Manehatten. Covering an entire wall of the inside would make a statement the news couldn't possibly ignore once it was discovered. Unfortunately for her, although she thinks she is alone inside, there's somepony else there with her. Somepony that demands attention from the trespasser.

Chapters (1)

Applejack is cleaning her attic and finds an ugly mask. She offers it to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, because they enjoy pranking ponies. Rainbow is first to arrive to check it out, and finds out there seems to be more to the mask than Applejack knew.
She has to have it, and she can't wait to try it out.

Chapters (1)

One day, Rarity forgets to turn the faucet off.

Then, everypony else begins forgetting things.

Chapters (2)

There exists an ancient text as new as yesterday.
Bound in things best left ignored, it has one thing to say.

A simple message told in rhyme, it waits for one to read.
Until such time as it is spoken, so to it is freed.

The Corvus Prince, Penumbral Son, the Uncrowned King awaits.
From Neverwere he rises up, and marches on his gates.

A step before a step again he walks in patient stride.
Unwavering and steady on, he rises like the tide.

Read not the words, the Prince's creed, be silent, walk away.
From the moment that the words are spoken, you have but one day.

Chapters (6)

After missing an opportunity to perform in Manehatten, Octavia rides her usual train back to Ponyville in a dark mood. She tries to relax and simply nap or otherwise occupy herself until the train arrives at its destination, but some shady train operators claim that her ticket is invalid, and that Ponyville isn't one of the stops.
Octavia suspects a shakedown, and after being ejected from the train, she waits to defend herself from a possible mugging, but nothing comes. Instead, Octavia finds herself alone on the train platform, struggling to keep herself sane as she waits for the next train.

Chapters (3)