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  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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A mailmare. A treasure hunter. A botanist. A historian. A rambler. A retired guard.

Six travelers in a frozen forest in the middle of nowhere. None of them knows any of the others. These six people find themselves driven together into the only lodge for miles when a freak storm descends upon the land. But all they have to do is wait out the blizzard, and they can be on their way. Simple, right?

If only. As the storm rages with no sign of stopping, they gradually get to know each other more and more. They don't always like what they learn. And when your world has been reduced to a small common room, the tiniest of annoyances can simmer, fester, and boil over...

Chapters (13)

When rumors start circulating that Princess Celestia has become pregnant, Twilight is quick to dismiss the rumors as impossible. However, when Celestia confirms the rumors to be true, it becomes quite clear to the Princess of Friendship that something is terribly wrong.

EDIT 7/8/2016: This got featured?! Wow, I am really happy about that!

Chapters (1)

Trickles down the path they go, whisper not for you they'll know. Trickles love something good to eat, little ponies make tasty treats. Be silent now as they go by, do not look them in the eye. Do not stop and do not stare, pretend they aren't even there.

Trickles down the path they go, horrors from beyond the known.

Trick or Treat from Glen Gorewood, one of my October offerings for your enjoyment.

After you read this, let me know if you want a sequel.

If you down vote please leave a comment as to why. It helps me improve.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Velvet is ready to retire, with her last book due to hit shelves in just a couple of days. Unfortunately, not everypony is as happy with the ending as she is.

Especially not the main character.

Credit where credit is due; big thanks to my two volunteer prereaders, Goat and Regidar.

As seen on Seattle's Angels!

Reccomended by TCC56!

Chapters (1)

Tales of the strange and uncanny, too short to stand alone.

Welcome to my nightmare. I hope I didn't scare you.

* * *

Thanks to GaryOak and Reia Hope for proofreading.

The Controller — [Dark] Seeking revenge, Adagio enters a partnership with a force she doesn't understand.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders Meet H.P. Fearcraft — [Comedy] The CMC ask an eccentric writer how he found his special talent. (Edited for publication.)
It Ain't Gonna Rain — [Tragedy] The world is ending, and Applejack has something important to tell Rainbow.
The Complete Microfictions of Horse Voice — [Various] Stories short enough to read between breaths.
Molly — [Grimdark/Meta] Molly does not have much to say these days. But someone has a lot to say to Molly.

Titanium Dragon

Chapters (3)

Oh, ye great mysterious - Thousand leagues of blue
No one knows which mysteries are hidden
Beneath your surface

Your awful stirrings seem to speak of some
hidden soul beneath

- Ahab: The Pacific

The ocean holds many secrets, hidden away in the deepest expansion, far away from prying pony eyes. With Rarity becoming a reluctant explorer, whisked away in a magical bubble that plunges her beneath the waves, not even in her wildest nightmares could she imagine what awaits her all the way down there...

Inspired by the works of H.P Lovecraft and the Funeral Doom Metal album: "Call of the Wretched Sea" by Ahab.

Now with an audio reading by Illya Leonov: https://youtu.be/-ZkgeyAmsn0

Chapters (1)

"Josh, Anya. I know you two can hear me. Listen, I've just discovered something horrible about the Mane Six, something that threatens every single one of us! They're already searching the globe for me! You have to hear this before they find me!"

As always, let me know what you thought once you're finished reading. Hope you Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

A batpony finds herself lost in the woods but something’s wrong… why’s it so dark? What's wrong with her eyes?
And she’s not alone. Something is out there, waiting.

Written for the Bat ponies and Thestrals Writing Contest 2017

Chapters (1)

Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadence take a trip to Dead Pony Lake(subtlety thy name is this fic) to go fishing. They get something allot more horrible then what they intended.

Based off the Lost Tapes T.V show. Might not wanna read this if you haven't seen it. It's told from a camera's POV so don't read it unless you know what you're getting into.

New cover by Nymbyte

Chapters (1)

Something has happened in the Bloody Bayou. And the Wonderbolts go out to check it. What they find, isn't what they had hoped.

There are creatures science refuses to recognize. But new technology makes us question what is real. If our eyes see it. If our cameras capture it. Does it exist? Enter a realm where fact meets fiction, science meets legend, where nightmares come to life. Do you believe?

Ponies Lost Tapes: Flesh Eater


New cover by Nymbyte

Chapters (2)