
Viewing 241 - 260 of 7,365 results

City of Doors blog 5/16/2016 · 8:13pm May 16th, 2016

Always kind of self-conscious about adding older reviews. I'm working through The Goodfic Bin and linking reviews that are a year old. If it is the only review a story has, then the author gets a notification about it added to my big master review list bookshelf. Which in itself isn't bad I guess. Just that if it's a bad review I feel kind of bad. Especially one author which I've linking several not-so-good reviews and if they had known about them they are getting reminded, and if they didn't I

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Fanfic Reviews – Assorted Edition · 11:27pm Jun 20th, 2015

Looks like it has been 1 month since I last posted anything... What can I say? I went to play The Witcher 3, which is such a fantastic game that it managed to restore my fate in the industry – and it also absorbed me completely. Also, adapting to the first few weeks of a new job can be hard, specially when you have a bunch of carryover from before. On the plus size, I have a proper commute again, so expect some non-readings reviews soon. Gonna also try to keep some kind of schedule with these

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Report Soge · 1,004 views · #review #story review

Queen Mother (Story Review) · 10:37pm Sep 17th, 2015


A TRS review · 1:15am Mar 14th, 2017

It took months of petulant whining gentle prodding, but I finally got the talented and awesome Manifest Harmony to read The Rescue Service. She wrote a nice review afterwards.

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Report Troposphere · 249 views · #reviews

HOW TO REVIEW · 8:34am Jul 29th, 2016

how 2 write gud review?!

well, you just do this:

that was easy. blog post done!

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Report hazeyhooves · 296 views · #reviews

Less-Read Review 2: Everypony is Sad by hazeyhooves · 11:53pm Sep 4th, 2016

Do you guys mind if I just do one review at a time? It's easier for me.

Welcome to Less-Read Reviews, where I review stories with low word counts.
Today we have:

Everypony is Sad by hazeyhooves
"All of them. Every pony. They're all sad."
Tags: Teen, Random, Sad, Main 6, Cutie Mark Crusaders


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Report Super Trampoline · 328 views · #review

Fact or Fiction by The (late) Big Bad Borox, Revisited: Largely the same amount of grammatical problems, and the same story · 5:57am Feb 8th, 2016

A few months is a long time. Long enough for Big Bad Borox to become Barnside, the hero of… barn sides, I guess. My personal head canon is that the current author is actually the adopted daughter or son of the original Big Bad Borox, who died as he lived, balls deep in a hog and firing two assault rifles into the air.

Thank you Cards against Humanity and Mad Libs.

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Report BlndDog · 373 views · #review

IDW's My Little Pony: FIENDship is Magic #1 · 8:08pm May 13th, 2016

So someone at IDW got an idea.

"Hey," they said, "people really like the villains in My Little Pony. They've got all these ideas about how they got started and what happened to them after they were defeated. Why don't we use the power that we totally have to decide what's canon in the show to write a stupid, boring series that will ruin them forever?"

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About review requests · 8:21pm Jul 12th, 2018

To my surprise, I've had a few of these recently, so I suppose I ought to write a little bit about what you can expect if you ask me to review your fic. Please read all of this post before commenting or asking questions, though. It's not stupidly long!

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Report Loganberry · 233 views · #reviews

[NEW THING] Review of a Random Story · 3:11am Aug 9th, 2015

Markiplier's Ponytastic Adventure

What I first thought: Hey, cool a Markiplier in equestria story. Seems legit :rainbowdetermined2:

What it's about: It's about Markiplier going to equestria and doing stuff. There is only two chapters, so I will update this as it progresses.

Is it good? Yes, nice writing. Kinda needs a bit less use of huge letters but the grammar is solid.

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Report AzureShark · 262 views · #REVIEW

Taking Requests · 8:27pm May 10th, 2021

It's been a long as ever hiatus, I know. I just up and walked away from one review board and refused an invitation from two others. Honestly, depression and anxiety create a massive problem at times, but hey, I'm at a place in my life where, now, I feel comfortable taking requests. Now, I'll take a few per week, if anyone is looking for my reviews these days.

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Report flutterJackdash · 212 views · #Reviews

Review notifications · 11:23pm Apr 15th, 2020

I'll be going through my off-site review blogs over the next few days and weeks, and leaving comments on the appropriate fics here. I used to do this as a matter of course, then for various reasons (many my own fault) I let it slip. So please don't be too startled if you get a notification for a review I wrote many months ago! I will try to keep up much better in future.

Report Loganberry · 194 views · #reviews

Reviewer needed · 7:04pm Jul 29th, 2021

So I'm looking for someone to give me a general review of chapters I wanna release, to just inform me if what I wrote was both cohesive and entertaining. Just reply to this post saying you're interested.


fJd Review: Friendship is Magic - Extended Cut by AdmiralSakai · 4:38pm Nov 1st, 2020

TFriendship Is Magic - Extended Cut
Season 1, Episodes 1 and 2 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic rewritten and expanded as a mature fantasy adventure.
AdmiralSakai · 112k words  ·  173  7 · 3.1k views


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Report flutterJackdash · 114 views · #review

A semi-formal review/letter-essay of Sol Point · 10:22am Dec 10th, 2018

A Review of Sol Point in letter/essay format

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Report Quill Plus Ink · 264 views · #Review

Hope I still got it in me to review... · 2:26pm Oct 19th, 2016

My second review and again, I'm wondering if I managed to shake off the rust... The last review, I was most definitely proud of myself seeing how far I've gotten in the reviewing scene. If any of you wish to see a link to the reviews in questions, don't worry, I'll always link them below if you're ever curious about it. Now with that out of the way, I shall now review the story that was second place in a writing contest for the D'aww award called Scribblefest. Mind you, this is the first time

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Report PrinceUniversa · 180 views · #review

fJd Review: A Different Kind of Treasure by Mechawrecker · 4:46pm Nov 1st, 2020

TA Different Kind of Treasure
What's the most valuable treasure in the world: Family? Money? Revenge? Love? Depends on who you ask...
Mechawrecker · 62k words  ·  88  4 · 1.4k views


Cloudchaser and Flitter are a couple of treasure hunters, but their lives change when they meet Skyfall who encourages them form a trio. This is a romance, an adventure, and a drama all rolled up into one fic.

My Thoughts:

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Report flutterJackdash · 46 views · #review

fJd Review: Death of a Queen by Arkane12 · 5:13pm Nov 2nd, 2020

TDeath of a Queen
Chrysalis had welcomed the end, but one final visitor forces her to reconsider.
Arkane12 · 153k words  ·  324  13 · 5.4k views


Chrysalis has done a great many terrible things to Equestria, all in the name of greed and hunger both. Now she has a chance to make up for perhaps her greatest crime: The murder of Princess Celestia. How can she make up for that? By saving her life.

My Thoughts:

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Report flutterJackdash · 371 views · #review

fJd Review: The Shadow Queen by Scroll · 4:41pm Nov 1st, 2020

[Adult story embed hidden]


It’s a first person narrative, from Cozy Glow’s point of view. There’s a twist. It’s not pony Cozy Glow. Nope. This is EqG Mirrorverse Cozy Glow, and the author explores her mind with detail and care. It’s a story about revenge, about regret, and about learning. Eventually.

My Thoughts:

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Report flutterJackdash · 46 views · #review

fJd Review: Falling Up by Emotion Nexus · 5:07pm Nov 2nd, 2020

EFalling Up
After an accident leaves Songbird unable to fly, it takes a few encouraging words from her marefriend to lift her up again.
Emotion Nexus · 1.3k words  ·  44  2 · 730 views


A sweet little vignette about Rara and Songbird, after Songbird’s return performance following a not-so-brief stint on medical leave.

My Thoughts:

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Report flutterJackdash · 75 views · #review
Viewing 241 - 260 of 7,365 results