
Viewing 361 - 380 of 10,591 results

Saddle Bagged Update 3 · 9:09am Mar 1st, 2019

I've made a new custom cover for Saddle Bagged, which will premiere with chapter 2!
Chapter 2 is coming along nicely and shouldn't take too much longer. :pinkiesmile:

Report Silk Rose · 111 views · #Update

C-c-Changes 👀 · 4:35am Feb 5th, 2022

For those who might've reread my story recently you'll notice that I've made some small changes to it, mainly grammar errors and extra details that weren't there before. I'm doing this to keep the quality consistent between my standards now and especially with the yet to be released Chapter 4: Kombat Time (like seriously, it isn't mind-blowing, but there's a high chance that you'll still like what I'm doing with it. I also plan to do a MASSIVE rework of The Prologue, and

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Report Sirplayalot_64 · 110 views · #update

Updates. · 5:08am Feb 10th, 2021

Hey y'all. This has been a long time coming.

As you know, I have been unable thus far to sort out my Wi-Fi issue, so I can only update as I get data on my phone.

We are almost to the point where I can announce that new story (only 8 followers to go til 100, YAY!), so you can look forward to that.

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Report Echo Breeze · 109 views · #update

Update on Sotires · 9:51am Dec 21st, 2021

Hiya Folks!

So this is another update on thing like stories that I'm working on, one shot that are in the works and Stolen Childhood!

Let's start off with what most people expected to hear from, Stolen Childhood chapter 5, which btw is coming out quite soon. The chapter in itself is in the last stages of writing, then comes a little editing form my part and lastly will be the publishing bit.

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Report MistyShadowz · 105 views · #Update

Another really good songs! · 4:42am Mar 27th, 2020

I really love his music.

Report Badwolf1175 · 108 views · #Update

Monthly Update · 9:22am April 2nd

It’s been a bit since I last checked in, just thought I’d provide an update on how things are going. I feel like making these updates regular (once a month, maybe?) things, let me know how you feel about that.

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Report JahJah · 40 views · #Update

Notta April Fools! · 1:43pm April 4th

Hey everyone,

Yeah, this is no April Fools, not only is it NOT April 1st, but I’m also still kicking and have managed to release another chapter of Clockwork Precision. I hope you all enjoy it. I’d actually had most of this written a while ago, but just had problems getting it finished and ready to go out. Been fighting with it since middle of December in fact. So three and a half months? Already? Yesh!

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Report WyrmQuill · 51 views · #update

The Prince of Griffonstone Update 3 · 6:46am May 7th, 2019

Chapter 4 of The Prince of Griffonstone is up and reconstruction of the city is underway. We also see the addition of the final missing griffon for Gwyn's inner circle. Thanks for the continued interest and support, enjoy. :pinkiehappy:

Report Marezinger Z · 108 views · #Update

Best of Seventy-One · 7:17am Aug 15th, 2023

Best of Seventy-One is out! Finished it the day of posting, lol. Eight hours before posting.

Next week's story is already done, and so is the week's after that.

I think the week's after that will be done soon too.

So, writing has been going good. Had so many ideas lately. Making good progress on some.

I've been getting better at making my own covers, going to be doing a lot more.

Thanks, all.

Report Silk Rose · 121 views · #Update

Mane 6 Romance Story Update 3 · 3:59pm Oct 24th, 2019

Hey, the new story I'm working on is coming along nicely.
Chapter 1 is done and just needs some minor fixes and stuff.
I'm currently working on chapter 2. It will be a total of 3 chapters.
I hope you all like it when it's done.

Report Silk Rose · 108 views · #Update

I finally figured out how to blog post about stuff now. Anyway here's an official update. · 6:03pm Jul 2nd, 2023

No post in comments on my profile, nor on the story, THAT'S RIGHT, I finally figured out how to make blog posts regarding the story

So anyway, THE FUTURE (be weary of spoilers):

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Report Local Loco · 98 views · #update

I'm Back · 1:53am Jun 26th, 2023

I'm back with card number 4 on my rig.

During the whole time I was down I used my laptop to write the latest chapter in the chapter, which is now in the editing stage, which may take a few days with the size of this one being nearly 20,000 on the word count which make this chapter as big one of the earlier chapter in the book.

The late time, I did a chapter of this size was in Chapter 24 Chaos In The Streets, and from what I can remember the editing stage took some time to go through it.

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Report James Cribb · 58 views · #update

The Hunter From Another World, Update 11 · 11:46pm Aug 23rd, 2019

I've managed some free time so I was able to get this next chapter done early. The story continues with discoveries, developments and a few heart to hearts. Enjoy.

Report Marezinger Z · 128 views · #Update

Minor Update · 2:52pm May 22nd, 2023

I put the comments widget back on my page. Feel free to leave a comment. :twilightsmile:

Report EroPony1000 · 52 views · #Update

What's Been Going On With Me and Other Updates · 9:31am Aug 2nd, 2020

Good early morning guys and gals. I'm going to give you an update of what I've been up to for an while.

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Report Art199 · 167 views · #updates

Cardboard Casket · 7:24pm March 9th

This story was my first attempt at writing with detail, I think it turned out well.
Thank you to all the wonderful ponies who proofread and pre-read it!

My next story has been written since before Cardboard Casket was released, it just needs to be proofread.
Going to try to get it released this Sunday, but if not, it will be out next Sunday.

Thanks for reading!

Report Silk Rose · 56 views · #Update

Rarity x Pinkie Story Update 5 · 8:59pm Feb 6th, 2019

I'm almost done with the story.

Report Silk Rose · 110 views · #Update

Plush Pondering · 9:47pm March 17th

I had fun writing this story, a nice refresher after Cardboard Casket.
The plush in the cover is mine, I've had her since 2013.
And yes, I do strap her in a seatbelt when she comes with me.

I have several stories in the works, and I'm doing a collaborative story with PseudoBob Delightus for April Fools, so stay tuned for that!

Thanks for reading, and stay safe!

Report Silk Rose · 59 views · #Update

The next chapter will be released soon! · 12:43pm Apr 2nd, 2019

Although we still need about 2k more words hopefully we will get the next chapter out either today or tomorrow. Luna praises we finish it today!

Report KnightnGame · 112 views · #Update

Uh oh · 5:08am April 27th

Well... It kinda seems like that AAC (Are ants changrlings) is slowing down in terms of production. And you would be right in thinking that.

Right now I have a lotta of school work to do since my finals are getting close.

Chapter 8 is supposed to be out today but the more I write it, the more I realize that I really need to push it back one more day.

Well. That's all for now, see ya!

Viewing 361 - 380 of 10,591 results