
Viewing 1 - 20 of 70 results

Fimfiction's Lynch Mob Bullies · 6:59pm Jun 30th, 2021

Let's say for example, I write a very controversial story. It's offensive, or whatever. Does that justify it receiving what is the equivalent of a lynch mob? By all means, downvote it, but spamming them nasty DMs is a bit too far. (as in a large group of DMs from an organised group, I heard this what happened)

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Report Bendy · 625 views · #Bullies #bullying

Were you ever a bully in school? · 6:09pm Jul 4th, 2021

In high school, I was a total bastard of a bully. I myself was bullied by bigger and stronger people. So, I kind of felt the only way to get ahead in the world was to bully others back. And I would bully other people who are weaker than me. I even eventually got back at other bullies and bully them in return out of vengeance.

I look back now in regret. I wish I could have done things differently.

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Report Bendy · 251 views · #bully #bullying #school

Life is Sooooooooooooo........................... · 4:58pm Mar 4th, 2016

Hello everypony. I normally say "LIFE SUCKS WAY TOO MUCH", but now........SOMEBODY'S BULLYING ME AT SCHOOL! This is worse then when I was teased about my hearing aids in Kinder-1st grade! One of the reasons why I can't ignore him (yes, it's a him) is because this dude says I'm super easy to get too! So I've been rewatching stuff that cheers me up like this cover by DF:

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Meaningless bullying on my story? · 10:23am Jun 24th, 2015

So I decided to go on FIMFiction to check if anypony commented on my story... I was met with several rude and hurtful comments and someone posted a video saying 'Retard Alert' ... Wow so hurtful that I'm actually crying. This is the 2nd brony site I have been bullied on. I get it if somepony doesn't like my story but there is no need to go and post such mean things on it. Constructive criticism is one thing bullying is another and it's not ok. My story is not finished yet so it's not perfect I

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I have an issue · 5:55am Feb 1st, 2020

Okay, I have an issue. If you don’t want to know what that issue is, why it’s an issue to me, or you just don’t care, that’s okay. But for those of you who do want to know, here it is.


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Bullying · 5:39am Jan 28th, 2016


I was talking to Silver Trails about bullying the other day, and he asked for some advice. He was asking specifically about being a Brony, but I think I would give the same advice in other situations, too. I don't know if you'll find my letter to him useful, but if you or someone you know is going through some shit right now, I hope it can at least help a little.

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Report Vivid Syntax · 545 views · #Bullying #Brony

Warning. · 5:45am Jan 18th, 2022

My dear followers,

Bit of advice warch your step around Dinoman213. My best friend. :ajsleepy:

Apparently he's has been insulting and harassing me today all because he wants me to admits that It's my fault he deleted HIS story (which was his choice) on HIS profile and got banned for 48 hours on fimfiction on his account all because he was not happy with some text I wrote for a chapter.

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Report HarryBuilder · 293 views · #Bully #helpme

All Good Things… Say No To Bullies... · 11:03pm Jun 15th, 2020

#Blog #Bloggerstribe #AllGoodThings… #Blacklivesmatter
15th June 2020

Hello, Chaps and Chapettes,

I had my break on Sunday as I promised I would and goodness, I needed it. As much as I enjoy writing these and getting into a steady flow of writing something almost every day, I do burn myself out now and again. It is good to have a scheduled break to stop and take stock that I have done enough to be proud of the achievement so far.

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My Choice, and standing up to Cyberbullies · 4:57am Jul 13th, 2016

It really angers me that people have this need to mock me "...Because I like seeing you get angry, and it's fun"

Wow, and people call me pathetic and tell ME to get help? The shoe doesn't fit this time, and why do they do it, simply because the way I live my life and the way I make my stories is unworthy of them, not to their standards.

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So This Happened Today... · 4:31am Mar 30th, 2017

Earlier today, one of my friends who is an exchange student from Russia was called an "Anti-Soviet Bitch" from a disabled, but racist kid. This wasn't the first time this guy would go around and say something like that to other people :twilightangry2:
So guys if your reading this do me a favor. The next time you guys see someone who is getting bullied, please help them (or beat them up). Because the last thing I want to see is someone who terrorizes and hurt other people on purpose.

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Return with caveats · 6:11am Sep 26th, 2023

Well, against everything that resembles better judgement, I might make a return to this ... place.

That said, certain rules will have to be put into place due to how many people here just can't seem to help but take a mile when given an inch.

1. Ratings are disabled

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I guess my feelings dont matter then · 8:53am May 27th, 2016

Yay ... another day at school, another excuse to cry.
So ... I suppose you want a LONG blog after about a million short ones.
So here we go. My day today

2 AM:
I'm pretty sure someone in the house is trying to kill me, I woke up this morning with my earphones tied around my neck as If I was being strangled. And yet I have no recollection of listening to music the night before. Got up, drank water, realised what time it was and sanely fired up my laptop.

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Another reason bullying needs to be destroyed · 5:10pm Apr 9th, 2017


OP Pony or normal Pony? · 11:03am Nov 23rd, 2017

Normal Pony. As in they could die pretty easily. They still have magic and all. But can still bleed and die just like a living creature. Belly rubs is a good way of making them harmless.

OP Pony. Live forever, immune to bullets and nukes. However, their one weakness is bully rubs.

Report Bendy · 365 views · #bully rubs #OP #overpowered

..... · 8:13pm Jan 3rd, 2019

“Stop being confrontational towards other users with personal attacks in comments or blogs. If you do not get along with someone, ignore them or be polite.”

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What kind of Reality does Mykan Live in · 6:30pm Feb 20th, 2018

Many people are really not checking their blind spots and going way over the line with conspiracies about me...

So I'm going to have to correct them...


1: (Partially because of my autism) I've been legally declared UN-FIT to join the workforce (Not by me, by the actual government) I'm only allowed to get jobs that best suit MY NEEDS and MY TALENTS (Actings, singing, voice acting... yayayayaya)

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You! Hey, yeah, you! · 8:57pm Sep 23rd, 2015

I see you there. Stop reading your sissy fanfiction about Fluttershy having breasts so massive that even I'm disgusted by their ballooning, gravity-defying presence and go read a real MANfiction I wrote with the one and only Bookplayer. It's got everything you need in a story. Romance, adventure, AJ slapping shit, AppleDash (almost as good as RariJack, homes. Real talk), it's a happening fic. And you should be part of that happening.

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Trolls across sites · 12:24am Jun 26th, 2023

Hey guys, Crimson here.

A few minutes ago, I logged into this other fanfiction website called where I also post my pony stories and other fanfics I write to there. Normally when I see a bad review, I don't think much of it cause something they say sometimes fuels me to keep on writing and to me it just amuses me.

this guest review isn't amusing, it's down right extortion, harassment and bullying.

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PTSD · 4:31pm Oct 13th, 2020

When I started stuttering a few days ago my Mom called 911 and I was hospitalized to be given a stroke workup. Thankfully everything came back clean. My brain looks fine. So psych was sent in to see me. He was the one who gave me my diagnosis. It was not one I was expecting though, perhaps at the same time I was. I have PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and something caused a break in my brain and I began to stutter.

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Report Foals Errand · 692 views · #ptsd #bullying #teasing

You don't want to go to war with me. · 5:41pm Mar 16th, 2017

:ajbemused: Seriously. Bringing up old drama in an attempt to shame people on an unrelated topic is wrong. The fact that people think it's okay and support it is disgusting, frankly. Grow up and learn how to take criticism rather than write essays about how bad of a person I am.

Because A. I'm not going to read it anyway and B. You're wasting your precious time on some idiot on the Internet, why the fuck do you care what I think of a story.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 70 results