The day of the Rainboom affected more ponies than just the canon Mane Six. Almost ten years later, Princess Celestia sends her personal student Twilight Sparkle and one such affected pony to Ponyville. Meeting four others, they must work together to achieve what Princess Celestia could not: defeat Nightmare Moon and save the long-lost Princess Luna from the monster she was trapped within.

It's also a shameless excuse for me to partner Twilight with five of my favorite ponies. Welcome to the Differentverse.

(Extra character tag: Coco Pommel.)

Author note: All five chapters were fully written prior to initial submission and final publication.
Featured the day of its completion... woohoo!
Tropes page is here.

Chapters (5)

Heirloom and Victory Dance have been getting into all sorts of trouble across Equestria, mostly unintentionally, and mostly because of Victory's lack of an off switch. Heirloom makes sure to keep him safe from whatever comes their way. Follow the journey from the very beginning.

Chapters (1)

"Hi there peeps I'm Lady Vicenza Staccato 17 years old I'm the heir to the vampire throne Daughter of Queen Paulet Staccato and King Lorand Staccato in the supernatural world that is. In the human world, everyone knows me as Vinyl Scratch DJ extraordinar daughter of the famous Photo Finish and Lorance Scratch"
"Hello I'm Princess Octavia Philharmonica 17 years of age the heir to the lycan throne Daughter of Queen Melodious Philharmonica and King Roland Philharmonica, but in the human world I am Octavia Melody the youngest cellist to be accepted into the Canterlot Royal Orchestra."

borrowing some characters from my pal Deathsia edited by DerpyMuffin7, Uncle Falloutand My co-writer The Pony of Darkness

[Slightly based off of blue exorcist and whatever shows/books my 13yr old self enjoyed]

[Disclaimer I own nothing but the plot some settings and a few OC's]

Chapters (3)

Later chapter titles will contain spoilers.

Unable to bring themselves to turn him into the authorities, Rarity and Shining Armor secretly take in and care for a human with some serious medical conditions. It would be more accurate to say they follow necessity than it would be to say they figure out what to do.

Ponies find out who shouldn't, think how they don't usually, but react as they must. Various scenarios we have all seen before, but with a few nuances which might just unravel everything.

AKA: An idiot who's never written any story before ever attempts a deconstruction of various HiE plots and the usual treatment of the FiM universe

All input, ranging everywhere from criticism to ideas for plot developments to alternative names for characters, is always welcome. In this story especially, input regarding my depiction of various medical conditions is wanted. I neither have myself nor know anyone personally with the main conditions I currently have in mind, so corrections regarding my treatment of them will probably be necessary.

I don't have any idea what categories this story should go in, so if someone who is OK with spoilers would like to hear my general idea of where this is going, and/or see unpublished chapters in the future, then please PM me.

I only have a general idea of where this is going, and ideas for various chapter details (now in the form of essentially glorified vignettes), whether or not I fully flesh out my ideas and start working on a plot outline, will depend on how this is received.

Chapters (1)

This will be a series of stories in an AU I was a part of a long time ago. The first three chapters were written in late 2011-early 2012. Currently it follows the life of High Prince Gregor, first child of the High King Sedgor and Queen Vivaldi. Various trouble arise in the Griffon Kingdoms, a lord selling Griffon secrets, racial tensions among the general populace and the Hippogryphs, as well as other events that shall be unfolded in time, assuming I get enough positive feedback or constructive criticism to motivate myself to right more. As of now consider the story on hiatus.

Chapters (3)

Trixie just so happened to find a note from a secret admirer one day at school. And she is more than eager to find whoever it could be.

Chapters (1)

When Eli Shane reversed the Darkbane's portal, hundreds of Slugs were accidentally sent to Equestria. Follow their adventures as the explore their new home, make new friends, and get in trouble.

Crossover with Slugterra

Chapters (4)

Some days simply suck. Some days, Celestia just wants to toss her hooves up and set everything on fire. Today is one of those days, and therefore, there's only one thing to be done.

Kill Philomena. It's for a good cause. Really!

Chapters (2)

While digging around in White Lightning’s fridge after a day of cloud-clearing, Raindrops finds a bottle marked only ‘sauce’.

The two of them attempt to divine the contents.

This story is one hundred thousand percent Themaskedferret‘s fault.

Chapters (1)

If every century the elements of harmony must choose new bearers, who's to say they don't choose someone, or something, that isn't a pony at some point? With that said, what if it chose it because something sentient got hit with a stray harmony blast and found something that needed to be brought to hope?

Chapters (3)