What would you do if you found a small, pink pony crying in New York?

This story was inspired by this image:


As well as this HiE forum post:


Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's sleep is interrupted by the deliver of a letter from the town blacksmith, Parody, who insists that he has something to show her. In the end, she decides to go see what he's going on about.

She should have just stayed in bed.

Well, first attempt at writing a story for the public. We'll see how this goes.

Chapters (1)

Bluescale has found an adorable cat-like creature in Canterlot Castle's garden and has no idea where it came from, so he goes to Twilight for help,he has no idea that he's bitten off more than he could chew...



Twilight Sparkle

Pinkie Pie

Rinda the Mew

( a minor crossover with Pokemon)

Chapters (1)

Minor spoilers for MLP: The Movie

Her plans are foiled, nopony seems to bear a grudge and the Friendship Festival is in full swing. Tempest isn't in a partying mood and keeps to the sidelines, where she encounters an earth pony mare who knows a thing or two about screwing up your own life.

Takes place before Twilight Sparkle talks Tempest into showing off her horn powers through firework.

Chapters (1)

Twilight stays with Spike as his life finally reaches its end.

rated teen for Sadness. Don't read if you can't handle sadness

Sequal - Hello old Friend

Chapters (1)

Pinkie's Cocaine dealer is an anthropomorphic cat named Thrilla Vanilla. Things don't go too well for him. A cursory discussion of Equestrian drug culture and policy also occurs, and also a really unfunny chapter desecrating Skywriter's character Auric. Sorry Skywriter; you didn't deserve this. Go read Skywriter's stories; they're much much better than this.

Another Dumbshotober Story. Rated Teen for drug use and abuse of the Equish language.

Chapters (6)

Capper and Spike save the Crystal Empire from a Snow monster attack.

Link to where I found The Cover

Chapters (2)

A pony learns some very important life lessons while risking his life doing some very everyday things like returning a book and going on a date.

Author Note: I designed the story in order to teach a writer for whom I edit that you don't need to use the character's name all the time. The main character does have a name; it just doesn't matter for this story. The allusion to Dante's Divine Comedy is intentional.

Chapters (3)

A village of magic-using moose in the far north, starved of natural resources, in a desperate attempt of survival travels to Equestria to raid it's inhabitants. Things obviously didn't go according to plan. This is the story of Sven, formerly the village guard. Sven, a blue-eyed, white-coated guard, is among them.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash keeps forcing everyone to read a comic that isn't funny. Twilight tries to find out why and Pinkie Pie is, as usual, completely unhelpful in a deeply unpleasant way.

Originally was gonna be inspired by Super Trampoline but things went a weird way. Dedicated to him anyway.

Chapters (1)