Hearts and Hooves Day and a lone dragon tries to read a book as Rarity is swarmed with cards and gifts.

Chapters (4)

When Rainbow goes to see Fluttershy, she finds her friend acting odd, saying she's "just in time". What are she and Discord up to?

Day Five of #FluttercordWeek

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Her Number 1 Husband

Spike and Twilight been best friends since kindergarten and always been there for each other, but when the boy spends the night at her place thing's become akward and start thinking if they should be more then best friends.

Spike x Twilight one shot

In this story Spike is not a dog and not part of the Sparkle family and also Shining and Cadence aren't married yet

Chapters (1)

Unaware of the consequences, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle introduce Apple Bloom to a musician she's never heard of before.

It probably wasn't the best idea.

Chapters (5)

I was born in the poor part of Baltimore, Maryland. One day, a gang known as "Murda Street" came in and killed my family. I then ran off and fell down a hole into a strange new world. What is this place?

POVs will change throughout the story. This is set in Tales From Tinies. If you don't know about Tales From Tinies, Tinies are human beings at a very minature size. They also, thanks to magic, can't get hurt by anything.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Discord

After the events of "Discord" Twilight Sparkle, the new princess of Equestria, daughter of Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armour, decided to remain in the Everfree forest with Discord, who once was Equestria's greatest foe. Ever since then Princess Twilight has been getting frequent visits from her parents and Celestia. Even though Discord has become an ally, he fears their bonding would ruin the only friendship his ever known. And when Twilight asks to visit Ponyville and make very best friends his insecurity is tested.
And give a very big thanks to https://www.fimfiction.net/user/330413/PurpleWonderPower for allowing this to exist and to the fic "Discord"
There also will be romance tag, as their relationship builds up.

Chapters (14)

Day 4 of Fluttercord Week (Theme: Angel Bunny). A soon bride to be has an important conversation with her fuzzy ring bearer before she walks down the aisle and marries the draconequus of her dreams. Sorry for the lack of cover art:( If you’re interested in making a cover art for this story, let me know here on Fimfiction because I would love some cover art for this bad boy^^

Fluttercord Week: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214010/fluttercord-week

Chapters (1)

At the end of a simple but boring day, Cursed Fate sleeps only to have the same recurring dream. This dream of a simple shadowed pony looking creature calling out for his name. For a long time he just considered this is just be a strange occurrence and the dreams would stop, only to encounter that same shadowy looking pony that says she knows him and has been looking for him.

Chapters (1)

By year 1010, the Changelings have become more aggressive. They have conquered Olenia, home of the reindeer and coerced the Polar Bears to the north to submit. The situation in diplomatic talks have broken down as Equestrians found the Changelings to be warmongers. A small portion of the Equestrian Army and Navy have been sent to the border to ensure that the Changelings do not invade Equestria.

This was a scare tactic by Grand-Commander Prince Blueblood, to tell the Changelings that Equestria was off-limits. It was believed that the Changelings would return to talks soon after this show of force.

A young Pegasus who joined the Royal Canterlots Division was assigned to a city close to the border. The cities name was Acornage, a quiet city that upheld the virtues in harmony. The young Pegasus craving the adventure and belief that Equestria is unconquerable assures friends and family back home with letters that the Changelings are not a threat. Little does this Pegasus know, these letters will be the only comfort in the near future.

Chapters (1)

Agni and his brother are orphans moving from family member to family member until the moved to their uncle's house and Gym.

this is a story to join the Pome Universe all Characters and property belong to their creators.

Chapters (2)