Before Bon Bon married the love of her life, Lyra Heartstrings, an odd event one day lead her to a short, bittersweet affair with a strange, two-legged creature she'd never seen before.

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic x Fallout: New Vegas crossover, featuring Bon Bon x Red Lucy as the core ship. (Please note, while this IS a MLP x Fallout crossover, it is NOT a Fallout Equestria fic)

Written for Bicyclette's Woman x Mare shipping contest.

Chapters (1)

Mossy Trails was born in the Equestrian Wastelands, and knew nothing more than living to survive. She knew only how to keep moving to avoid danger. She grew up alone for the most part, but then began to rescue unwanted, abandoned, or orphaned foals. She knew not to trust others. But the older she's got, and the more foals she's added to her little group of wanderer's, the more she's come to understand that there must be something more. And that she must find safety for her children. Safety and solidity. It's getting harder and harder to hide as the groups grown. And times are changing. She knows she must find somewhere safe to settle them. Before they're discovered.

Chapters (2)

A short collection of one-shots! Everyone's favorite purple sparkly unicorn is teleported out of Season Two, and into the Fallout Equestria universe. Somehow. Along with her friends.

(We ignore that the Mane Six are already part of the Fo:E backstory.)

Chapters (2)

What happened to Tirek on the day the bombs fell? This is a tiny one shot that captures how the end of days affected what was once Equestria's greatest foe, and how he met his fate.

In order to fit the lore of Fallout Equestria, this story assumes that instead of escaping Tartarus to find the elements had new bearers and defeating them, Tirek was successfully subdued by Cerberus and remained within his prison.

Fallout Equestria created by KKat.

Chapters (1)

A few months before, the Battle of Neighvarro ended with the destruction of an Enclave flagship. These events lead to the rise of the Progressive movement in the Enclave, and to sweeping changes in thought to ponies across Equestria.

Caught up in these waves of political change is Winter Breeze, a schoolteacher turned politician who was selected as the candidate for the new Progressive Party. But she must face her own challenges to make sure she survives and can make the Enclave better.

This is her story.

Set in an alternate universe of my fic Fallout Equestria: Survivor's Guilt.

My 2018 Christmas special, I know it doesn't seem like it but it is.

Written with the help of the always amazing LittlestofPips, who helped come up with many of the ideas here as well as writing a character in part 2.

Chapters (2)

Things are going pretty well at the Ponyville Library! Princess Celestia is even stopping by for tea this afternoon, which certainly isn't a kind of exam, definitely not requiring frantic preparation.

Even better, a long-backordered book has finally arrived. But as Twilight and her friends are about to discover, this is no ordinary book. Because while reading may be for everypony, certain stories are not for the faint of heart.

(This is a rework of a previously-cancelled, never-finished story of mine. Please note that detailed knowledge of Fallout/Fo:E is not required to enjoy this version.)

Chapters (6)

Red Shade is a bat pony living in the colony. As an orphan life is rough. Life get's rougher when a bully pushes things way to far.

Comission for Jamin P. Rose

Chapters (1)

Naruto and Sunset have ended up in late 1800's America. There Naruto is found by Theodore Roosevelt and became his ward. And Sunset ended up becoming the daughter of Barbie Norton. Now years later Naruto becomes a government agent along with Kurama in protecting their new home against threats from other worlds.

If you like my work, considering supporting me on www.patreon.com/Madhat886.

Chapters (36)

The sequel to Home Sweet Home Which in itself was a sequel to Make Love Not War Atom learns that life isn't always a joke, as she goes to face off with her past and her future. Atom Return's to Manechester after nearly ten years of being gone. She faces a multitude of trials. The most difficult is reconciling who she was with who she is.
Tags will be added to avoid spoilers.
with help from

Chapters (2)

This is a group project that is open and ongoing! If interested in writing your own chapter, you can find the prompt and rules here!

The Equestrian wasteland is a mixed bag to say the least. Many ponies will shoot you for your caps or your hide just as soon as look at you. Best friends or family will fight to the death over the last can of beans or final few drops of dirty water. But there are others, too, who still know words like sharing and kindness, who struggle to do good in a world gone bad.

These are all of their stories. The good and the bad. The stories of the Wastelanders.

Fallout Equestria logo made by the amazing artwork-tee. Wastelanders edit by me.

Chapters (4)